Page 43 - GSA Today December 2022
P. 43

ACROSS                                                DOWN
         4   GSA’s online-only journal                         1    Rock formed by the accumulation of large shear strain, in
         7    Isolated hill or peak that projects through the surface of a   ductile fault zones
           glacier                                             2   Volcanic glass
         9   It’s too dry to wash here                         3   GSA’s iconic benefactor
         10  Large volcanic depressions formed by subsidence and collapse  5   Process in which water chemically breaks down minerals
         11   GEOLOGY’s most-cited paper featured experiments with this   6   Ropey basaltic rock
           material                                            8   Dark, coarse-grained igneous rock
         15  A scale of hardness used in classifying minerals  11   GEOLOGY articles are timely, innovative, and
         16  Most common of lead minerals                      12   “A generation comes, a generation goes, the
         17   This horse won the Triple Crown in 1973 (the year the first   remains forever.”
           issue of GEOLOGY was published)                     13  Vent that emits gases and vapors
         18   “Big Al” (the 9-foot-tall boulder in the atrium at GSA head-  14  The geo-famous Florence
           quarters) weighs 8 of these                         16  GSA’s Twitter handle is @
         19  Mount St. Helens is a                             20  Another term for a volcanic mudflow
         23  Ages and ages, in geology                         21  GSA headquarters was located in this state until 1968
         25  Fiery rock dust cloud                             22  The frontier between igneous and metamorphic rocks
         27  Wacky sandstone                                   24  Can you dig it?
         31   Steep-sided, loosely packed volcano formed from ejected lava   26  Broad, low-relief volcanic crater
           fragments                                           28  GSA’s first journal
         32  Rippled, fining up formation                      29  GSA headquarters is here
         34  Amethyst color                                    30  GSA’s current president
         35   The April 2007 cover of GEOLOGY featured these giants   33  Canyon sound
           (some up to 11 m in length!)                        36   GEOLOGY’s first article featured a proposal to abandon this
         37  Above sea-level oceanic crust                       particle grade scale in favor of one based on the metric system
         38  Someone who cannot pass a pretty rock without picking it up

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