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Government Affairs

         Policy Webinars                                       • Supporting open science and sustainable public access
          With health and safety concerns limiting access to Capitol Hill,   • Advancing scientific research on the microbiome
         GSA joined with other geoscience societies to hold webinars to
         facilitate the ability of geoscientists to engage in policy remotely.   GSA Science Policy Fellow
         These webinars are archived in GSA’s members-only online toolkit.  GSA welcomed Morgan Disbrow-Monz to begin a one-year
         • Connecting Close to Home: Engaging Federal Policymakers in   term as the “in-house” GSA Science Policy Fellow in August
          Your Community                                       2021. Disbrow-Monz earned her Ph.D. from the University of
         • Experiences of Being a Geoscience Congressional Fellow:    Minnesota, where her research focused on better understand-
          A Primer for Applicants                              ing the microstructural processes in natural ice that play a major
         • Geoscience Policy Update                            role in glacier and ice sheet movement. Morgan reflects, “As a
         • Engaging with Policymakers in and out of D.C.       lifelong scientist with a limited policy background, the fellowship
          Additionally, GSA and its partners held several virtual briefings   is providing me with the essential skills, mentorship, and profes-
         for congressional staff about key geoscience issues, including:   sional network to be an effective communicator in the policy
         • The Devastating Power of Tsunamis & What They Mean for the   arena. … I rely on creative communication strategies to serve as a
          Coastal U.S.                                         liaison between GSA members and policymakers, which includes
         • Unpredictable & Dangerous: Lessons from the 2022 Tonga   writing about current legislation on GSA’s Speaking of Geoscience
          Eruption                                             blog, expanding GSA’s public toolkits for effective meetings with
         • Minerals for the 21st Century Economy               policymakers, developing informational webinars, and interacting
                                                               with members directly at GSA’s various meetings.”
         GSA Letters and Testimony
          GSA submitted testimony requesting increased funding for the   “This position fulfills my curiosity needs by allowing me
         U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), National Science Foundation   to continue expanding my knowledge of scientific issues
         (NSF), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration   but with an emphasis on building human relationships
         (NASA) for fiscal year 2023. GSA is an active member of coali-  to promulgate that knowledge.” —Morgan Disbrow-
         tions that also submitted testimony and letters in support of geo-  Monz, 2021–2022 GSA Science Policy Fellow
         science agencies, including the Coalition for National Science
         Funding, the Coalition for Aerospace and Science, USGS   GSA-USGS Congressional Science Fellow
         Coalition, the Energy Sciences Coalition, and the Task Force on   Amanda Labrado began a one-year term in the office of
         American Innovation.                                  Representative Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) as the GSA-USGS
          Among the letters GSA sent to policymakers included the fol-  Congressional Science Fellow in September 2021. Labrado is a
         lowing statements:                                    biogeochemist who received her Ph.D. from The University of
         • Supporting the “Reconciliation in Place Names Act,” which    Texas at El Paso (UTEP), where she studied how microbes facili-
          creates a process to review and revise offensive names of    tate the formation of minerals on the top of salt domes. She writes,
          public lands                                         “Engaging in the policy-making process has allowed me to utilize
         • Calling on Congress to lead with science to understand and   the skills geoscientists learn to sharpen in different ways. The
          address the effects of climate change                ability to make observations, analyze data, apply knowledge, and

         November                                                               December

         Changes to the GSA Fellowship                                          A working group of scientific Division
         Program, as recommended by                                             leaders was formed to further
         the Fellowship ad hoc Committee                                        analyze the Divisions members and
         and approved by Council, were                                          non-members survey results, make
         implemented. These changes included                                    recommendations to strengthen
         updated criteria for nominators, clarified                             scientific Division memberships, and
         eligibility requirements for nominees,   GSA’s ad hoc Committee on Nominations   better serve their members.
         and new nomination categories.      and Awards submitted its report to
                                             Council outlining proposed revisions
                                             designed to improve inclusivity and   All Division
                                             equity of GSA’s awards as well as   websites were
                                             increase diversity and inclusion on all   updated to
                                             committees.                        cleaner design.

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