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GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015  of support. Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the       to science. Neither nominators nor nominees need be GSA
                           United States, and membership in GSA is not a requirement. The      Members, and self-nomination is not permitted.
                           awards will not be given posthumously. For more information,
                           go to                   Nominations should include (1) a brief biographical sketch of
                                                                                               the nominee; (2) a statement of no more than 200 words
                           MGPV Distinguished Geologic Career Award                            describing the candidate’s scientific contributions to Quaternary
                                                                                               geology and geomorphology; (3) a selected bibliography of no
                             This award goes to an individual who, throughout his or her       more than 20 titles; and (4) a minimum of four letters from
                           career, has made distinguished contributions in one or more of      colleagues supporting the nomination.
                           the following fields of research: mineralogy, geochemistry,
                           petrology, volcanology, with emphasis on multidisciplinary, field-  ■	 SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY
                           based contributions.
                                                                                               Laurence L. Sloss Award for Sedimentary Geology
                           MGPV Early Career Award
                                                                                               Nominations due 1 Mar. 2015
                             The MGPV award will go to an individual near the beginning        Submit nominations to Linda Kah at
                           of his or her professional career who has made distinguished
                           contributions in one or more of the following fields of research:     This award is given to a sedimentary geologist whose lifetime
                           mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, volcanology, with emphasis     achievements best exemplify those of Larry Sloss—i.e., achieve-
                           on multidisciplinary, field-based contributions. Nominations are    ments that contribute widely to the field of sedimentary geology
                           restricted to those who are within eight years past the award of    and service to GSA. Monies for the award are derived from the
                           their final degree. For example, awards decided before 31 Dec.      annual interest income of the Laurence L. Sloss Award for
                           2014 included all candidates whose final degree was awarded no      Sedimentary Geology Fund, administered by the GSA
                           earlier than 1 Jan. 2007. Extensions of up to two years will be     Foundation. Nominations should include (1) a cover letter
                           made for nominees who have taken career breaks for family           describing the nominee’s accomplishments in sedimentary
                           reasons or because of serious illness.                              geology and contributions to GSA; and (2) the nominee’s CV.
                                                                                               For more information, go to
                           ■	 QUATERNARY GEOLOGY AND                                           SGD_Awards2.html#Sloss.
                                                                                               ■	 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND TECTONICS
                           Farouk El-Baz Award for Desert Research
                                                                                               Career Contribution Award
                           Nominations due 1 Apr. 2015
                           Submit nominations to Anne Chin at          Nominations due 10 Mar. 2015
                                                                                               Submit nominations to Jane Gilotti at
                             This award is intended to stimulate research in desert environ-
                           ments by recognizing an individual whose research has signifi-        This award recognizes an individual who, throughout his/her
                           cantly advanced the understanding of the Quaternary geology and     career, has made numerous distinguished contributions that have
                           geomorphology of deserts worldwide. Although the award              clearly advanced the science of structural geology or tectonics.
                           primarily recognizes achievement in desert research, the funds      Nominees need not be citizens or residents of the United States,
                           that accompany it may be used for further research. The award is    and membership in GSA is not required. Nominations should
                           normally given to one person but may be shared by two people if     include the following information: (1) the name of nominee,
                           the recognized research was the result of a coequal partnership.    present institutional affiliation, and address; (2) a summary state-
                           Any scientist from any country may be nominated, but self-nomi-     ment of the nominee’s major career contributions to the science of
                           nation is not permitted. Neither nominators nor nominees need       structural geology and tectonics; (3) selected key published works;
                           be GSA Members. Monies for the award are derived from the           and (4) the name and address of nominator. For more information,
                           annual interest income of the Farouk El-Baz Fund, administered      go to
                           by the GSA Foundation.
                                                                                               Outstanding Publication Award
                             Nomination materials should include (1) a statement of the
                           significance of the nominee’s research; (2) a CV; (3) letters of    Nominations due 1 Mar. 2015
                           support; and (4) copies of no more than five of the nominee’s       Submit nominations to Dyanna Czeck at
                           most significant publications related to desert research.
                                                                                                 This award recognizes a published work (paper, book, or map)
                           Distinguished Career Award                                          of exceptional distinction that clearly advances the science of
                                                                                               structural geology or tectonics. Nominations should include
                           Nominations due 1 Apr. 2015                                         (1) a full citation; (2) a written nomination (as short as a paragraph;
                           Submit nominations to Sarah Lewis at   letters or reviews may also be included); and (3) the name and
                                                                                               address of nominator. For more information, go to http://rock
                             This award recognizes a Quaternary geologist or geomorpholo-
                           gist who has demonstrated excellence in his or her contributions

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