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GSA Education & Outreach Programs

                           2015 Section Meetings

                           Mentor Programs                                              Career Planning

                             Plan now to attend a Roy J. Shlemon Mentor Program           Wondering how to start your career planning process
                           in Applied Geoscience and/or a John Mann Mentors in          or what employment sector is the best fit for you? Does
                           Applied Hydrogeology Program luncheon at your 2015           your résumé need some updating? Take advantage of
                           Section Meeting to receive career advice and chat one-       our three one-hour career workshops, which will run at
                           on-one with practicing geoscientists. FREE lunches will      each Section Meeting.
                           be served!
                                                                                        On To the Future
                             If you have questions or want to serve as a mentor,
                           contact Jennifer Nocerino,           Will the 2015 GSA Annual Meeting (1–4 Nov. in
                                                                                        Baltimore, Maryland, USA) be the first one you attend?
                                                                                        Are you a student from an underrepresented group within
                                                                                        the geosciences? If so, come by the GSA Foundation
                                                                                        booth during your Section Meeting welcome reception to
                                                                                        get more information about GSA’s On To the Future
                                                                                        program and how we can help you get to GSA 2015.

                           Teacher Advocate Program

                             Did you know that GSA’s Teacher Advocate Program           they learned with more than 2,600 teachers. Ultimately,
                           (TAP) has more than 20 resources for teachers to use in      more than 327,000 students will be impacted from this
                           their classrooms? The Explore Geoscience resources           one conference! Teachers do not need to attend a
                           were developed for teachers by teachers, and they have       conference to use our resources, which are available in
                           proven to be very successful in the classroom. Each          the GSA store at
                           resource contains background information, pictures,          SearchResults.aspx?Category=EDU. For more infor-
                           inquiry-based activities that incorporate data for students  mation on the Explore Geoscience resources, or for
                           to manipulate, and 3-D models. GSA’s TAP program             professional development training for your school district,
                           manager, Davida Buehler, provides teacher trainings at       contact Davida Buehler at
                           various science teacher conferences. In addition to
GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015  training teachers on how to use these resources, she
                           provides them with background knowledge on the
                           geoscience topic presented. These conference work-
                           shops have proven to be highly successful. During the
                           recent National Science Teachers Association
                           Conference in Orlando, Florida, USA, Davida was able to
                           train more than 200 teachers on rocks, minerals, and
                           earthquakes. These teachers will go on to share what

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