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John W. (Jack) Hess, GSA Foundation President

                           On To the Future Program—Success in Vancouver

                           GSA 2014 OTF scholars.                                                           • 23 GSA members were paired with OTF participants in one-on-
                                                                                                              one mentor relationships; and
                           It is a pleasure to share an update on the On To the Future
                                   Program (OTF), which recently convened for a second                      • OTF partnered with the International Association of
                                   time at the 2014 GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver,                          Geoscience Diversity (IAGD) to support eight students with
                                   British Columbia, Canada. Launched during GSA’s 125th                      physical disabilities among the OTF cohort.
                                   Anniversary year, OTF seeks to bring 125 students from
                           diverse backgrounds to attend their first GSA Annual Meeting.                      As OTF begins its third year, its grassroots spirit remains an
                           The program has already helped more than 245 students from                       important part of the recruitment, mentoring, and funding of the
                           diverse and underrepresented backgrounds experience the energy,                  program going forward. Of course, financial and human resources
                           science, and collegiality of the annual meeting. Consider the                    are also an essential part of establishing and sustaining a successful
                           difference in several key metrics achieved in one year:                          program. A generous three-year pledge from GSA member Paula
                                                                                                            Gural and her husband Jeffrey, in combination with continued
                           • Intensified marketing resulted in a 38% increase in completed                  support from members and partners, will enable the program to
                             applications;                                                                  build on its early successes. The Society has also committed signifi-
                                                                                                            cant strategic, term-limited funding to hire a full-time diversity
                           • First-generation college students comprised 50% of the 2014
                             OTF cohort;

                           2014 OTF Funding Sources                                                         2014 OTF Ethnicity

GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015                                                             Members/Donors        White
                                                                                      Silent Auction
                                                                                      Corporations          Hispanic/Latino
                                                                                      Associated Societies  Asian
                                                                                      GSA Strategic Funds
                                                                                                            Black/African American
                         26                                                                                 American Indian/
                                                                                                            Native American

                                                                                                            Pacific Islander

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