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DIRECTOR                          research, teaching, extension, and public service.        age, veteran status, or disability. In addition, NC     GSA TODAY |
     NEW MEXICO BUREAU OF GEOLOGY                        Located in Raleigh, North Carolina, NC State is           State University welcomes all persons without
                                                         the largest university in North Carolina, with more       regard to sexual orientation. Persons with disabili-
              & MINERAL RESOURCES                        than 34,000 students and 8,000 faculty and staff.         ties requiring accommodations in the application
The New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral             National rankings consistently rate Raleigh and its       and interview process please call +1-919-515-5575.
Resources, Socorro, NM, is seeking a new director        surrounding region among the five best places in
and state geologist. The bureau, with ~60 employees,     the country to live and work, with a highly educated            RESEARCH ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR
is a prominent research and service division of New      workforce, moderate weather, reasonable cost of           GEOTHERMAL SPECIALIST (TENURE TRACK)
Mexico Tech and serves as the state geological           living, and a welcoming environment. A collabora-         NEVADA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY
survey, with a long-standing reputation for excel-       tive, supportive environment for business and inno-
lence in research, service, and outreach. Our mission    vation and research collaborations with area univer-              UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO
includes research on the geologic framework of the       sities and the Research Triangle Park are compelling      The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
state, with an emphasis on applied geoscience evalu-     reasons for relocation to the area.                       at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks applicants
ation of water and energy resources. The bureau                                                                    with expertise in geothermal energy research. Nevada
works closely with the university academic divi-            Located within the College of Sciences at NC           is one of the most exciting regions in the world to do
sions as well as many state agencies. Full details of    State, MEAS is one of the largest interdisciplinary       research in the geosciences and one of the best in the
the position and information regarding application       geoscience departments in the nation. Opportuni-          U.S. for the study of geothermal resources.
procedures may be found at       ties exist for disciplinary and interdisciplinary inter-
DirectorSearch and at            actions with more than 30 marine, earth and atmo-            Position Responsibilities: The primary respon-
nmt. For more information about the application          spheric scientists. Additional information about the      sibilities of this position will be to develop broad
process, contact JoAnn Salome in Human Resources         department and its facilities can be found on the web     programs in research and education in the field
at 575-835-5955 ( For             page: NC State also hosts large        of geothermal energy while serving as Director of
more information about the position itself, contact      programs in geotechnical and construction mate-           the Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy.
Warren Ostergren, search committee chair, at             rials engineering, and has recently       The applicant is expected to conduct a nation-
+1-575-835-5363 (                       established the Center for Geospatial Analytics:          ally competitive research program that will
                                                                              include innovative approaches to understanding
  RESEARCH GEOLOGIST/STRATIGRAPHER                                                                                 the complexities of fluid flow in the crust with a
        INDIANA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY                           The department seeks to fill a tenure-track faculty    concentration on Nevada and the surrounding
                                                         position at the rank of assistant professor in struc-     Great Basin region. The successful candidate will
The Indiana Geological Survey, a research insti-         tural geology and tectonics. Possible research areas      also be expected to contribute to the development
tute of Indiana University, seeks applications for a     include, but are not limited to: rock mechanics,          of datasets and reports on Nevada’s geothermal
research geologist/stratigrapher to perform geologic     neotectonics, thermochronology, sedimentary               resources, maintain geothermal databases as part
mapping and basic and applied research related to        basin analysis, plate kinematics and geodesy. Candi-      of NGDS (National Geothermal Data System),
the bedrock stratigraphy of the State of Indiana.        dates that combine field observations with preci-         and provide state resource assessments. Education
Significant duties include participation in the USGS-    sion measurement techniques, numerical simula-            will include teaching courses in geothermal related
sponsored STATEMAP projects. Master’s degree             tions, analogue models, or laboratory experiments         topics in the Dept. of Geological Sciences and Engi-
(Ph.D. preferred), publications record, and 3 years’     are preferred, and applicants should have a strong        neering (DGSE), supervising graduate students, and
experience required. Salary range $50-60 K with          interest in interdisciplinary collaborations across       contributing to developing a geothermal curric-
ample University benefits package. Complete job          and beyond the geosciences.                               ulum. Research and educational efforts will involve
posting is on the IGS Website (                                                                   multi-departmental and multi-institutional efforts,
Application deadline is March 5, 2015, with an antic-       Position Responsibilities: This position will          with scientists from academia, industry, other insti-
ipated starting date of July 1, 2015.                    teach an undergraduate-level course in structural         tutions, and government labs. The successful candi-
                                                         geology, as well as other undergraduate and graduate      date will be asked to communicate effectively with
      ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR FOR                       classes commensurate with the candidate’s interest        the public and community leaders regarding the
 DEPT. CHAIR, EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL                      and expertise. An interest in participating in the        geothermal resources of Nevada.
                                                         department’s capstone undergraduate geology field
   SYSTEMS, INDIANA STATE UNIVERSITY                     course also is desirable. MEAS places a high value           Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctorate
May start as early as June 1, 2015.                      on excellent instruction and the use of innovative        in geology, geologic engineering, geophysics, or
                                                         teaching methods.                                         a related geoscience field by the time of hire and a
   The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Systems                                                                    demonstrated record of research on topics related
at Indiana State University seeks an interdisciplinary      Minimum Education/ Experience: Applicants              to geothermal energy as indicated by dissertation
scientist, with an environmental focus, at the Asso-     must hold a Ph.D. degree in the geosciences or a          research, industry experience, and/or peer-reviewed
ciate or Professor level to Chair a recently developed,  related field, or equivalent professional experience.     publications. The successful candidate must have
multidisciplinary department. Review of applica-                                                                   at least 5 years of postdoctoral experience (either
tions begins Feb 15, 2015, and remains open until           Department Required Skills: The successful             in industry or academia) in geothermal research
filled, for full consideration apply by March 15, 2015.  candidate must demonstrate strong potential for           in such areas as rock mechanics, 3D modeling,
For more information contact Dr. Kathleen Heath          outstanding accomplishments in research, research         geophysical techniques, reservoir engineering, and/
( and visit: www.            supervision, and teaching.                                or geochemistry. Excellent communication skills, Candidates must apply at https://                                                                as demonstrated in written application materials; EOE/Minority/Female/Individual           Application Instructions: Review of applica-           commitment to public service; potential for, or
with Disability/Veteran.                                 tions will begin on 10 February 2015; the position        established record of publications; and ability to
                                                         will remain open until filled. The start date of this     attract funding are essential. The successful candi-
              ASSISTANT PROFESSOR                        position is 15 August 2015. Applications, including       date must also have demonstrated ability to develop/
 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS                        cover letters, curriculum vitae, teaching and research    coordinate programs and work in teams to accom-
                                                         statements, and contact information for three refer-      plish major goals.
        DEPT. OF MARINE, EARTH, AND                      ences must be submitted online at https://jobs.ncsu.
             ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES                        edu/. Please search for position number #00104417.           Because the individuals will be competing for
            NORTH CAROLINA STATE                         You can also apply directly using the link below:         funding from a variety of sources, including industry
            UNIVERSITY, RALEIGH, NC                                                                                and federal agencies, for fundamental and applied
                                                                    geoscience research (e.g., NSF, DOE, and USGS),
Founded in 1887, NC State is a land-grant insti-            NC State University is an equal opportunity and        preference will be given to candidates who explain
tution distinguished by its exceptional quality of       affirmative action employer. All qualified applicants
                                                         will receive consideration for employment without
                                                         regard to race, color, national origin, religion, sex,

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