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geologic time, and origin of the universe (Workosky, 2014). The need a boost in their earth-science knowledge to meet the GSA TODAY |
very substance of the controversy presents an opportunity to expectations of the NGSS. Specific challenges relate to under-
engage students, teachers, and lawmakers in understanding how standing how the process of science can be different in the earth
geoscientists study complex issues and engage in scientific argu- sciences as compared to other sciences and how to present
mentation (Dolphin and Dodick, 2014). The expanded emphasis politically charged issues, such as climate change, earth history
on earth-science topics and the integration with the practices of and evolution, and natural resource use (such as fracking).
science featured in the NGSS have the potential to change misper- Resources to facilitate your efforts are available through the
ceptions by increasing the quality and complexity of earth-science following organizations and curricular repositories: National
content in public schools. Association of Earth Science Teachers, Museum of the Earth,
SERC, On the Cutting Edge, and the Geological Society of
A major hurdle to state-level adoption is the requirement that America, to name a few. Likewise, you can partner with
state legislatures understand the importance of the NGSS, vote for colleagues in a college of education or STEM outreach office to
adoption, and allocate resources to support their implementation. help use the content you provide and to develop appropriate
Earth science is not currently a mandated part of the science lessons for K–12 classrooms.
curriculum in many states and is assessed inconsistently across
the country (AGI, 2013). The current lack of earth science in K–12 REFERENCES CITED
schools means that fewer teachers are prepared to meet the expec-
tations of NGSS. Likewise, many schools currently suggest that AGI, 2013, Earth and Space Sciences Education in U.S. Secondary Schools:
students skip earth-science courses in favor of taking AP science Key Indicators and Trends: American Geosciences Institute, Earth and
courses. Therefore, the expanded focus on earth science presents a Space Sciences Report Number 1:0, 11 p.,
great challenge to local area schools even in states adopting the content/uploads/2013/08/ESS-2013-Status-Report-10-17-13.pdf (last
standards. One of the model course maps for implementation accessed 24 Nov. 2014).
proposed in the NGSS suggests that Earth and Space Science
Standards be infused into biology, chemistry, and physics courses Dolphin, G., and Dodick, J., 2014, Teaching controversies in earth science:
(NGSS, 2014c, Appendix K). This would require substantial The role of history and philosophy of science, in Matthews, M.R., ed.,
professional development resources to train current biology, International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science
chemistry, and physics teachers to teach earth-science content. Teaching: Dordrecht, Netherlands, Springer, p. 553–599.
SOLUTIONS Heitlin, L., 2014, Common science standards slow to catch on in states:
Education Week, v. 33, no. 19, p. 6.
What can you do to ensure quality K–12 earth-science
education? National Research Council, 1996, National Science Education Standards:
1. Promote the adoption of the NGSS in your state to local Washington, D.C., The National Academies Press, 272 p.
lawmakers and popular media. Check here to learn about National Research Council, 2012, Framework for K–12 Science Education:
NGSS in your state: Major Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas: Washington, D.C.,
legislative battles are taking place in many states due to push- The National Academies Press, 400 p.
back on controversial earth-science–relevant topics. Write
letters to your lawmakers urging them to support the statewide NGSS, 2012, Next Generations Science Standards: For States, By States:
adoption of NGSS. Write articles for local popular press, or hold Washington, D.C., The National Academies Press, 534 p.
a local science café through your institution’s STEM outreach
office. Stress the importance of the NGSS for preparing an NGSS, 2014a, Critical Stakeholders: Development Process: Achieve, Inc., http://
informed public to make decisions about natural resource use, (last accessed 24 Nov. 2014).
climate change impacts, and natural hazards.
2. Urge your state commissioners of education to provide NGSS, 2014b, Next Generation Science Standards: Voices of Support: Achieve,
adequate resources for teacher training to meet the Earth and Inc., (last accessed 24 Nov.
Space Science Performance Expectations in the NGSS. Many 2014).
local and regional school districts are struggling to adapt to
curricular changes as a result of statewide adoption. The NGSS, 2014c, Next Generation Science Standards: Appendix K. Model Course
resources they need include earth-science content training, Mapping in Middle and High School: Achieve, Inc., http://www
curriculum development training, classroom materials, (last accessed
computers, and strategic planning for implementing earth 24 Nov. 2014).
science either as a stand-alone course or infused into their
physics, chemistry, and biology courses. The needs and Smith, N., 2006, There’s no such thing as a natural disaster: Understanding
resources of each district vary substantially; however, all schools Katrina, perspectives from the social sciences: Social Science Research
need teacher training to understand the earth and space science Council, (last accessed
standards and how to best meet the standards within the 24 Nov. 2014).
context of their school districts’ curriculum.
3. Utilize broader impacts of funded projects to provide content Wilson, C., 2014, Status of the Geoscience Workforce: Alexandria, Virginia,
knowledge training to regional teachers. Teachers in your area American Geosciences Institute, 40 p.
Workosky, C., 2014, NGSS News: NGSS@NSTA,
latest-news/ (last accessed 24 Nov. 2014).
Wysession, M.E., 2014, The Next Generation Science Standards: A potential
revolution for geoscience education: Earth’s Future, v. 2, p. 299–302,
doi: 10.1002/2014EF000237.
Wysession, M.E., LaDue, N.D., Budd, D.A., Campbell, K., Conklin, M., Kappel,
E., Lewis, G., Raynolds, R., Ridky, R.W., Ross, R.M., Taber, J., Tewksbury,
B., and Tuddenham, P., 2012, Developing and applying a set of earth
science literacy principles: Journal of Geoscience Education, v. 60, no. 2,
p. 95–99, doi: 10.5408/11-248.1.
Manuscript received 5 Nov. 2014; accepted 12 Nov. 2014. ❉