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GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015 T10. Geoscience Education and Undergraduate Research. OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS
T11. Shallow Geophysics and Water Resources.
T12. Applications for GIS and Geospatial Data in the Mentor Programs
Geosciences. For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at Cosponsored by the GSA Foundation.
Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program in Applied Geoscience.
Full descriptions for these courses are online at www.geosociety Thurs., 21 May, lunchtime. Students will have the opportunity
.org/Sections/rm/2015mtg/workshops.htm. to discuss career prospects and challenges with professional
geoscientists from multiple disciplines over a FREE lunch.
1. Uranium Exploration. Wed., 20 May, 8 a.m.–noon, Ramkota Learn more at
Inn. Cal Van Holland, UR Energy, cal.vanholland@ US$50; student rate: US$30. John Mann Mentors in Applied Hydrogeology Program.
Fri., 22 May, lunchtime. Students interested in applied hydro-
2. Petroleum Well Site Geology. Sat., 23 May, 1–5 p.m., geology or hydrology as a career will have the opportunity to
Tate Museum Room 121. Arnold Woods, Casper College, network with professionals in these fields over a FREE lunch. US$50; student rate: US$30. Learn more at
Van transportation provided.
Geoscience Career Workshops
3. Photogrammetry: 3-D Digital Data Collection in the Lab
and Field. Wed., 20 May, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Ramkota Inn and For more information, contact Jennifer Nocerino at
Alcova Lake. Brent Breithaupt, BLM,; Cosponsored by the GSA Foundation.
Neffra Matthews, BLM, US$60; student
rate: US$35. Part 1: Career Planning and Informational Interviewing.
Thurs., 21 May, 8 a.m.–9 a.m. Your job-hunting process
4. Creating Google Tours for Geoscience Education. Sat., should begin with career planning, not when you apply for
23 May, 1–5 p.m., Casper College Gateway Building Room jobs. This workshop will help you begin this process and will
210. Heather Almquist, Univ. of Montana, heather.almquist@ introduce you to informational interviewing. US$40; student rate: US$25. Van transpor-
tation provided. Part 2: Geoscience Career Exploration. Thurs., 21 May,
9 a.m.–10 a.m. What do geologists in various sectors earn?
FIELD TRIPS What do they do? What are the pros and cons to working in
academia, government, and industry? Workshop presenters,
Please find departure information and full descriptions for and when possible, professionals in the field, will address
these field trips online at these issues.
Part 3: Cover Letters, Résumés, and CVs. Fri., 22 May,
1. Tectonics, Climate, and Paleogeomorphology in the Green 9 a.m.–10 a.m. How do you prepare a cover letter? Does your
River Formation. Sun.–Tues., 24–26 May. Michael E. Smith, résumé need a good edit? Whether you are currently in the
Univ. of Northern Arizona,; job market or not, learn how to prepare the best résumé
Jennifer Scott, Mount Royal Univ., possible. You will review numerous samples to help you to
US$450. Hotels, transportation, and lunches will be reserved learn important résumé dos and don’ts.
and paid with registration funds. Participants will be respon-
sible for paying for breakfast and dinner each day. On To the Future (OTF)
2. Eocene-Oligocene Paleovalleys of the White River Stop by the GSA Foundation booth at the welcome recep-
Formation. Emmett Evanoff, Univ. of Northern Colorado, tion to ask an onsite representative about applying to OTF, Trip details will be posted online. which provides travel support to students underrepresented
in the geosciences to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting
3. Geoscience Educators Field Trip: Alcova Reservoir, (the next one is 1–4 Nov. 2015 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA).
Fremont Canyon, and the Cotton Creek Trail. Wed., 20 May.
Terry Logue, Casper College, Student Speaker Awards
US$40; includes field guide, bus and driver, water, snacks,
and box lunch. Best student speaker awards will be awarded to both graduate
and undergraduate students in both oral and poster formats,
4. Yellowstone and Northwest Wyoming Volcano-Tectonic for a total of four awards.
Field Trip. Sun.–Tues., 24–26 May. Kent Sundell, Casper
College,; Jamie Farrell, Univ. of Job Interviews
Utah,; Bob Smith, Univ. of Utah, US$500; includes transportation Opportunities to interview with local, regional, and interna-
in coach bus with restroom, two nights lodging at double tional energy resource and mining companies for jobs in
occupancy rate, all lunches and four beverages per day, road Wyoming, the Rockies, and around the world will be arranged.
log of trip, and all National Park entrance fees. All breakfasts Please check the meeting website for notices on résumé submis-
and dinners will be on your own. sions and scheduling of interviews at the meeting.
5. Powder River Basin: From Outcrop to Oilfield. Sun.,
24 May. Includes lunch, dinner, road log. Cosponsored by
Wyoming Geological Association and Enhanced Oil Recovery