Page 14 - GSA Today December 2022
P. 14

On To the Future (OTF) Research Grant                 Alexander Sisson Research Award
         Iliansherry Santiago, Northern Illinois University    Lena Capece, University of California Santa Barbara
          The purpose of this grant is to recognize an excellent student   Alex Villa, University of Wisconsin Madison
         research proposal and connect the student to GSA’s On To the   Family members of Alexander Sisson established a fund in his
         Future (OTF) Program. OTF is a grassroots initiative that addresses   memory to promote and support research for students pursuing
         GSA’s overall strategic commitment to building a diverse geosci-  studies in Alaska and the Caribbean.
         ence community by engaging groups traditionally underrepresented
         in the geosciences. The student chosen for this grant will be invited   Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Cascadia Research Award
         to participate in the On To the Future program and receive a partial   David Bruce, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
         travel award, full meeting registration, and be recognized at the   The Parke D. Snavely, Jr., Cascadia Research Award Fund pro-
         Diversity in the Geosciences Reception at GSA Connects.  vides support for field-oriented graduate student research that con-
                                                               tributes to the understanding of the geologic processes and history
         Bruce L. “Biff” Reed Scholarship Award                of the Pacific Northwest convergent margin or to the evaluation of
         Sloane Kennedy, Western Washington University         its hazard or resource potential.
         Mahinaokalani Robbins, Western Washington University
          The Bruce L. “Biff” Reed Scholarship Fund was established to   Harold T. Stearns Fellowship Award
         provide research grants to graduate students pursuing studies in   Alejandro Giraldo Ceron, Penn State University
         the tectonic and magmatic evolution of Alaska primarily, and also   Stearns established the Harold T. Stearns Fellowship Award in
         can fund other geologic research.                     1973 for student research on aspects of the geology of the Pacific
                                                               Islands and the circum-Pacific region.
         Charles A. and June R.P. Ross Research Award
         Teresa Avila, The Ohio State University               Tim F. Wawrzyniec Research Grant
         James Beech, University of Southern California        Matt Aleksey, University of Wisconsin Madison
         Maddie Gaetano, University of Cincinnati              Luke Basler, University of Idaho
         Anne Kort, Indiana University Bloomington             Carlos Montejo, University of Idaho
         Jose Marquez, Stanford University                      The purpose of the Tim F. Wawrzyniec Fund is to support
         Noah Slade, Utah State University                     graduate and undergraduate student research fieldwork in the
         Jordan Todes, University of Chicago                   Rockies and the Colorado Plateau, with preference for projects
         Clark Ward, University of Cincinnati                  in the following areas: structure, tectonics, paleomagnetism,
          The Charles A. and June R.P. Ross Research Fund is awarded to   petrology, petroleum geology, and Quaternary geomorphology.
         support research projects for graduate students, post-graduate stu-
         dents, and post-doctorate researchers in the fields of biostratigra-  Lauren A. Wright and Bennie W. Troxel Student Research Award
         phy (including, but not limited to, fossil age dating and the study   Sofia Marino, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
         of evolutionary faunal successions), stratigraphy and stratigraphic   The Lauren A. Wright and Bennie W. Troxel Student Research
         correlation, paleogeography and paleobiogeography, interpreting   Fund supports two graduate students in master’s or Ph.D. pro-
         past environments of deposition and their biological significance,   grams conducting field-based research (1) in the region broadly
         and the integration of these research areas into better global   centered on Death Valley National Park or (2) in the western and
         understanding of (1) past plate motions (plate tectonics and sea-  southern Basin and Range Tectonic Province.
         floor spreading); (2) past sea-level events, including their identifi-
         cation and ages; and/or (3) climate changes and effects of those   Continued, p. 16
         climate changes on Earth’s inhabitants through geologic time.

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