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          Geology has reached a milestone, publishing volume 50 in 2022.   2022 JOURNAL IMPACT FACTORS™
         In 1970, GSA leaders looking for new ways to disseminate scien-   (FROM CLARIVATE, 2022)
         tific information assigned the task to an ad hoc study group, which
         proposed a “short-note, rapid publication journal.” GSA Council   Geology:            GSA Bulletin:
         gave the go-ahead in 1972 (the same year that the Society’s head-  6.324; five-year: 6.456  5.410; five-year: 5.250
         quarters building was completed at 3300 Penrose Place in Boulder,
         Colorado, USA), and the first issue of Geology was published in   Geosphere:         Environmental
         September 1973. Along with short, peer-reviewed articles, early   3.944; five-year: 4.284  & Engineering
         issues included book reviews, letters, and summaries of GSA                            Geoscience:
         Bulletin papers. Today, the journal is at the top of its game and                  0.779; five-year: 0.860
         has been the leading geoscience journal for many years.
          Published by GSA since 1890, Geological Society of America
         Bulletin has fulfilled many roles, recording GSA’s activities, meeting   GSA books are produced in print but are also online at
         abstracts, proceedings, and memorials to members, finally settling   GeoScienceWorld, and print and ebook versions are sold in the
         into the sole purpose of publishing peer-reviewed research. In the   GSA Store. GSA published nine Special Papers, three Memoirs,
         early 2000s, when GSA digitized and posted all issues back to vol-  and three Field Guides in fiscal year 2022. Legacy series, avail-
         ume 1, usage soared, and the journal’s impact factor climbed. But one   able online or in the GSA Store, include Reviews in Engineering
         nagging problem has followed Bulletin off and on for decades: a back-  Geology and Maps and Charts. Additional ebooks available at
         log of accepted papers waiting to be published. A victim of its own   GeoScienceWorld include Engineering Geology Case Histories,
         popularity, Bulletin has always had long papers and lots of them.   Penrose Field Guides, and numerous non-series books. At the
         (Some readers may recall the most [in]famous solution to the problem:   GSA Store and online is the complete suite of Decade of North
         microfiche.) Today, papers are published online as soon as they are   American Geology volumes and maps.
         ready, but there is still a long wait for papers to be assigned to a print
         issue, even after the number of papers in each issue was doubled. In   GSA’s peer-reviewed journals and books are made
         April 2022, GSA Council approved a Publications Committee pro-  possible by 18 science editors, 127 associate editors
         posal to cease the print version of GSA Bulletin after 2023, and the   and editorial board members, and 1,831 reviewers!
         journal will carry on as an online publication.
          Born online-only in 2005 and made fully open access in 2017   A top member benefit is GSA Today, GSA’s open-access science
         is Geosphere, which continues to enjoy a climbing impact factor.   and news magazine, featuring peer-reviewed science articles, hot-
         A few libraries still request print copies of Environmental &   topic and issue-driven articles, member news, and announcements.
         Engineering Geoscience, published jointly by the Association of   All members get free online access to Geology and free access
         Environmental and Engineering Geologists and GSA, but its   to the GSA Millennium Edition of Geofacets, a web-based tool to
         online presence at GeoScienceWorld brings its content of new    access thousands of georeferenced maps. Student and early-career
         theory, applications, and case histories to a wider audience.  professional members also get free online access to GSA Bulletin.

                                                               Six diverse
                                                               students were
                                                               each provided
                                                               a US$1,500 for
                                                               the Expanding
                                                               Representation in   Justin Samuel
                                                               the Geosciences   began his role as
                                                               Scholarship       GSA’s Marketing
         Thompson Field Forum titled “Old or Young? The Topographic   Program (ERG),   and Communication
         Evolution of the Sierra Nevada” was held from 20–27 June going   a GSA student   Director.
         between Nevada and California with 40 attendees. A Penrose   membership,
         Conference titled “Progressive Failure of Brittle Rocks” was   and full meeting
         hosted at the Highland Lake Inn and Resort in Flat Rock, North   registration for GSA  SIP 2022 winter application closed
         Carolina, USA, from 20–24 June with 85 attendees.     Connects 2022.    with 1,274 applicants.

                                                                                      Annual Program Report | FY 2022  23
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