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Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities

                                                             Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office     courses in mineralogy and petrology. We expect           other institutions, and government labs. The
                                                             no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the     strong candidates for both positions to demonstrate      successful candidate will be asked to communicate
                                                             issue in which they are to be published. Contact advertising@    the ability to teach Physical Geology, Geology for       effectively with the public and community leaders
                                                   , +1.800.472.1988 ext. 1053, or +1.303.357.1053.   Engineers, and general education courses that focus      regarding natural hazards in Nevada and coordi-
                                                             All correspondence must include complete contact informa-        on the earth sciences. Successful candidates will be     nate mitigation and response efforts with local and
                                                             tion, including e-mail and mailing addresses. To estimate cost,  expected to develop field-based experiences for          federal emergency management agencies.
                                                             count 54 characters per line, including punctuation and          undergraduate courses. In addition to strong abili-
                                                             spaces. Actual cost may differ if you use capitals, boldface     ties in teaching, we anticipate that successful candi-      Qualifications: Applicants must have a doctorate
                                                             type, or special characters. Rates are in U.S. dollars.          dates will have records of scholarship.                  in geology or a related geoscience field by the time
                                                                                                                                                                                       of hire and a demonstrated record of research on
                                                             Classification              Per Line for  Per line each             For complete details and to apply visit www           topics related to neotectonics as indicated by disser-
                                                             Positions Open               1st month    addt’l month  Refer to the job # listed above.       tation research, industry experience, and/or peer-
                                                             Fellowship Opportunities                                                                                                  reviewed publications. Excellent communication
                                                             Opportunities for Students    $ 9.15       (same ad)                When completing the application be prepared to        skills, as demonstrated in written application mate-
                                                                                           $ 9.15         $8.90               attach the following documents: (1) a curriculum         rials; commitment to public service; potential for,
                                                               First 25 lines                             $8.90               vitae; (2) a brief statement of teaching philosophy      or established record of publications; and ability to
                                                               Additional lines            $0.00                              that describes your pedagogical approaches and           attract funding are essential. The successful candi-
                                                                                           $5.00          $5.00               how your teaching and research experiences will          date must also have the ability to develop and coor-
                                                                                                          $5.00               contribute to the growth and success of the depart-      dinate programs and work in teams to accomplish
                                                                                                                              ment; (3) unofficial transcripts; and (4) contact        major goals.
                                                             Positions Open                                                   information for at least 4 references. Applicants
                                                                                                                              should fully describe their qualifications and experi-      Preference will be given to candidates with
GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities               RESEARCH ASSOCIATE IN                               ence with reference to the minimum and preferred         academic or industry experience in neotectonics.
                                                                    STABLE ISOTOPE GEOCHEMISTRY                               qualifications. Review of applications will begin        Expertise in paleoseismology (e.g. trenching),
                                                                   NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY                               February 16, 2015. The start date is August 2015.        surficial processes, Quaternary dating techniques,
                                                             The Dept. of Geology and Environmental Geosci-                   Questions about the Geosciences position can be          LiDAR, and/or InSAR will be valued. Preference
                                                             ences at Northern Illinois University (NIU) invites              directed to Dr. Ira Sasowsky at          will be given to candidates who have demonstrated
                                                             applications for a research associate position in stable                                                                  research productivity with publications in peer-
                                                             isotope geochemistry. The successful candidate will                 The University of Akron is an equal education         reviewed literature. The successful candidate will
                                                             hold a full-time, non-tenure track appointment.                  and employment institution. It is the policy of this     compete for funding from a variety of sources,
                                                             We seek candidates with a research focus in isotope              institution that there shall be no unlawful discrimi-    including federal agencies interested in fundamental
                                                             ratio mass spectrometry, the ability to operate and              nation against any individual in employment or in        and applied geoscience research (e.g., NSF, USGS,
                                                             maintain analytical laboratory facilities supporting             its programs or activities at The University of Akron    Dept. of Energy, and Bureau of Land Management)
                                                             allied research across the university, and a desire to           because of race, color, religion, sex, age, national or  and industry. Therefore, preference will be given to
                                                             train students in analytical laboratory techniques.              ethnic origin, disability, or status as a veteran.       candidates who explain achievable plans for funded
                                                             The capacity to collaboratively develop successful                                                                        research on Nevada-focused topics in neotectonics
                                                             research proposals, publish research results, and                  ASSISTANT PROFESSOR NEOTECTONICS                       in their letters of interest. In addition, preference will
                                                             successfully generate and conduct contracted anal-                                 (TENURE-TRACK)                         be given to candidates who understand the role of
                                                             yses is essential to the position. Applicants must                                                                        NBMG as the state geological survey of Nevada and
                                                             have a Ph.D. in geoscience or a related field; post-             NEVADA BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY                       can articulate how NBMG can better serve stake-
                                                             doctoral experience in a stable isotope laboratory is              (NBMG), UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO                     holders (citizens, government, and industry) on
                                                             preferred. Applications including CV, statement of                                                                        issues related to geologic hazards.
                                                             research experience, accomplishments and inter-                  The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG)
                                                             ests, and three letters of recommendation should be              at the University of Nevada, Reno seeks applicants          Salary and Date of Appointment: The position
                                                             submitted electronically to the Dept. Chair, Mark P.             with expertise in neotectonics and Quaternary            will be a tenure-track faculty appointment at the
                                                             Fischer, at Screening of applica-              geology. Nevada is one of the most exciting regions      assistant professor level with an academic-year base
                                                             tions will begin March 1, 2015, and continues until              in the world to conduct research in the geosciences,     salary that is competitive with other research univer-
                                                             the position is filled. For additional information               particularly in the fields of neotectonics and geologic  sities. Starting date will be July 1, 2015, or shortly
                                                             about the position and the department, visit: www                hazards.                                                 thereafter, depending on availability of the successful
                                                    NIU is an AA/EEO institution that                                                                       candidate.
                                                             values diversity in its faculty, staff and students: we             Position Responsibilities: The primary responsi-
                                                             strongly encourage applications from diverse candi-              bilities of this position will be to develop programs       To apply, please visit: https://www.unrsearch
                                                             dates, including women and minorities. A state-                  in research and education in the field of neotectonics   .com/postings/16813. Please submit a letter
                                                             mandated pre-employment criminal background                      with emphasis on paleoseismic and earthquake             expressing your interest in the position and research
                                                             investigation is required.                                       hazard research in Nevada and the surrounding            plans; names, e-mail addresses, postal addresses,
                                                                                                                              region. Research will focus on landscape evolu-          and telephone numbers of at least three references;
                                                                             COLLEGE LECTURER                                 tion primarily as it relates to Quaternary faulting,     a complete curriculum vitae; and electronic copies
                                                                     DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES                                utilizing innovative approaches, such as LiDAR, to       of up to three of your publications to http://jobs.unr.
                                                                                                                              conduct detailed geologic mapping and dating of          edu/. Application deadline is March 10, 2015. For
                                                                           UNIVERSITY OF AKRON                                Quaternary units and surfaces. The successful candi-     further information about NBMG, please consult
                                                             The University of Akron is expanding its teaching                date will also be expected to contribute to the devel-   our website (
                                                             strengths in the Dept. of Geosciences by opening                 opment of datasets and reports on Nevada’s Quater-
                                                             two non-tenure track positions with foci on earth                nary faults and seismic activity, including periodic        The University of Nevada, Reno is committed to
                                                             systems history and mineralogy. Current faculty                  assessments and syntheses of hazards facing its major    Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
                                                             members serve approximately 40 M.S. students and                 cities and infrastructure. Education will include        in recruitment of its students and employees and
                                                             130 undergraduates majoring in geology, environ-                 teaching courses in the successful candidate’s area      does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, reli-
                                                             mental science, geographic information systems and               of expertise, such as neotectonics, geologic hazards,    gion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran status,
                                                             geography. Candidates must possess Ph.D. (or abd)                and Quaternary geology in the Dept. of Geological        physical or mental disability, and sexual orienta-
                                                             in a geosciences field. Competitive earth systems                Sciences and Engineering and supervising graduate        tion. The University of Nevada employs only United
                                                             history candidates (Job #8534) must have the ability             students. Research and educational efforts will          States citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work
                                                             to teach courses including Historical Geology and                involve integrated multi-departmental (e.g. Nevada       in the United States. Women and under-represented
                                                             Paleobiology/Paleontology. Competitive mineralogy                Seismological Laboratory) and multi-institutional        groups are encouraged to apply.
                                                             candidates (Job #8535) must have the ability to teach            efforts, with scientists from academia, industry,

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