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Second Announcement and Call for Papers            REGISTRATION

                           NORTH-CENTRAL SECTION                              Early registration deadline: 13 April
                                                                              Cancellation deadline: 20 April
                           49th Annual Meeting of North-Central Section, GSA  REGISTRATION FEES (all fees are in U.S. dollars)
                           Madison, Wisconsin, USA
                           19–20 May 2015                                     	 Early	Standard
                                                                              	 Full mtg.	 1 day	 Full mtg.	 1 day

                                                                              Professional Member      $185 $140 $210 $150

                                                                              Professional Member 70+  $80 $65 $100 $75

                                                                              Professional Nonmember   $210 $150 $240 $170

                                                                              Student Member           $65 $40 $75 $50

                                                                              Student Nonmember        $80 $50 $100 $60

                                                                              K–12 Professional        $35 $25 $40 $30

                                                                              Guest/Spouse             $35 $35 $35 $35

                                                                              Field Trip Only          $35 n/a $35 n/a

Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center.GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015      ACCOMMODATIONS

   From the Proterozoic to the                                                  A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hilton Madison
   Anthropocene: All the Right Stuff                                          Monona Terrace, 9 East Wilson Street, Madison WI 53703, USA,
                                                                              connected via a bridge to the Monona Terrace Community and
      LOCATION                                                                Convention Center. Group room rates range from US$149 to
         The 49th Annual Meeting of GSA’s North-Central Section will          US$359 plus a room tax of 14.5% (waived for those with State of
                                                                              Wisconsin tax exempt certificates). Reservations must be made by
      be hosted by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Dept. of               21 April 2015 to qualify for the block rate. To make your reserva-
      Geoscience and by the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History          tion, call +1-866-403-8838 or go to the Hilton Madison Monona
      Survey. Technical sessions will take place in the Frank Lloyd           Terrace website, Use code
      Wright–designed Monona Terrace Community and Convention                 “NCRC” when making your reservation to ensure that you are
      Center overlooking beautiful Lake Mendota in Madison,                   booked into the specially priced GSA block.
      Wisconsin. The meeting will feature theme sessions and field trips
      that highlight the geologic diversity of the region, from the           CALL FOR PAPERS
      Precambrian Midcontinent Rift and the Baraboo Hills, to
      Paleozoic sedimentary rocks exposed in the nearby Driftless Area,       Abstract deadline: 17 Feb.
      to new interpretations of the Cenozoic evolution of the Lower             Submit your abstract online at
      Wisconsin River, to effects of recent human activities on Earth’s
      water and mineral resources, and to new approaches to analysis of       nc/2015mtg/techprog.htm. Abstract submission fees: US$10 for
      geoscience data and educating the next generation of geoscientists.     students; US$15 for all others. If you cannot submit an abstract
                                                                              online, please contact Heather Clark, +1-303-357-1018, hclark@
       Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Photo courtesy GMCVB.               

16                                                                            Theme Sessions

                                                                              T1. 	 Precambrian Geology of the Great Lakes Region.
                                                                              T2. 	 Shortening, Shearing and Stretching the Midcontinent:

                                                                                    Geologic and Geophysical Records of Proterozoic
                                                                              T3. 	 Quantitative Approaches in Stratigraphy and
                                                                                    Paleontology: Where Are We Going, and How Will We
                                                                                    Get There?
                                                                              T4. 	 Bridging the Gap between Empirical and Model-Driven
                                                                                    Views of Geologic History: New Tools and Approaches.
                                                                              T5. 	 Coming Full Circle: From Diagenesis to Modern Aquifer
                                                                                    Chemistry—Exploring the Role of Water-Rock
                                                                                    Interactions over Time.
                                                                              T6. 	 A Centennial Celebration of USGS Monograph 53: Glacial
                                                                                    Geology of the Great Lakes Region.
                                                                              T7. 	 Quaternary Time Machine: Methods and Analyses of
                                                                                    Soils and Sediments Reveal Secrets of Past Environments.
                                                                              T8. 	 Non-Glacial Quaternary Research in the Great Lakes
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