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A                                                B

               C                                                D

             Figure 4. Geometric similarity might, but need not, mean similarity of process. (A) Cross-bedded Jurassic aeolian sandstone near Boulder, Utah,
             USA. Width of view ~15 m. (B) Cross-beds in fluvial Pleistocene basaltic sands near Mono Lake, California, USA. Width of view 50 cm. Bedding in
             both A and B formed in turbulent, high-energy environments where the Reynolds number was likely >10 , and thus grain inertia dominated. (C)
             Intersecting modal layering in Cretaceous granodiorite near Mack Lake, California, USA. Width of view 60 cm. How these features form is
             unknown, but the extremely high viscosity of silicate liquids means that Reynolds numbers were likely 10  or less. Therefore, viscous forces
             were dominant, rendering impossible the sorts of grain interactions that produce crossbedding (Glazner, 2014). (D) Intersecting bands of diage-
             netic iron oxide in sandstone from the Triassic Chinle Formation, Utah, USA. Oxide layers do not correspond to depositional layering. Width of
             view 5 cm. Although these examples are geometrically similar, the erosive turbulence that truncated bedding in sedimentary rocks (A, B) cannot
             happen in highly viscous granitic magmas (C) and is irrelevant to the chemical processes that produce diagenetic banding in sandstones (D). The
             chemical processes that produced banding in the sandstone (D), however, may be relevant to banding in granodiorite (C).
         settling-tube experiments may be mislead-  melting basalt, turbulence in granitic mag-  petrography, mineralogy, physical chemis-
         ing. Their experimental design allowed   mas)  is  inconsistent  with results  from   try, or of any other ancillary discipline.
         aggregate grains composed of micron-sized   another discipline (e.g., thermodynamics,   and
         particles to grow to sand size with each cir-  fluid mechanics), then other explanations   The second suggestion, of deposition from
         cuit of the flume. This more accurately repli-  should be sought, regardless of the eyeball   a liquid magma, is too little developed for
         cated  natural  conditions  and  showed  that   test. Just as physical and chemical reason-  critical consideration. To constitute a use-
         thinly bedded mud can form under currents   ing applied to geologic examples must fit   ful working hypothesis it should be supple-
         capable of transporting these aggregates in   the geologic observations, field interpreta-  mented by the suggestion of conditions
                                                                                  determining deposition and erosion.
         ripples. Their work implies that muddy sedi-  tions must satisfy fundamental physical and
         ment can be eroded and transported laterally   chemical principles. Field-based hypothe-  The  first quote  is a  highly  restrictive
         without showing obvious signs of distur-  ses that are consistent with other relevant   statement of “the rocks don’t lie” philoso-
         bance; thus, a series of layers may contain   information survive and are strengthened.   phy and comes from Read’s (1948, p. 170)
         cryptic lacunae, and any particular layer may   Retaining an idea that fails valid tests sim-  defense of granitization, a long-discredited
         record environmental conditions from else-  ply because an alternative model has not yet   hypothesis for the origin of granites. The
         where in the basin (e.g., Meyers and Sageman,   been developed is unproductive. Rather,   second, from Gilbert (1906, p. 324), refers
         2004; Lazar et al., 2015).          failed tests are opportunities to develop new   to his own suggestion that banded granites
                                             hypotheses and to look at the rocks from   result  from  erosion and deposition in a
         SUMMARY                             different perspectives.            magma chamber. Gilbert knew that ascrib-
          The statement “the rocks don’t lie” is   Consider the following quotes:  ing those features to a familiar process was
         true, but their messages may be misinter-  I see the granite problem as essentially one   not even “a useful working hypothesis”
         preted. If a field interpretation (e.g., rhyolite   of field geology—it is not primarily one of   without more definition and information. In

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