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Second Announcement and Call for Papers                                     REGISTRATION

ROCKY MOUNTAIN SECTION                                                      Early registration deadline: 20 April

67th Annual Meeting of the Rocky Mountain                                   REGISTRATION FEES (all fees are in U.S. dollars)
Section, GSA                                                                	 Early	Standard
Casper, Wyoming, USA
21–23 May 2015                                                              	 Full mtg.	 1 day	 Full mtg.	 1 day                                     Professional Member      $190 $90 $230 $100

                                                                            Professional Member 70+  $70 $55 $75 $60

                                                                            Professional Nonmember   $210 $160 $240 $200

                                                                            Student Member           $50 $30 $60 $40

                                                                            Student Nonmember        $60 $45 $80 $65

                                                                            K–12 Teachers            $50 $25 $60 $30

                                                                            Guest/Spouse             $45 n/a $55 n/a

                                                                            Field Trip Only          $30 n/a $40 n/a


                                                                              A block of rooms has been reserved at the Best Western
                                                                            Ramkota Hotel, 800 N. Poplar, Casper, WY 82601, USA. Special
                                                                            room rates are US$83 plus tax. To make your reservation, call
                                                                            +1-307-266-6000 and use code “GEOLOG” to ensure that you are
                                                                            booked into the block for this meeting.

                                                                            CALL FOR PAPERS

                                                                            Abstract deadline: 17 Feb.
                                                                              Submit your abstract online at

                                                                            rm/2015mtg/. Abstract submission fee: US$10 for students;
                                                                            US$15 for all others.

Beautiful Mount Moran in Grand Teton National Park.                         Symposia                                                         GSA TODAY |

   Groundbreaking Discoveries in the Rockies:                               S1. 	 Yellowstone/Teton/Snake River Plain Volcano–Tectonic
   Fractures, Fossils, and Fumaroles                                             System: Honoring 55 Years of Distinguished Research and
                                                                                 the Legacy of Bob Smith.
                                                                            S2. 	 The Continental Triassic: Sedimentary and Paleobiologic
         The Casper College Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences,           Records throughout the Rocky Mountain Region.
      the University of Wyoming, and the Wyoming Geological
      Association (WGA) are excited to host the 67th Annual Rocky           S3. 	 Brittle Structures of Rocky Mountain Reservoirs and
      Mountain Section Meeting in the booming city of Casper,                    Reservoir Analogs.
      Wyoming, USA. We have developed a technical program covering
      a broad scope of topics, including the fields of Cenozoic volca-      S4. 	 Quaternary Geoarchaeology: Honoring the Work of John
      nism; structural geology; paleontology; paleobiology and sedi-             Albanese.
      mentology; geomorphology; geophysics and hydrology;
      applications in GIS; and mining and industry. Our location at the     Theme Sessions
      base of Casper Mountain along the North Platte River and the
      southern margin of the Powder River Basin provides a world-class      T1. 	 In Celebration of the Release of the WGA 2014 Wyoming
      energy resource and geologic setting for our conference field trips.        Stratigraphic Nomenclature Chart: Topics in Rocky
                                                                                  Mountain Stratigraphy and Sedimentology.

                                                                            T2. 	 Geomorphology and Surficial Processes.
                                                                            T3. 	 Advancements and Issues in Petroleum Extraction

                                                                                  Technologies. Cosponsored by the Wyoming Geological
                                                                                  Association in conjunction with the Enhanced Oil Recovery
                                                                            T4. 	 General Minerals and Mining.
                                                                            T5. 	 Special Problems in Rocky Mountain Coal Mining.
                                                                            T6. 	 Graduate Student Research.
                                                                            T7. 	 General Paleontology.
                                                                            T8. 	 Paleoclimate, Paleoecology, and Evolution.
                                                                            T9. 	 Mountain Building and Basin Response: New Insights to
                                                                                  the Bighorn Mountains and Associated Basins.

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