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Annual Program Report

                                                                                                 FY 2022

         12    President’s Report: A Year    17   Meetings                      25    Thank You FY2022
             of Transitions                                                          Sponsors
                                             18   Government Affairs
         14    Letter from the Executive                                        26    Geological Society of
             Director                        20   Education & Outreach               America Foundation

         15  Membership                      22   Student Advisory Council

         16    Diversity, Equity, and        23   Publications                  Photo caption: A wehrlite is an ultrabasic igneous rock
                                                                                dominated by essential olivine and clinopyroxene with
             Inclusion                                                          or  without small amounts of orthopyroxene. Crossed
                                             24    Marketing &                  nicols image, magnification 2x (field of view = 7mm).
                                                                                Image by Strekeisen via Wikimedia Commons. https://
         16   Ethics                             Communications       
   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15   16