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2022 GSA Research Grant Recipients

          The 2022 GSA Committee on Research Grants awarded    Gastaldo, Kelly Gibson, Jennifer N. Gifford, Ryan D. Gold, Drew
         US$784,655 to 348 graduate students (~59% of the 578 who   Gorman-Lewis, Tom Hudgins, Kenneth Stephen Hughes, Ethan
         applied), with an average grant of US$2,301.04. The committee   Hyland, William Thomas Jackson, Jr., Linda C. Kah, Elana L.
         also selected 10 alternate candidates in the event that any grantees   Leithold, Roberto Molina Garza , Daniel Jones Morgan, David
         return all or part of their funds due to a change in their research   Mrofka, Sandra Passchier, David M. Pearson, Jason S. Polk,
         project or receipt of funds from another source. The GSA   Francis Kevin Rengers, Julie Roberge, Tara Selly, David H.
         Graduate Student Research Grant Program is funded by GSA, the   Shimabukuro, Matthew Steele-Macinnis, Brian W. Stewart,
         GSA Foundation, GSA Divisions, GSA Sections, and the National   Daniel F. Stockli, Benjamin Michael Tutolo, Ashraf Uddin, and
         Science Foundation (Award # 1949901). Students receiving NSF   Jennifer Anne Wade.
         funds are indicated with an asterisk.                  Alternate Committee members: Jason P. Briner, Cathy J. Busby,
          Committee members: Shichun Huang (Chair), Joseph Asante,   David R. Cordie, Josh C. Galster, Cindy Palinkas, Christopher J.
         Tandis S. Bidgoli, Andy R. Bobyarchick, Robert Brinkmann,   Potter, Jay Quade, Richard L. Smith, and David S. Vinson.
         Huan Cui, Rhawn F. Denniston, Melissa Ann Foster, Robert A.

                                              2022 OUTSTANDING MENTIONS
                                    (proposals having exceptional merit in conception and presentation)

                                         Protik Banerjee, University of Texas at San Antonio
                                         Justine Grabiec, University of Southern California
                                              Michael Jones, University of Arkansas
                                Mohammad Khorrami, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
                                                William Larsen, Rice University
                                             Sarah Newcomb, Idaho State University
                                    Olasunkanmi Olorunsaye, University of Massachusetts Lowell
                                          Allie Thompson, Western Washington University
                                    Kriddie Whitmore, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
                                                  Haolin Zhou, Rice University

         2022 NAMED AWARDS                                     conjunction with research in deep-sea sedimentology, and a career
         Funded by the GSA Foundation                          in academic research.
         John A. Black Award                                   Sam Bowring Geochronology Research Grant
         Pedro Matos-Llavona, University of Massachusetts Amherst  Kathleen Grosswiler, Pennsylvania State University
          The John A. Black Award supports graduate student field-based   Jordan Wang, University of Arizona
         research on coastal processes. All field-based coastal geomorphol-  The Sam Bowring Geochronology Fund supports graduate
         ogy research should be located in the USA, Puerto Rico, or Canada.   student field work in geochronology. The recipient is determined
         In the event there are no worthy graduate student field-based   by the GSA Geochronology Division.
         research projects in coastal geomorphology, the award may be used
         to support graduate student field-based research in volcanology.    Ian S.E. Carmichael Research Award
         All field-based volcanology research should be located in the USA,   Ami Ward, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
         New Zealand, or Iceland.                               The Ian S.E. Carmichael Research Award supports graduate
                                                               student research and related activities in the fields of igneous
         Gretchen L. Blechschmidt Award                        petrology and volcanology. The recipient is determined by the
         Catherine Nield, University of Cincinnati             GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology
          The Gretchen Louise Blechschmidt Award Fund was estab-  (MGPV) Division.
         lished for women in the geological sciences who have an interest
         in achieving a Ph.D. in the fields of biostratigraphy and/or pale-
         oceanography, sequence stratigraphy analysis, particularly in

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