Page 48 - GSA Today December 2022
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         UNLV-External/job/UNLV1-Main-Campus-  research  targets both within our solar sys-  professional  references,  as  well  as  up  to  2
         Las-Vegas/Assistant-Professor-in-Sustainability   tem and exoplanets, and applying fields such   pages each for: 4) a cover letter/letter of inter-
         -of-Arid-Lands--Geoscience-Department-  as atmospheric science, planetary geology,   est, 5) a statement of research interests, 6) a
         -College-of-Science--R0133607-_R0133732)   astrobiology, geophysics, space environments,   statement of teaching philosophy and inter-
          Review  of  applications  will  begin  on  Janu-  dynamics, etc.      ests, and 7) a statement of diversity, equity,
         ary 17th, 2023. Application materials must be   The University of Colorado Boulder is com-  and inclusion (DEI). In the statement of DEI,
         submitted  through  the  UNLV  enterprise  man-  mitted to building a culturally diverse community   please describe how your experience and/or
         agement software portal (link https://nshe   of faculty, staff, and students dedicated to con-  potential contributions in  research, teaching,   tributing to an inclusive campus environment.   and service will advance our mission of cre-
         UNLV1-Main-Campus-Las-Vegas/Assistant-   We are an Equal Opportunity employer, includ-  ating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive
         Professor-in-Sustainability-of-Arid-Lands-   ing veterans and individuals with disabilities.  workplace. The College of Sciences and Math-
         -Geoscience-Department--College-of- Science-  Evaluation of applications starts November   ematics is committed to providing resources
         -R0133607-_R0133732 ) we do not accept   28, 2022. Position will remain open until filled.  to enhance awareness and appreciation of
         emailed materials. Questions about the appli-  For  further  information  about  LASP  see   cultural and individual diversity, promote com-
         cation process can be directed to Dr. David K.  munity, and prepare students, faculty, and staff
         Kreamer, Search Committee Chair.     Full job posting at  to have a global impact in STEM (https://www
         Assistant Professor, Isotope                                           index.htm). To apply please go to: https://www
         Geochemistry, University of         Tenure Track Faculty Position,, complete
         Nevada, Las Vegas                   Structural Geology/Tectonics,      the online form and upload the required appli-
                                                                                cation documents.
          The Department of Geosciences at the Uni-  Auburn University            Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU
         versity of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) invites   The Department of Geosciences at Auburn   website to learn more about Auburn Univer-
         applications for a tenure track position in Iso-  University invites applications for a tenure-  sity and Geosciences program  http://www
         tope Geochemistry at the Assistant Profes-  track faculty position at the Assistant or Asso-  .auburn .edu/cosam/departments/geosci-
         sor level. We seek outstanding scholars who   ciate Professor level  in Structural Geology/  ences/. Auburn University is understanding
         will establish an innovative research program   Tectonics, beginning in the Fall Semester 2023.   of and sensitive to the family needs of faculty,
         focused around solution chemistry mass   Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in geosciences or   including dual-career couples. Please visit the
         spectrometry. The position contains a start-up   a related field at the time appointment begins.   following link for more information: http://www
         package that includes a Nu Sapphire induc-  Appointment rank will depend on the qualifi-  .auburn .edu/academic/provost/facultyjobs/.
         tively coupled plasma mass spectrometer with   cations of the selected candidate. Specialties   Review of applications will begin December
         collision cell and facilities for clean solution   may include, but are not limited to, field stud-  2, 2022, and will continue until a candidate
         chemistry. The successful candidate should   ies, microstructural analysis, quantitative struc-  accepts appointment.
         show experience in operating comparable   tural and basin modeling, and rock mechanics.   Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disabil-
         analytical equipment.               We seek a dynamic individual who will play a   ity employer and committed to building a
          Application materials must include a (1)   strong role in propelling our Geology Master’s   diverse and inclusive community.
         cover letter, (2) curriculum vitae, (3) proposed   and interdisciplinary Earth System Science
         research plan (three-page limit), (4) statement   Ph.D. programs. New faculty with expertise in  Faculty Position, Planetary
         of teaching philosophy and interests (two-  Structural Geology/Tectonics will complement   Geosciences, Auburn University
         page limit), (5) a statement of past or potential   the University’s considerable existing expertise   The Department of Geosciences at Auburn
         contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion   in the areas of Geochronology, Petrology, Eco-  University invites applications for a Planetary
         (one-page limit), (6) 1–4 representative publica-  nomic Geology, Isotope Geochemistry, Geo-  Geosciences  faculty  position  at  the  rank  of
         tions, and (7) contact information for at least   physics, Geomorphology, Engineering Geol-  tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associ-
         four referees.                      ogy, Environmental Geology, GIS and Remote   ate Professor. The appointment would begin
          Review of applications will begin on Janu-  Sensing. Faculty in the Geosciences Depart-  August 2023. Applicants must hold a Ph.D. in
         ary 17th, 2023. Materials should be addressed   ment within the College of Sciences and Math-  Geosciences (broadly defined) or in a closely
         to Dr. Kevin Konrad, Search Committee Chair,   ematics have active regional and global col-  related  field  at  the time  appointment  begins.
         and must be submitted through  Workday, as   laborative research programs with many other   Post-doctoral experience is desirable. Spe-
         we do not accept emailed materials.   colleges across the university (e.g., College   cialties may include, but are not limited to, ter-
                                             of Engineering) and external institutions. The   restrial analogue studies of planetary surface
         Tenure-track Faculty Position in    successful candidate is expected to develop a
         Planetary Science at CU Boulder     rigorous, externally funded research program,   processes (e.g., impact cratering and volca-
                                                                                nic processes), orbital and/or surface robotic
          The Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space   publish scholarly work, and advise and men-  mission-related geosciences (e.g., missions to
         Physics at the University of Colorado invites   tor graduate and undergraduate students. The   the Moon and Mars), planetary mineralogy and
         applications for a tenure-track faculty position   successful candidate will also have teaching   petrology (including geochronology, e.g., study
         to start in August 2023 in the general field of   duties that include undergraduate and gradu-  of meteorites and/or future returned samples),
         planetary science. The opening is targeted at   ate courses (e.g., Structural Geology, Summer   instrument  science  for  planetary  missions,
         the  level  of  Assistant  Professor,  but  experi-  Field Camp, Tectonics) based on his/her exper-  planetary  geophysics  and  climate  dynam-
         enced candidates with appropriate credentials   tise. Excellent written and interpersonal com-  ics, and related disciplines such as astrobiol-
         will be considered for an Associate Professor   munication skills are necessary. The candidate   ogy. We seek a dynamic individual with strong
         appointment. Depending on the background   selected for this position must meet eligibility   research  potential  who  can  obtain  external
         and teaching interest, the successful candi-  requirements to work in the United States on   funding and can link their research program to
         date would also be affiliated with the appropri-  the date the appointment is scheduled to begin   existing department strengths in geochemis-
         ate academic department at CU.      and must be able to continue working legally for   try, geochronology, geomorphology, tectonics,
          Areas of interest include: Research   the proposed term of employment.
         approaches from remote sensing, to instru-  Applications must include: 1) the applicant’s
         ment development,to space missions, to labo-  curriculum vitae, 2) copies of transcripts, and   “… the GSA job board is THE job board for
         ratory  studies and to theory, addressing   3) the names and contact information of three   geologists.” –Mount Holyoke College

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