Page 46 - GSA Today December 2022
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         Bookmark the Geoscience Job Board at   research programs as well as state-of-the-art   build a strong field-oriented research program. for up-to-the-  analytical facilities spanning a broad spectrum   Areas of focus could include but are not limited
         minute job postings. Job Board ads may also   of Earth Science disciplines.  to landscape evolution and dynamics, fluvial
         appear in a corresponding monthly print issue   Applicants must: Have a Ph.D. in the geosci-  and watershed processes, or cryosphere geo-
         of GSA Today. Send inquiries to advertising@  ences or a related field at the time of appoint-  morphic processes. Contributions to interdis-, or call +1-800-427-1988 ext.   ment; Have a track record of peer-reviewed   ciplinary research and teaching in areas such
         1053 or +1-303-357-1053.            publications                       as geologic hazards, field geology, environ-
                                              Applicants must submit:           mental sustainability, or preparation for the
                                             •  A cover letter                  professional workforce are desirable.
                                             •  A curriculum vitae                Position 2: Assistant Professor in Earth and
                 POSITIONS OPEN              •  Statements (up to two pages each) on  Planetary Surface Processes. We seek appli-
                                             •  Research interests, experiences, and future   cants in Earth and planetary surface processes,
                                              directions                        broadly defined. Areas of focus could include but
         Sedimentology, Stratigraphy,        •  Teaching interests, experiences, and future   are not limited to weathering and soil-forming
         and Earth-Surface Processes,         directions                        processes, biogeochemical cycling, and land-
         University of Minnesota, Twin       •  Experience with and plans to advance diver-  scape evolution on Earth and/or other planets.
         Cities                               sity, equity, and inclusion       Contributions to interdisciplinary research and
          ABOUT THE JOB. The Department of Earth   •  Names and contact information (email, phone)   teaching in areas such as planetary sciences,
         & Environmental Sciences at the University of   of three references.   remote  sensing,  geobiology,  or  critical  zone
         Minnesota–Twin Cities invites applications for   These materials must be submitted online   research are desirable.
         a tenure-track faculty position in sedimentol-  through Interfolio:  All University of Washington faculty engage
         ogy, stratigraphy, and/or Earth-surface pro-  The research statement will be evaluated   in teaching, research, and service. Successful
         cesses. This search is broad, encompassing   on past accomplishments and the potential   candidates will be expected to build vibrant
         the deep-time sedimentary record to modern-  of future plans for impactful or transformative   and externally funded research programs that
         day processes and deposits; the full range of   contributions. The teaching statement should   contribute to science of global significance.
         field,  laboratory,  theoretical,  and  computa-  include information on educational and men-  For both positions, we value the ability to
         tional approaches; and the marine realm to the   toring philosophy, pedagogical approach(es),   quantify processes and make observational
         terrestrial surface and cryosphere. We seek to   past experience, and proposed courses to   or theoretical advances specific to the surface
         fill this position at the assistant professor level,   teach and/or develop. The DEI statement should   and near-surface environment. The success-
         though higher ranks may be considered for   encompass past and anticipated actions to   ful candidates will teach within the core Earth
         exceptional candidates.             advance diversity, equity, and inclusion in the   sciences curriculum at both the undergradu-
          ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT. The Depart-  earth and environmental sciences alongside   ate and graduate levels and will demonstrate
         ment of Earth & Environmental Sciences is   an understanding of the role and significance   a commitment to working collaboratively with
         part of the College of Science & Engineering.   of this work. Expectations for the extent of past   other faculty and to mentoring students from
         It hosts diverse research programs and state-  experience in each category will be based on   a wide range of disciplines, cultures, and aca-
         of-the-art facilities within the recently reno-  the applicant’s career stage.  demic backgrounds.
         vated Tate Hall. In addition to the department,   Appointment may begin as early as  Fall   The successful candidates will join a dynamic
         the School of Earth & Environmental Sciences   Semester 2023. Review of applications will   interdisciplinary  department,  including  seven
         encompasses the Continental Scientific Drill-  begin on January 2, 2023, and continue until   new faculty hires in the past four years. The
         ing (CSD) Facility, the Institute for Rock Magne-  the position is filled. For further information or   Department of Earth and  Space Sciences
         tism (IRM), the Polar Geospatial Center (PGC),   questions, please contact search-committee   includes 35 research and teaching faculty, 90
         and the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS).   chair Andrew Wickert (  graduate students, and 200 undergraduate
         Further information about the department may   The University of Minnesota values a diverse   majors. Opportunities for interdisciplinary col-
         be found online at  faculty,  which fosters a  richness of  perspec-  laboration exist within the department, as well
          Additional centers and strengths at the Uni-  tives and an inclusive environment, and whose   as with other units at UW, including the Schools
         versity of Minnesota include the Saint Anthony   members serve as role models for the next   of  Oceanography,  Aquatic  and  Fisheries  Sci-
                                             generation of geoscientists and the broad stu-
         Falls Laboratory (SAFL), the Institute on the   dent body engaging in our courses. The Uni-  ences, and Environmental and Forest Sciences;
         Environment (IonE), the Midwest Climate Adap-  versity provides equal access to and opportu-  the departments of Atmospheric Sciences and
         tation Science Center (CASC), GEMS (Genom-  nity in its programs, facilities, and employment   Civil and Environmental Engineering; the pro-
         ics Environment Management Socio-Economic)   without regard to race, color, creed, religion,   grams in Astrobiology and Climate Change, the
         Informatics, the Biotechnology Institute, and the   national origin, gender, age, marital status, dis-  Quaternary Research Center, the eSciences
         Water Resources Center. Beyond these, the Uni-  ability, public assistance status, veteran sta-  Institute, Future Rivers program, GeoHazards
         versity hosts strong programs across the Earth   tus, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gen-  institute, initiatives in subduction zone science,
         and environmental sciences, ecology, forestry,   der expression.       and with USGS geohazards researchers on
         soils and agricultural sciences, fluid mechanics,                      campus.
         and geography.                                                           The University of Washington is located in
          Additional important information. Success-  Assistant Professor in Earth and   the Seattle metropolitan area and offers one
         ful applicants are expected to contribute to a  Planetary Surface Processes,   of the most exceptional research and teaching
         diverse research and teaching community by  University of Washington   environments in the United States. It serves a
         developing a vigorous, internationally recog-  The Department of Earth and Space Sci-  diverse population of 80,000 students, faculty,
         nized, and externally funded research program;   ences, in the College of the Environment at the   and staff, including 25% first-generation col-
         through teaching courses at both undergradu-  University of Washington, is soliciting applica-  lege students, over 25% Pell Grant students,
         ate and graduate levels; and through service   tions for two permanent, full-time, 9-month,   and faculty from over 70 countries. The Col-
         including engagement in Diversity, Equity, and   tenure-track assistant professors in Earth and   lege of the Environment seeks to attract and
         Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The Department of   planetary surface processes.   promote a diverse workforce to maintain the
         Earth & Environmental Sciences is part of the   Position 1:  Assistant Professor  in Geomor-  excellence of the University, and to offer stu-
         College of Science & Engineering and houses   phology. We seek a geomorphologist who will   dents richly varied disciplines, perspectives

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