Page 13 - GSA Today December 2022
P. 13

Allan V. Cox Research Award                           and karst work, including how these resources can be better man-
         Osadebamwen Ohenhen, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State   aged. The recipient is determined by the GSA Karst Division.
          The Allan V. Cox Research Award supports research grants in   Lincoln S. and Sarah W. Hollister Graduate Student Research
         geophysics. The recipient is determined by the GSA Geophysics &   Award
         Geodynamics Division.                                 Juan Felipe Bustos Moreno, Lehigh University
                                                               Peter Lindquist, University of Washington
         John T. Dillon Alaska Research Award                  Julisan Street, University of Michigan
         Alec Lockett, University of Iowa                       The Lincoln S. and Sarah W. Hollister Graduate Student
          The John T. Dillon Alaska Research Award honors the memory   Research Award funds field-based research using the tools of meta-
         of Dr. Dillon, who was particularly noted for his radiometric age-  morphic petrology to understand the formation of continental crust.
         dating work in the Brooks Range, Alaska, USA. Two areas that
         serve as guidelines for selection of the award are field-based stud-  Roscoe G. Jackson II Award
         ies dealing with the structural and tectonic development of   Josh Malone, University of Texas at Austin
         Alaska, and studies that include some aspect of geochronology   The Roscoe G. Jackson II Award funds one recipient per year in
         (either paleontologic or radiometric) to provide new age control    the field of sedimentology.
         for significant rock units in Alaska.
                                                               Lipman Research Award
         Robert K. Fahnestock Award                            Lindsey Abdale, The University of British Columbia
         Kelli Moran, Louisiana State University               Brooke Benz, University of Missouri Kansas City
          The Robert K. Fahnestock Award honors the memory of Dr.   Mariana Berger, The Ohio State University
         Fahnestock, a former member of the Research Grants Committee,   Sarah Brooker, University of Texas at Austin
         who died indirectly as a result of service on the committee. The   César Bucheli Olaya, Missouri State University
         grant is awarded for the best proposal in sediment transport or   Weiming Ding, University of Minnesota Twin Cities
         related aspects of fluvial geomorphology, Dr. Fahnestock’s field.   Joy Foluso, University of California Davis
                                                               Elmer Gonzalez, University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez
         Gould Research Grant                                  Alex Holmwood, University of Nevada Reno
         Nathalie Sommer, Yale University                      Jessica Johnson, University of New Mexico
          The Gould Research Grant supports graduate student research   Tess Johnson, East Carolina University
         in the geosciences.                                   Nathaniel Lenhard, Missouri State University
                                                               Chuck Lewis, Oregon State University
         Robert D. Hatcher Research Award                      Mary Macquistan, University of British Columbia
         Lance Tully, University of South Carolina             Emily McQuarrie, Western Washington University
          The Robert D. Hatcher Research Award supports field-based   Cissy Ming, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
         research and geologic mapping through an annual award to an out-  Venkata Sailaja Pappala, North Carolina State University
         standing graduate student in the earth sciences to conduct research   Travis Parsons, State University of New York at Buffalo
         for that student’s master’s thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. Preference   Mollie Pope, University of Wyoming
         may be given to students working in the Appalachian orogeny   Nanci Reyes Guzman, Miami University
         broadly construed but is not restricted to this region.   Carli Schmidt, Northern Illinois University
                                                               Ashley Thrower, Louisiana State University
         Grant and Jody Heiken Research Grant                  Simin Zhao, Georgia Institute of Technology
         Watts Dietrich, University of Cincinnati               The Lipman Research Fund was established in 1993 and is sup-
          The Grant and Jody Heiken Research Grant supports graduate   ported by gifts from the Howard and Jean Lipman Foundation.
         student research in any fieldwork-oriented, geoscience-related   The purpose of the fund is to promote and support student research
         discipline.                                           grants in volcanology and petrology. The president of the Lipman
                                                               Foundation, Peter W. Lipman, was the recipient of a GSA research
         William B. and Dorothy Heroy Research Grant           grant in 1965. The recipient is determined by the GSA Mineralogy,
         Angie De La Cruz, University of Texas at San Antonio  Geochemistry, Petrology, and Volcanology (MGPV) Division.
         Zoe Havlena, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
         Ane Slabic, University of Houston Clear Lake          John T. and Carol G. McGill Award
          The William B. and Dorothy Heroy Research Grant supports   Helbert Garcia-Delgado, Syracuse University
         graduate student research in the geosciences.         Antonio Reveles-Hernandez, University of Northern Colorado
                                                               Rakiba Sultana, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
         John W. Hess Research Grant                            The John T. and Carol G. McGill Award, which is in the mem-
         Hanna Leapaldt, The Pennsylvania State University     ory of John T. McGill, supports graduate student scholarships and
          The John W. Hess Research Grant in Karst Research Studies   research grants in engineering geology and geomorphology.
         supports student research involving any aspect of cave and karst
         studies aimed at providing improved understanding of how caves

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