Page 49 - GSA Today December 2022
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climate science, remote-sensing and GIS, and   for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position  Assistant or Associate Professor
         sedimentary geology. Auburn University sup-  specializing in Structural Geology to begin Fall   (Environmental and Aquatic
         ports multi-departmental research efforts in   2023. We seek individuals who will establish   Restoration and Sustainability
         the Planetary Science area in both the College   a vigorous research program, are enthusias-  Cluster Hire; multiple positions),
         of Sciences and Mathematics and the Col-  tic about teaching, will involve undergraduate
         lege of Engineering. The successful candidate   and Masters-level students in their research,   Grand Valley State University
         is expected to develop a vigorous, externally   and will work to improve diversity, equity, and   The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
         funded research program, publish scholarly   inclusivity through their teaching, research,   (CLAS) and the Brooks College of Interdisci-
         work, and advise graduate and undergraduate   and service efforts.     plinary Studies (Brooks) at Grand Valley State
         students. The successful candidate will also   The ideal candidate will complement our   University are hiring at least five tenure track
         participate in the educational mission through   existing teaching and research strengths in   faculty with expertise related to Environmental
         teaching new specialty courses in Planetary   tectonics, petrology, geomorphology, and   Sciences, Aquatic Restoration, Environmental
         Geosciences as well in teaching existing   geophysics by developing new courses and   Studies, and Sustainability to start August 6,
         courses at the undergraduate and graduate lev-  research  avenues  in  structural  geology.  We   2023. CLAS invites a broad range of applica-
         els in Geosciences and in our interdisciplinary   broadly seek individuals who will apply field-  tions from all subdisciplines of Environmental
         Earth System Science Ph.D. degree program.   based observations and analytical techniques   Science and Aquatic Science and related fields.
         Excellent written and interpersonal commu-  to understand the structural and tectonic evo-  The Biology Department invites applicants
         nication skills are necessary. The candidate   lution of the Earth’s continental crust and litho-  with expertise in any area of Environmental
         selected for this position must meet eligibil-  sphere. Areas of interest include but are not   Science or Aquatic Biology. Of particular inter-
         ity requirements to work in the United States   limited to the structural analysis and evolution   est are applicants that use data analytics and/
         on the date the appointment is scheduled to   of mountain belts, the kinematics and rheology   or modeling to address environmental issues.
         begin (August 2023) and must be able to con-  of faults or shear zones, and the timescales   The R. B. Annis Water Resources Institute
         tinue working legally for the proposed term    and rates of continental deformation. Primary   (AWRI) and the Department of Chemistry invite
         of employment.                      teaching responsibilities include structural   applicants with expertise in Analytical Chemis-
          Applications must include the applicant’s   geology, field mapping and methods (field   try to lead the AWRI Environmental Chemistry
         curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts, and the   camp), and advanced courses in structural   lab. This supervisory responsibility comes with
         names and contact information of three profes-  geology and tectonics, as well as introductory   a reduced teaching load. Of particular interest
         sional references, as well as up to 2 pages each   / physical geology courses.  are applicants with expertise in aquatic chem-
         for the cover letter/letter of application, the   For details about the position, application   istry, toxicology, or green chemistry. The Geol-
         statement of research interests, the statement   information and instructions, go to the WWU   ogy Department invites applicants with exper-
         of teaching philosophy and interests, and the   Employment website: Careers - Faculty |   tise in areas related to Environmental and Earth
         statement of inclusion. In the statement of inclu-  Human Resources | Western Washington Uni-  Surface Materials and Systems. Of particular
         sion, please describe how your experience and/  versity ( 9-month salary range will be   interest are applicants who can engage stu-
         or potential contributions in research, teaching,   $75,000-82,000 depending on experience.  dents in instrumental or modeling experiences.
         and service will advance our mission of cre-  Review of applications begins December   A fourth position is open to applicants from any
         ating a more diverse, equitable and inclusive   16, 2022, and continues until position is filled.   field whose work applies to the cluster’s focus
         workplace. The College of Sciences and Math-  Please contact the search committee chair,   on Environmental Science and Aquatic Resto-
         ematics is committed to providing resources   Sean Mulcahy ( or the Geol-  ration and Sustainability.
         to enhance awareness and appreciation of   ogy  Dept  chair,  Bernie  Housen  (bernieh@wwu   For additional details and how to apply,
         cultural and individual diversity, promote com-  .edu) for questions about this position.  please consult the  CLAS Cluster Hire in Envi-
         munity, and prepare students, faculty, and staff                       ronmental and Aquatic Restoration and Sustain-
         to have a global impact in STEM (http://www                            ability [  Tenure-Track Faculty, Assistant   hire-1198.htm ] webpage.
         index.htm). To apply please go to https://www  or Associate Professor,, complete  Marine Geology, Geology and
         the online form and upload the required appli-  Environmental Geosciences,   OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
         cation documents.                   College of Charleston
          Applicants are encouraged to visit the AU   The College of Charleston Department of   Graduate Research Opportunities, Pur-
         website to learn more about Auburn University   Geology and Environmental Geosciences   due.  The Department of Earth, Atmospheric,
         and Geosciences program http://www.auburn   invites applicants with a Ph.D. in Geosciences   and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) at Purdue
         .edu/cosam/departments/geosciences/.   or closely related field for a tenure-track fac-  University is looking for enthusiastic and self-
         Auburn University is understanding of and sen-  ulty position to begin in August 2023. We seek   motivated graduate students for a variety of
         sitive to the family needs of faculty, including   a faculty colleague able to teach courses in   research projects in Geology and Geophysics,
         dual-career couples. Please visit the following   marine geology, seafloor mapping, introduc-  Planetary, Environmental, and Atmospheric
         link for more information:  http://www.auburn   tory geology, and one or more courses in   Sciences. As a multidisciplinary department
         .edu/academic/provost/facultyjobs/.  Review   their  field of specialty, and  mentor student   within the College of Science,  EAPS  draws
         of applications will begin during December   experiential learning activities. Candidates who   students from a variety of STEM backgrounds.
         1, 2022, and will continue until a candidate   can develop their own research program and   Students with demonstrated academic and
         accepts appointment.                                                   research excellence are invited to explore
          Auburn University is an EEO/Vet/Disabil-  secure external funds in areas such as marine
         ity employer and committed to building a   geology, hydrography, and geoinformatics are   research opportunities at http://www.eaps
         diverse and inclusive community.    strongly desired.         We believe diver-
                                              Read the complete position description and   sity makes our department stronger and our
                                             apply at  science better, and so we proudly encourage
         Structural Geologist, Western        Any questions should be directed to Timothy   students from underrepresented or minoritized
         Washington University               Callahan at Applications   groups to apply or simply contact us to learn
          The Geology Department at Western Wash-  will be reviewed beginning on November 11,   more about our program by emailing Emjai
         ington University (WWU) invites applications   2022; the position will remain open until filled.  Gregory at

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