Page 50 - GSA Today December 2022
P. 50

         Ph.D. and M.S. Students, Department   writing skills. Students holding a B.S. degree   geosciences/index.php?id=952059. Appli-
         of Geosciences, Baylor University.  The   may apply directly to the Ph.D. program.  cations can be submitted online here: https://
         Department of Geosciences at Baylor Uni-  Faculty research covers a broad spectrum of Please contact  us  at
         versity invites applications for Ph.D. and M.S.   geosciences, with strengths in biogeosciences, for more informa-
         students starting in August 2023. Admission to   energy geoscience, hydrological and surface   tion or with questions.
         the program includes 5 years of financial sup-  processes, lithospheric processes, paleocli-
         port for Ph.D. students and 2 years of financial   mate, and solid Earth and planetary sciences.
         support for M.S. students through graduate   For more information about  the Department
         assistantships. Admitted students also receive   of Geosciences, our research areas, and the   Hiring?
         a tuition waiver, 80% health insurance subsidy,   graduate program please visit  Find those qualified geoscientists to fill
         annual conference travel funding, and research   geosciences.          vacancies. Use GSA’s Geoscience Job Board
         funding for graduate students on a competi-  Applications are due by January 5, 2023,   ( and print issues of GSA
         tive basis. Candidates should have at least an   for Fall 2023 program entry. Details about   Today. Bundle and save for best pricing
         undergraduate degree in geology, geophysics,   the application process and priority deadline   options. That unique candidate is waiting to
         or in a related area and excellent analytical and   can be found here: https://www.baylor edu/  be found.

                                                                     Celebrate Geology’s 50  Anniversary
                BOOKMARK                                                   Crossword Puzzle
                JOB BOARD                     4 G   E   O   S   P   5 H   E   R   E   1 M   2 B   3 E  P   6 P
                                                            Y                  L    S    7 N   U   N   A   T   A   K
                Mobile-friendly open
                                                 8 G        D    9 A   R   R   O   Y   O   I   R      H
             position postings, student
                                              10 C   A   L   D   E   R   A     N    D         O       O
                 opportunities, and               B         O    11 P  L   A   S   T   I   C   I   N   12 E   S   E   13 F
                                                  B   14 B   L    R            T    A    A     E      H     U
                                                  R    A    Y    O             E    N    R            O     M
             15 M   O   H   S   S   V                   T    16 G  A   L   E   N   A
                                                       C     I   O                       H     E            R
                                                       O    17 S   E   C   R   E   T   A   R   I   A   T   18 T  O   N   O
                                                       M          A                            S            L
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                                                                  I                            C
                                                            20 L   V                           I
                                               22 M         A    23 E   24 O  N                E      21 N
                                               I            H       R    25 I   G   N   I   26 M  B   R   I   T   E   E
                                               27 G  R   A   Y   W   A   C   K   E   A         Y      W    28 B
                                               M            R                       A    29 B         Y     U
                                               A         30 L         31 C   I   N   D   E   R   C   O   N   E   O   L
                                               32 T  U   R   B   I   D   I   T   33 E    U       34 P  U   R   P   L   E
                                               I          T         C    35 C  R   Y   S   T   A   L   S   K   E
                                               T          T         H                    D       36 U       T
                                               E          L         37 O  P   H   I   O   L   I   T   E   W   I
                                                          E                              38 R  O   C   K   H   O   U   N   D

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