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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

          The Awards Committees submitted revised award rubrics to   diversity and inclusion on all committees. The report was approved
         Council, following the guidelines of the ad hoc Nominations and   by Council, and GSA staff began the implementation process.
         Awards Committee. GSA staff worked to implement the recom-  GSA held its annual meeting in Portland, Oregon, USA, in October
         mendations to the nominations and awards process for incoming   2021, using both virtual and in-person formats. After receiving feed-
         Committee members to utilize in the coming year.      back from attendees, GSA members, and our larger community, GSA
          Acting on recommendations from GSA Council and member-  committed to a fully hybrid and accessible annual meeting in October
         ship, including the ad hoc Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)   2022. In addition, GSA incorporated feedback from membership to
         Committee, GSA initiated a hiring search for a full-time, director-  improve inclusion at the annual meeting, highlighting events such as
         level staff position to oversee DEI efforts.          the LGBTQ+ reception, live-streaming talks for presenters who are
          In January, Dr. Elizabeth Long joined the GSA staff as the orga-  unable to attend in person, and revising ethical guidelines and codes
         nization’s first associate director of DEI. Priorities for this position   of conduct for programs such as poster sessions.
         include working with membership to improve DEI work at the   Members of our National Science Foundation–funded Geosciences
         annual meeting and Section Meetings; revising GSA’s nomina-  ASCEND RCN (Geosciences Associated Societies Committed to
         tions and awards processes, in partnership with member-guided   Embracing and Normalizing Diversity Research Coordinated
         committees; and securing funding to increase and improve the   Network) project met for a virtual planning summit in early 2022.
         sustainability of DEI efforts.                        In June, Geo ASCENDS hosted its first Community Conversation,
          In the fall, GSA’s ad hoc Committee on Nominations and Awards   a virtual format open meeting designed to allow participants to work-
         submitted its report to Council outlining proposed revisions designed   shop specific topics, challenges, and goals with peers from other RCN
         to improve inclusivity and equity of GSA’s awards as well as increase   project team members. The monthly Community Conversations are
                                                               facilitated by project personnel and largely driven by GSA members.


          GSA updated and enhanced its Events Code of Conduct and   policies, the types of concerns being raised, and how GSA has
         related resources, including a new training guide for session   resolved them. Using fair, rigorous enforcement procedures, GSA
         chairs, to foster respectful, inclusive scientific events (RISE;   continues to take all complaints seriously and to impose sanctions More than 300 GSA members, ranging   for proven violations, up to and including the revocation of mem-
         from Councilors to student volunteers, were trained on procedures   bership and fellowship status.
         to promote a welcoming culture where meeting and field-trip    GSA continues to serve on the Leadership Council of the Societies
         participants feel safe coming forward with concerns.  Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM, a coalition of profes-
          The 2021 Annual Ethics Report is online at  sional societies formed to share and promote leading practices to
         documents/gsa/about/ethics/2021-annual-ethics-report.pdf.   advance a culture of inclusion, excellence, and integrity across fields
         This report provides transparent information about GSA’s ethics   in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine.

         July                                August                             September

         GSA connected 223 students and                        GSA welcomes     Scientific Division members and non-
         ECPs with enriching, interdisciplinary                Morgan Disbrow-  members were surveyed to gain insight
                                                                                as to why the membership of some
                                                               Monz (below) to
         projects led by the USDA Forest
        2021  Bureau of Land Management.     Emily Zawacki     term as GSA's    why a portion of GSA members choose
                                                                                Divisions have increased or decreased,
                                                               begin a one-year
         Service, National Park Service, and
                                                                                not to belong to any Divisions, and how
                                                               Science Policy
                                                                                membership in scientific Divisions can
                                                                                be more relevant and valuable.
                                             (above) begins
                                             term as GSA’s
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