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CALL FOR NOMINATIONS                                                 directed to                                          GSA TODAY |
                                                                       This award recognizes innovative and effective teaching in
                                                                     college-level earth science. Earth-science instructors and faculty
■	 COAL GEOLOGY                                                      members from any academic institution engaged in undergrad-
                                                                     uate education who have been teaching full-time for 10 years or
Gilbert H. Cady Award                                                fewer are eligible (part-time teaching is not counted in this
                                                                     requirement). Both peer- and self-nominations will be accepted.
Nominations due 28 Feb. 2015
Submit nominations to Mark Engle at               This award, administered by the GSA Foundation, is made
                                                                     possible by support from the Donald and Carolyn Biggs Fund, the
  This award, first presented in 1973, recognizes outstanding        GSA Geoscience Education Division, and GSA’s Education and
contributions in the field of coal geology that advance the science  Outreach Program. An additional travel reimbursement is also
both within and outside of North America. For more information,      available to the recipient to enable him or her to attend the award
go to                           presentation at the GSA Annual Meeting. For more information,
                                                                     go to
■	 ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENGINEERING                                     biggsaward.
                                                                     ■	 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF GEOLOGY
Richard H. Jahns Distinguished Lecturer
                                                                     History and Philosophy of Geology Student Award
Nominations due 28 Feb. 2015
Submit nominations to Matt Crawford at            Nominations due 15 June 2015
                                                                     Submit nominations to Kathleen Lohff at
  This lectureship was established in 1988 by the Division in
conjunction with the Assoc. of Environmental & Engineering             This award, in the amount of US$1,000, recognizes excellence
Geologists to commemorate Jahns and to promote student aware-        in a student paper to be given at GSA’s Annual Meeting. An award
ness of engineering geology through an annual series of lectures at  may also be given for second place. The award is made possible by
academic institutions. The award is given to an individual who       a bequest from the estate of Mary C. Rabbitt. Oral presentations
through research or practice has made outstanding contributions      are preferred. Faculty advisors may be listed as second author but
to the advancement of environmental and/or engineering geology.      not as the lead author of the paper. The proposed paper may be
The awardee will speak on topics of earth processes and the          (1) on the history or philosophy of geology; (2) a literature review of
consequences of human interaction with these processes or the        ideas for a technical work or thesis/dissertation; or (3) some imagi-
application of geology to environmental and/or engineering           native aspect of the history or philosophy of geology we have not
works. Award funds are administered by the GSA Foundation.           thought of before. Students should submit an abstract of their
For more information, go to          proposed talk and a 1,500–2,000-word prospectus for consideration.
                                                                       Currently enrolled undergraduates and graduate students are
■	 GEOPHYSICS                                                        eligible as are students who received their degrees at the end of the
                                                                     fall and spring terms immediately preceding the national GSA
George P. Woollard Award                                             meeting. The award is open to all students regardless of discipline,
                                                                     provided the proposed paper is related to the history or philosophy
Nominations due 15 Feb. 2015                                         of a geological idea/person. For more information, go to www
Submit nominations via e-mail attachment to Samantha Hansen
                                                                     ■	 MINERALOGY, GEOCHEMISTRY, PETROLOGY,
  This award recognizes outstanding contributions to geology             AND VOLCANOLOGY (MGPV)
through the application of the principles and techniques of
geophysics. A highlight of the presentation is the honorary George   Nominations due 15 July 2015
P. Woollard Technical Lecture by the recipient before the award      Submit nominations to J. Alex Speer, Mineralogical Society of
ceremony. To submit a nomination, all you need is a name,            America, 3635 Concorde Pkwy, Ste 500, Chantilly, VA 20151-1110,
contact information, and a short summary of the nominee’s quali-     USA;
fications, including his or her specific work or outcomes and how
these have contributed to geology. The nominee’s CV is helpful         MGPV awards emphasize achievements in geologic and multi-
but not required. Award funds are administered by the GSA            disciplinary approaches. Geologic work is by nature generalistic
Foundation. For more information, go to          and has an important field component, with Earth as the natural
divisions/geop/Awards.htm.                                           laboratory. For either award outlined below, please submit
                                                                     (1) a cover letter from an MGPV Division member, no longer than
■	 GEOSCIENCE EDUCATION                                              three pages, summarizing the nominee’s most important accom-
                                                                     plishments in geologic approaches to mineralogy, geochemistry,
Biggs Award for Excellence in Earth Science Teaching                 petrology, and/or volcanology, with special attention paid to
                                                                     describing how the nominee’s published work demonstrates field-
Nominations due 15 Feb. 2015                                         based multidisciplinary geologic accomplishments of a ground-
Submit nominations at               breaking nature. The letter should include the name, address, and
gedivision/news/awards/biggsaward. Any questions should be           contact information of nominator as well as from whom letters of
                                                                     support can be expected; (2) the nominee’s CV; and (3) three letters

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