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science and honoring the accomplishments of awardees. When   highlighted for 20 years of GSA service! Thank you to all who
         combined with the renewal of in-person networking events, GSA   ensure that GSA functions smoothly and fulfills all the necessary
         Connects 2021 was a meeting to remember.              tasks, typically behind the scenes.
          Sprinkled throughout the U.S., highly successful Section
         Meetings brought together members in person as well as in a   Transitions of Essential Knowledge
         hybrid environment, with one Section transitioning to fully   GSA members and geoscientists are essential to providing solu-
         remote. Each Section Meeting was attended by at least one mem-  tions to many of society’s most vexing problems. Critical is their
         ber of the executive team. These meetings are a hallmark of GSA,   role in climate-change solutions, water resources, energy develop-
         in part because of student participation and programs. GSA mem-  ment, and identification, exploration, and sourcing materials for
         bers volunteer endless hours to shape, organize, and host such   the energy transition and for technological needs, yet geosciences
         meetings, and GSA staff ensures they succeed.         are commonly underrepresented in these discussions and in
                                                               research and policy decision making. To highlight our critical role
                                                               in society, an additional consensus item from the leadership retreat
                                                               was the need for refreshing of GSA’s mission statement to provide
                                                               a clear message that GSA members do science for humankind’s
                                                               best interest. This refresh is on deck for the coming year.
                                                                At the request of the National Science Foundation (NSF), GSA
                                                               embarked on another successful crowd-sourcing event for transforma-
                                                               tive research in GeoHealth. Capitalizing on ideas and knowledge of
                                                               constituents from across our membership and Associated Societies,
                                                               GSA’s Division of Geology and Health, and our D.C. Geoscience
                                                               Policy Office, GSA’s report was accepted with high marks by NSF
                                                               leadership for its innovative ideas. The working group highlighted
         Transitions in Organizational Structure               geomaterials for society’s benefit as well as the challenges.
          Council meetings bring together dedicated elected council mem-  There are many more topics encompassing a myriad of other
         bers with GSA leadership. This year, GSA Council met in person and   advances in GSA’s highly successful publications, meetings, pro-
         remotely to advance GSA’s activities, programs, and partnerships,   grams, awards, and committees. GSA is successful because of the
         and to implement the many recommendations made by last year’s ad   amazing, hardworking staff and the many volunteers like yourselves
         hoc committees. Exhausting hours on Zoom are to be applauded.   who donate countless hours to advance the geosciences and the
         GSA’s continued commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion   Society. Progress has occurred, and GSA is on the cusp of even
         (DEI) was highlighted by the hiring of our new associate director for   greater impacts in the future. Watch for more transformations.
         DEI, Dr. Elizabeth Long. She will begin implementing recommenda-  The synergy of leadership, membership, staff, and partners coupled
         tions from our ad hoc DEI working group. Commensurate with our   with our passion for the geosciences will facilitate GSA’s continued
         commitment, changes to the nominations portal to incorporate DEI   evolution and positive transitions into the future. All of these transi-
         activities into the nominations process will be forthcoming.   tions affirm the leadership of GSA in the geoscience community.
          Transformations have occurred in both the Council and the   It has been my pleasure and honor to work with all of you.
         monthly Executive Committee meetings to make for more   The year has flown by.
         engagement by explicitly focusing on strategy for the future and
         strategic discussions of programs. Additionally, conversation
         centers around how to best message our members to effectively
         communicate of all GSA’s benefits, opportunities, and programs.
          Annually, GSA and the GSA Foundation celebrate the service of        Barb Dutrow,
         dedicated staff who have been at the Society for a landmark number    2021–2022 GSA President
         of years: 5, 10, 15 and 20! This year I had the pleasure of remote
         participation by reading citations for the nine staff being recog-
         nized. The incredible depth and commitment of GSA’s staff under-
         scores their passion for the organization. Three staff members were

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                                                                                      Annual Program Report | FY 2022  13
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