Page 47 - GSA Today December 2022
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and  ways  of  knowing  and  learning.  UW,  the   ranked and field relevant journals, the sub-  All qualified candidates are invited to apply
         College of the Environment and the Depart-  mitted research statement, presentations   online by clicking the link below. Application
         ment of Earth and Space Science offer a range   at significant conferences, a track record   materials must include the following:
         of networking, mentoring and professional   of obtaining independent research funding,   •  Cover letter (maximum 2 pages)
         development opportunities for junior faculty.  awards and accolades and strong endorse-  •  Current curriculum vitae
          QUALIFICATIONS. Applicants must apply   ments from referees of high standing.  •  A statement outlining contributions to
         through the UW’s Interfolio portal at  https://  Evidence of excellence in teaching will be   equity, diversity, and inclusion, which might The selected can-  provided through teaching accomplishments,   cover topics such as (but not limited to):
         didates must have a Ph.D., or foreign equivalent   the teaching dossier (with required materials   research or teaching that incorporates a
         in a relevant field by the start of the appoint-  outlined below) submitted as part of the appli-  focus on underrepresented communities,
         ment. The anticipated start date is September   cation, as well as strong letters of reference.   the development of inclusive pedagogies, or
         1, 2023.                            The successful candidate will be expected to   the mentoring of students from underrepre-
          APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS. Applicants                                    sented groups (1 page)
         should indicate in the cover letter which posi-  contribute substantively to both graduate and   •  A research statement outlining current and
         tion  best  fits  their  interest  and  expertise.  All   undergraduate teaching in the Department.  future research interests (maximum 3 pages)
         applications will be reviewed by a single hiring   Candidates are also expected to show evi-  •  Electronic copies of three most significant
         committee, and all applicants will be consid-  dence of a commitment to equity, diversity,   research publications
         ered for both positions. Review of applications   inclusion, and the promotion of a respectful   A teaching dossier to include:
         will begin January 3, 2023.         and collegial learning and working  environ-  •  a statement of teaching interests and phi-
          Required materials include: *A one-page   ment demonstrated through the application   losophy (maximum 2 pages)
         cover letter; *Curriculum vitae with publication   materials. Demonstration of how the candidate   •  any other documentation demonstrating
         list; *Three statements (no more than 10 pages   would bring new perspectives to the Depart-  excellence in teaching, which can include
         total)  addressing  (1) research and  leadership   ment, experiences, and meaningful plans for   activities as a teaching assistant or course
         accomplishments, as well as future research   connecting to groups that have been histori-  instructor, experience leading successful
         plans; (2) a statement on teaching and mentor-  cally marginalized in the geosciences are cri-  workshops or seminars, mentorship, out-
         ing, including evidence of teaching effective-  teria that will be considered in our evaluation   reach or conference presentation or post-
         ness; and (3) contributions or plans to support   of excellence.         ers, as well as teaching evaluations, course
         diversity, equity, and inclusion (see http://www   Salary will be commensurate with qualifica-  materials.;   tions and experience.  Applicants must provide the name and
         *Contact information for three (3) references.  The  University of  Toronto provides excep-  contact information of three references. The
          Questions about the application process   tional opportunities for collaborative and inter-
         or position in general should be addressed to   disciplinary research and teaching, and actively   University of Toronto’s recruiting tool will auto-
                                                                                matically solicit and collect letters of reference                     encourages cutting-edge scholarship. Further-  from each after an application is submitted
                                             more, it offers the excitement of working with a   (this happens overnight). Applicants remain
         Assistant Professor, Near Surface   diverse, high-achieving student population. The   responsible for ensuring that references sub-
         Geophysics, University of Toronto   Department of Earth Sciences maintains a suite   mit letters (on letterhead, dated and signed) by
          The Department of Earth Sciences [ https://  of modern equipment for hands-on geophysics   the closing date. ] in the Faculty of Arts   teaching, and offers a vibrant, top-ranked Earth   Submission guidelines can be found at http://
         and Science at the University of Toronto invites   Sciences  graduate program [  https://www es Your CV and cover letter
         applications for a full-time tenure stream posi- ] spanning   should be uploaded into the dedicated fields.
         tion in Near Surface Geophysics. The appoint-  the three campuses of the University of Toronto   Please combine additional application materi-
         ment will be at the rank of Assistant Professor,   (including the Department of Physical and Envi-  als into one PDF file.
         with an expected start date of July 1, 2023.  ronmental Sciences at University of Toronto   If you have any questions about this posi-
          Applicants must  have  earned  a  Ph.D. in   Scarborough [  tion, please contact Ampy Tolentino, Assistant
         earth or environmental sciences, geophys-  physsci/welcome-physical-environmental-  to the Chair of Earth Sciences, at geol_sec@
         ics, physics, or a closely related discipline by   sciences ] and the  Department of Chemical
         the time of appointment, or shortly thereafter,   and Physical Sciences at University of Toronto   All application materials, including refer-
         with a demonstrated record of excellence in   Mississauga) [  ence  letters,  must  be  received  by  December
         research and teaching. We seek candidates   cps/welcome-cps ]. The successful candidate   15, 2022.
         whose research and teaching interests com-  would also have ample opportunity to engage  Assistant Professors, Water-Earth
         plement and enhance our existing  depart-  with cognate units such as the  School of    Surface Processes Cluster Hire,
         mental strengths. [   the Environment [https://www.environment
         .ca/ people/faculty/ ] The successful candidate     .utoronto ca/ ], the Archaeology Centre [ https://  University of Nevada, Las Vegas
         would be pursuing innovative research in near- ],  the Centre for   The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV)
         surface geophysics, combining field-based                              invites applications for up to three tenure track
         and modelling approaches to topics such as   Global  Change  Science  [  https://cgcs.physics   positions in a Water-Earth surface processes
         hydrogeology, cryosphere science, natural ], the Climate Positive Energy Ini-  themed Cluster Hire at the Assistant Professor
         hazards, archaeology, forensics, and/or other   tiative [ ], or the Faculty   level as part of an interdisciplinary cluster in the
         environmental aspects of critical zone science.   of Applied Science and Engineering [  https://  broad field of Sustainability in Arid Lands. Two
         The successful candidate will be expected to ]. Opportunities   of the positions will be in the fields of Water-
         pursue impactful and independent research at   are also available to work with a wide range of   Earth surface processes (Position Numbers
         the highest international level and to establish   public and  private  organizations,  groups,  and   P0023073, P0103372, and the third will include
         an outstanding, competitive, and externally   institutions that reflect the region’s diversity.   a charge to spearhead the development of an
         funded research program.            Seen as one of the most multicultural places   online MS program in Water Resources Man-
          Candidates must provide evidence of   in the world, Toronto is a thriving cultural and   agement (Position Number P0027657). Full
         research excellence, which can be demon-  intellectual hub offering an outstanding quality   details are provided in the job announcement
         strated by a record of publications in top-  of life.                  (link:

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