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effectively communicate have been crucial to me in learning how   maximize synergy in identifying, monitoring, communicating,
         to present policies, work in a bipartisan manner, and remain calm   and mitigating impacts on human health that occur through geo-
         and productive during tight turnarounds.”             logic processes. In concert, those same partners provide synergy
                                                               to use geological materials to improve human health. The full
         GSA Updates Seven Position Statements                 report is online at
          Over the past year, GSA Council approved a major revision to
         the Water Resources position statement, now titled Water   Policy Outreach
         Resources: Quantity. Minor revisions to the following position   GSA’s policy office conducted an interactive, gallery-style, out-
         statements were also approved: Supporting Planetary Exploration,   reach activity at the Northeastern Section Meeting in Lancaster,
         Teaching Evolution, Rewarding Professional Contributions in Public   Pennsylvania, USA, to gain a better understanding of what the
         Spheres, Geoheritage, The Value of Geologic Mapping, and   GSA membership views as the most pressing geoscience policy
         Freedom of Scientific Expression. GSA members are encouraged    issues and how the community recommends working toward solu-
         to use the statements as geoscience communication tools when   tions to these issues. Diversity, equity, and inclusion, education,
         interacting with policymakers, students, colleagues, and the general   and climate change were the top broad issues that emerged. GSA
         public. These are online at  hopes to continue and expand on this activity at future meetings
                                                               to track how priority issues change over time.
         Geoscience and Human Health (GeoHealth):
         Impacts and Mitigation of Impacts on Human            Speaking of Geoscience Blog Policy Updates
         Health Due to a Changing Natural Environment           Over the past year, the policy office contributed nine policy
          Under the overarching theme of GeoHealth, the National   posts to GSA’s Speaking of Geoscience blog: Energizing the
         Science Foundation (NSF) requested GSA contribute innovative   Future: House of Representatives passes the Department of
         ideas that have the potential for solving societal problems and    Energy Science for the Future Act; Reconciling with our Past:
         provide commercialization potential on a short time frame. GSA   The Reconciliation in Place Names Act; Budgeting for Science:
         gathered feedback from its network, including members and   What the White House’s Budget Request and Congress’
         Associated Societies, through a series of targeted brainstorming   Appropriations Mean for Federal Science Agencies; Science
         sessions, online questionnaires, Section Meeting events, and   Policy at the GSA Connects 2021 Annual Meeting in Portland,
         directed outreach to experts in the community of practice. GSA    Oregon; Bipartisan Investment in The nation’s Infrastructure:
         is grateful to its members and the broader community for their   H.R.3684 Signed into Law!; Revisiting the 1872 Mining Law;
         thoughtful input and to the NSF for the opportunity to participate.   FY22: Less Than Expected Increases for Science; GSA Fellow,
          The responses underscore the fundamental linkage that the   Dr. Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Confirmed to Lead the Department of
         health of Earth influences the health of humans. It is essential that   Energy Office of Science; and Dr. David Applegate’s Nomination
         geoscientists, who analyze all of Earth’s spheres, partner with   to be the Director of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Moves to
         those in the health, epidemiological, and toxicological fields to   the Senate Floor.

                 January                                                                    February

                                   New user experience for the online    GEOLOGY, VOLUME  50,  NO.  1   ISSN 0091-7613   JANUARY 2022  ■  VOL. 50  NO. 1  ■   P. 1–126
                                   member community was launched.                           Research grants and
              2022                                                     JANUARY  2022        with hundreds of grant
                                                                                            awards deadlines
                                                                                            culminated this month,


                 Dr. Elizabeth
                 Long joined the                                       Geology reached a
                 GSA staff as the                                      milestone, publishing
                 organization’s first                                  volume 50 in 2022.
                 associate director
                 of DEI.

                                                                                      Annual Program Report | FY 2022  19
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