Page 11 - GSA Today December 2022
P. 11

15–18 October
                                                                Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
                                                                & Online Everywhere

                           Be a Part of GSA Connects 2023

                       Submit a short course and/or technical session proposal.

                                       15–18 October | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

               GSA Connects 2023 will bring together the geological community to enable you to share your scientific
                 research, network with leaders in the field, and keep your skills relevant in a rapidly changing world.
              Plan now to be part of this gathering by submitting a proposal for a short course and/or a technical session
             considering the themes “Diverse Science for a Sustainable Future” or “Climate and Energy Transition.”

                                                  Present your evidence-based knowledge to a large
                                                  international audience by organizing and chairing a
                                                  technical session.
                                                  Proposals are being taken for Pardee Keynote Symposia and topical
                                                  sessions. Please make your selection on the proposal submission form.
                                                  Deadline: 1 Feb. 2023

                                                  Gain recognition as an expert in your topic of research
                                                  as an instructor of a short course.

                                                  Courses run the Friday and Saturday before the meeting and are typically a
                                                  half day to two full days. Both online and in-person proposals are sought.
                                                  Deadline: 1 Feb. 2023

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