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Group to offer an online workshop about “Virtual Contexts” for    more than 330 students were funded, with over US$750,000 pro-
         ~30 educators in conjunction with GSA Connects 2021.  vided in total. This material is based upon work supported by the
                                                               National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1949901.
                                                               Undergraduate Student Research Grants
         GeoCorps™ America and The National Park                Four GSA Sections awarded 17 undergraduate students with
         Service (NPS) Scientists in Parks (SIP) Program       research grants, totaling over US$17,000 in funding.
          GSA connected 223 students and ECPs with enriching, interdis-
         ciplinary projects led by the USDA Forest Service, National Park   AGeS-DiG
         Service, and Bureau of Land Management. Program participants   GSA facilitated applications for the AGeS-DiG (Awards for
         were placed at 132 federal public-land sites and offices and com-  Geochronology Student Research, Diversity in Geochronology)
         pleted more than 116,000 hours of critical work related to the geo-  program, which provided six research grants aimed at expanding
         sciences and other natural-resource fields.           access to geochronology for those underrepresented in the earth
          GSA Connects 2021 featured 12 GeoCorps and SIP participants   sciences. This material is based upon work supported by the
         presenting their work.                                National Science Foundation under EAR-1759200, -1759353,
                                                               -1759201 awards to R.M. Flowers (CU-Boulder), J.R. Arrowsmith
         “The biggest take away from this experience for me was   (ASU), and V. McConnell (GSA).
          realizing how I can use my education background and
           skills and apply that in the real world to help make a   GSA/ZEISS Research Grant
          positive difference. This has been the most meaningful   A US$10,000 research grant was provided to Olivia Barbee, an
         work experience I’ve had the opportunity to participate   early-career researcher at Michigan Technological University, for
           in and it felt incredibly fulfilling.” —Summer 2021   a research proposal titled: “Developing novel correlative 3D and
             GeoCorps Participant, Superior National Forest    2D microscopy of quartz from volcanic supereruptions on Earth.”
         GSA Field Camp Excellence Award                       TRAVEL GRANTS & SCHOLARSHIPS
          This US$10,000 award went to the University of Iowa Field
         Camp in recognition of its commitment to safety awareness,    On To the Future Program
         diversity, and technical excellence.                   Eighteen scholars who were selected for the OTF program in
          “We are so honored to be recognized for our excellent technical   2020 deferred their awards until 2021. They joined 58 diverse stu-
         merit and dedication to field safety. We will continue to be dedi-  dents who were selected to participate as the 2021 cohort at GSA
         cated to those aspects while also focusing on increasing the diver-  Connects 2021 in Portland, Oregon, USA.
         sity and accessibility of our field camp. We would like to earnestly
         thank GSA for supporting us in pursuing these goals.” —Emily   Northeast Urban Travel Award
         Finzel, The University of Iowa Field Camp              Six non-traditional students attending urban universities in
                                                               GSA’s Northeastern Section were provided financial assistance
         Graduate Student Research Grants                      to attend the 2022 Northeastern Section Meeting.
          GSA continued to support graduate-level research by using
         funds from GSA, the GSA Foundation, and a three-year (2020–  J. David Lowell Field Camp Scholarships
         2022) award from the National Science Foundation, which is   Thirty undergraduate students were each provided US$2,000 to
         aimed at supporting GSA’s efforts to increase the level of diversity   attend the field camp of their choice. This year, Brunton gifted
         among the students who apply for and receive grants. In 2022,

         April                                                 The sale of the

                                                               building took
                                             Penrose           place on 5 April.
                                             Conference titled
                                             “The Geological
                                             of Slow
                                             Earthquakes” on
                                             Santa Catalina
                                             Island, California,
                                             USA, occurred                      The Joint North-Central & Southeastern
                                             from 1–5 April.                    Section Meeting, held 7–8 April in
                                                              Launched full     Cincinnati, Ohio, was a success.
         The GSA Foundation's Death Valley                    Connects 2022
         Rendezvous donor trip reconvened.                    website build.

                                                                                      Annual Program Report | FY 2022  21
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