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Coming Soon!                                                                    CALL FOR PROPOSALS

                 Check out the May issue of                                     PENROSE CONFERENCES bring together
                        GSA Today for new                                       multidisciplinary groups of geoscientists and
                                                                                facilitate an open and frank discussion of
                career development articles.                                    ideas in an informal atmosphere that also
              Looking for more information                                      stimulates individual and collaborative research:
              on a career in industry?                                

                            Want tips on how to network                         THOMPSON FIELD FORUMS offer both the
                            at national conferences?                            opportunity to get out into the field and to
            GSA is always open to ideas about the career-                       bring together experts on the topic at hand
          related information you would like to see. Send                       to exchange current knowledge, ideas, and
          an e-mail Tahlia Bear at                         theories:
          to submit your ideas.

2015 GeoVentures & Field Camps

                                                                                GeoVentures                                                      GSA TODAY |

                                                                                2–15 July: Explore New Zealand—Life on a Plate Boundary!
                                                                                20–31 July: Explore Dynamic Iceland!
                                                                                5–12 August: Explore Hawaiian Volcanoes for K–12 Teachers

                                                                                Field Camps

                                                                                14–18 June: Illinois Basin Field Camp
                                                                                20–25 June: Rocky Mountain Field Camp
                                                                                12–18 July: Mammoth Cave Field Camp
                                                                                26 July–1 August: Acadia Field Camp
                                                                                These trips are fantastic for K–12 teachers, students, informal
                                                                                educators, and pre-service teachers!

                                                                                For more information on GeoVentures contact
                                                                                  Gary Lewis at

Tasman Valley-Aoraki Mount Cook, New Zealand. Photo by David Briody               For more information on Field Camps contact
Great Geysir" in Haukadalur, Iceland. Photo by Petr Brož                        Davida Buehler at
Illinois Basin Map used with permission from USGS
Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Photo by Daniel Schwen
Longs Peak, Colorado. Photo used with permission from Wikipedia Commons
Halema´uma´u crater, Hawaii. Photo used with permission from USGS
Acadia National Park, Maine. Photo used with permission from Wikipedia Commons

“Because the best geologists are the ones that have seen the most rocks!”

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