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         A Year of Transitions

          Change remains the constant and this past year at the Geological
         Society of America (GSA) saw many transitions begin and continue
         to unfold in GSA’s evolution. The planning for the retirement of our
         terrific Executive Director, Dr. Vicki McConnell; the sale of our
         headquarters building; the continued commitment to DEI; and the
         implementation of a key feature of the Decadal Strategic plan—
         spinning up GSA’s Center for Professional Excellence. Driven by
         members, leaders, and staff, the stage is set for strengthening GSA,
         reaching out into a larger geo-ecosystem, and highlighting the vital-
         ity of the geosciences as a critical component needed to solve some
         of society’s thorniest issues.
         Beginning the Transition of the GSA Executive
         Director                                               A generous leaseback allows GSA to occupy the building for
          My term began on 1 July 2021, the beginning of the FY2022 fis-  two years, providing time to assess new workplace needs in an
         cal year, with a high priority task: initiating the search for the next   increasingly hybrid landscape. The pandemic brought a myriad of
         GSA Executive Director (ED)/CEO. With the impending retirement   changes to the workplace environment, with GSA staff, Council,
         of our current ED at the end of 2022, the multicomponent process of   and leadership transitioning seamlessly to a remote work environ-
         formulating transition plans and selecting a representative and high-  ment and now to a hybrid work environment. Assessing the new
         quality search committee was a critical first step. While this change   HQ needs will be in the hands of the incoming ED/CEO, with
         will be a challenge, it is an opportunity to explore a range of leader-  more transitions to occur.
         ship models. With that as a backdrop, ED Vicki McConnell and I   As one final detail in the building sale, GSA Council had a special
         organized the annual leadership retreat in August 2021 with the   June meeting with the explicit task of investing the funds received.
         expert facilitation by Seth Kahan of   While exciting and daunting at the same time, Council met with our
         Thirty-five GSA leaders, councilors, staff, and past presidents   strategic investment advisors and, informed by our highly talented
         embraced Kahan’s thought-provoking presentations focused on   Investment Committee, made the decision for investing the funds to
         leadership models for the ED, as well as transformative and scalable   provide operating funds for the future HQ. These funds will be
         models for the Society. Spirited discussions resulted in a consensus   explicitly used for relocating into a new HQ space, buildout that may
         document outlining essential and desired attributes of our next ED/  need to occur, upkeep, and other related expenses. With our stellar
         CEO. Commensurate with this is GSA’s desire to reach out to a   Investment Committee and advisors, GSA members can be assured
         larger ecosystem of membership, becoming more sustainable, and   that funds are secure, well invested, and will bring the needed
         move beyond our traditional sphere of influence. To maximize our   resources to GSA for its continued success.
         ED/CEO search options, we employed the search firm, Storbeck, to
         guide us through the search and identify strong candidates. They   Transitions at the GSA Connects Annual Meeting
         have been superb at every step. The ED/CEO search is well under-  and Section Meetings
         way, led by past president Doug Walker and past Councilor Wendy   Excitement permeated the Portland Convention Center as GSA
         Bohrson. More exciting news will certainly follow as this effort   Connects 2021 reunited geoscientists in October for one of the first
         comes to fruition.                                    in-person professional meetings following the COVID-19 shutdown.
                                                               With local, state, and national rules changing daily, GSA Council
         Transition of Headquarters                            unanimously voted to move ahead with the in-person meeting, hop-
          Nearly two years ago, the Ad Hoc Campus Vision Committee   ing for the best, while also having a hybrid component such that
         outlined a plan for the GSA campus. The specifically designed and   members could choose their comfort level. GSA meetings staff
         constructed headquarters (HQ) building, on a street—Penrose   superbly navigated the technological challenges and seamlessly
         Place—named to honor an early GSA benefactor, is now 50 years   transitioned to the various oral delivery styles. With vaccinations
         old and is showing its age. Facing many facility issues, the 2020   required and safety protocols in place, the many social engagements
         Council voted unanimously to begin the sale of the building and   brought time for the oh-so-missed networking events.
         campus. ED McConnell worked tirelessly to find a like-minded,   GSA is unsurpassed in its student events, mentoring opportuni-
         mission-oriented, not-for-profit organization to purchase the build-  ties, and interactions. One of our biggest successes to foster
         ing and surrounding land. Requiring mountains of paperwork,   engagement and a sense of belonging in underrepresented groups
         hours of legal consultation, and many negotiations, the sale of the   is GSA’s On To the Future program. Supported by generous dona-
         building took place on 5 April 2022. A signing ceremony was held   tions, this year inaugurated the largest class and had standing-
         in Boulder followed by a reception at GSA headquarters for the   room-only events. To further inclusivity and the sense of belong-
         new and old occupants, with online and in-person toasts. I had the   ing, LGBTQ+ events were included in the program and attended
         pleasure of flying in for the event.                  by many. As always, there was the celebration of sharing excellent

         12  Annual Program Report | FY 2022
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