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          GSA offers a variety of meetings to geoscientists—from small   GSA CONNECTS 2021 STATS
         research forums, to moderate specialty conferences, to a large annual
         meeting. These forums, conferences, and meetings are held around   2,864      61                34
         the globe throughout the year. GSA provides a platform for scientists   In-Person   OTF Mentors   Short Courses
         to share their latest research, build upon current knowledge, and net-  Attendees
         work with peers. GSA strives to keep meetings cost effective while            50                12
         providing the latest technology platforms for scientific exchange.   1,109  GeoCareers       Field Trips
          GSA hosted its first hybrid meeting in October 2021 in Portland,   Online Attendees   Mentors
         Oregon, USA. All Pardee Keynote Symposia, Noontime Lectures,
         Halbouty Distinguished Lecture, and the GSA Presidential Address,   76        50               2,703
         along with 80+ selected topical sessions, were live-streamed and   On To the Future   Countries   Abstracts
         recorded for on-demand viewing by registered attendees. There   (OTF) Scholars   Represented   Accepted
         were close to 3,000 attendees in Portland (1,000 online) for GSA’s
         first in-person meeting coming out of the pandemic. Twenty-two
         short courses were offered online and six in person. More than 108   attendees. Next up was the Northeastern Section Meeting in
         companies, organizations, and universities exhibited during the   Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA, on 20–22 March; they had close
         meeting, up from 53 in 2020. GSA successfully implemented its   to 680 attendees. The North-Central & Southeastern Joint Section
         Commitment to Care program to keep attendees in Portland healthy   Meeting closed things out on 7–8 April in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA,
         and safe, requiring all attendees to be vaccinated, test before arriv-  and online, with 845 attendees.
         ing, wear a mask, and socially distance.               GSA Penrose Conferences and Thompson Field Forums are
          Hundreds of volunteers participate yearly in GSA Connects—  GSA’s premiere small-group meeting and field-trip venues for
         from Local Organizing Committee members and the Joint   collaborative research around the world. GSA hosted a Penrose
         Technical Program Committee to the hundreds of session conve-  Conference titled “The Geological Fingerprints of Slow
         ners from every geoscience discipline. There is something for   Earthquakes” on Santa Catalina Island, California, USA, on
         everyone at GSA Connects.                            1–5 April 2022, with 49 attendees, after having reschedule
          GSA Section Meetings are unique venues for interdisciplinary   multiple times in 2021. A Thompson Field Forum titled “Old or
         science and are important hubs for discussing and presenting   Young? The Topographic Evolution of the Sierra Nevada” was
         current research. They provide an excellent opportunity for both   held from 20–27 June going between Nevada and California,
         professionals and students to attend and participate in technical   with 40 attendees. A second Penrose Conference titled
         sessions, field trips, and short courses close to home.   “Progressive Failure of Brittle Rocks” was hosted at the
          In 2022, GSA was able to host two in-person Section Meetings,   Highland Lake Inn and Resort in Flat Rock, North Carolina,
         one online Section Meeting, and one hybrid. The South-Central   USA, from 20–24 June, with 85 attendees.
         Section Meeting kicked things off with an online meeting on   While the pandemic continues to cause havoc for many organi-
         14–15 March with 143 attendees. Right on South-Central’s heels   zations and scientific societies, this past fiscal year has shown that
         was the Cordilleran & Rocky Mountain Section Joint Meeting    folks are ready to meet back in person, especially when safety pro-
         in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on 15–17 March with close to 600   cedures are put into place and followed by fellow geoscientists.

                           October                                                                149 professionals,

                                                                                                  108 early-career
                           GSA hosted its first hybrid meeting in                                 professionals,
                           October 2021 in Portland, Oregon, USA.                                 544 students,
                                                                                                  13 K–12 teachers,
         Amanda Labrado                                                                           and 54 affiliates
         began a one-year                                                                         were elected to
         term in the office                                                                       membership.
         of Representative                                     Eighteen scholars who were selected
         Ocasio-Cortez                                         for the On To the Future Program
         (D-NY) as the                                         (OTF) program in 2020 deferred their
         GSA-USGS                                              awards until 2021. They joined 58
         Congressional                                         diverse students who were selected to
         Science Fellow in                                     participate as the OTF cohort at GSA
         September 2021.                                       Connects 2021.

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