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GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015 | Geoscience Jobs & Opportunities achievable plans for funded research on Nevada- or additional Geology Dept. courses based on the middle Cambrian time. Use of the Clem Nelson
focused topics in geothermal energy in their letters expertise of the candidate and needs of the depart- Trilobite Collection (
of interest. In addition, preference will be given to ment. The teaching load will be two lab courses or bites/default.html) is encouraged but not required.
candidates who understand NBMG’s role as the state three non-lab courses per semester. The award may be used for WMRC room and board,
geological survey of Nevada, especially to those who research supplies, and travel. The submission dead-
can articulate a plan of how NBMG can better serve Allegheny College is a highly selective private line for application and three letters of reference is
stakeholders (citizens, government, and industry) liberal arts college with a dedicated faculty of May 31, 2015. Application is available at www.wmrc.
on issues related to geothermal resources. teacher-scholars. The Dept. of Geology has a tradi- edu/student/default.html. For further information
tion of high-quality undergraduate education and please contact Dr. Antony Orme, Director, WMRC
Salary and Date of Appointment: The position active involvement of students in research. Facilities (, visit our website (www
will be a tenure-track faculty appointment at the include a computer lab with GIS software, Geoprobe, or phone WMRC (+1-760-873-4344).
associate professor level with an academic-year base drill rig, Rigaku Miniflex XRD, Dionex Ion Chro-
salary that is competitive with other research univer- matograph, Perkin Elmer Flame/Furnace AAS, JEOL Philmont Scout Ranch
sities. Starting date will be July 1, 2015, or shortly SEM-EDS-CL, and well-equipped instructional Volunteer Geologist
thereafter, depending on availability of the successful labs. Applicants should send electronic copies of a
candidate. letter of application, teaching statement, research Program
statement, cv, transcripts, and have three letters of
Application: Please submit a letter expressing reference sent to: Energy Search, Dept. of Geology, Cimarron, New Mexico, USA
your interest in the position, research plans; names, Allegheny College, Meadville, PA 16335, GeoEner-
e-mail, postal addresses, and telephone numbers of Review of applica- Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain
at least three references; a complete vita; and elec- tions will begin February 16, 2015. More informa- Association of Geologists
tronic copies of up to three of your publications to tion on Allegheny College and the Dept. of Geology Appli- may be obtained at Volunteer to teach and
cation deadline is March 1, 2015. For further infor- Applicant must be authorized to work in the United demonstrate area geology in back-
mation about NBMG, please consult our website States to be considered. Allegheny College is an country New Mexico this summer!
( Equal Opportunity Employer, with a strong insti-
tutional commitment to develop a diverse faculty Philmont Scout Ranch is one of three
The University of Nevada, Reno is committed to and staff. Women, veterans, and members of other national high-adventure bases owned and
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action under-represented groups are encouraged to apply.
in recruitment of its students and employees and operated by the Boy Scouts of America.
does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, reli- SURVEY DIRECTOR AND STATE GEOLOGIST Located in the southern Sangre de Cristo
gion, sex, age, creed, national origin, veteran status, WISCONSIN GEOLOGICAL AND
physical or mental disability, and sexual orienta- NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Mountains of northern New Mexico,
tion. The University of Nevada employs only United Philmont is a 137,000-acre ranch dedicated
States citizens and aliens lawfully authorized to work UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–EXTENSION
in the United States. Women and underrepresented Madison, Wisconsin, is home to the State Capitol, to outdoor activities. The twelve-day
groups are encouraged to apply. the flagship campus of the University of Wisconsin backpacking experience serves more than
System, and the Wisconsin Geological Survey. 27,000 high-school-age boys and girls from
VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Surrounded by lakes, our bike-friendly college all over the USA as well as several foreign
OF GEOLOGY, ENERGY town is a vibrant hub of art, music, local foods, and countries. Learn more about the geology
ALLEGHENY COLLEGE outdoor activities. Our city consistently ranks as a of the area at
top place to live, work, and play.
The Geology Dept. at Allegheny College invites pp_505/html/pdf.html.
applicants for a full-time two-year appointment The University of Wisconsin–Extension (an Fifty-four volunteer positions are open this
in energy, starting fall 2015, with the possibility of EEO/AA employer) is seeking a Ph.D.-level year, to be filled on a first-come, first-served
a two-year renewal and eventual conversion to a geoscientist to serve as Survey Director and State basis. Volunteers will receive a sign-up packet
tenure-track contract. A Ph.D. is preferred at the Geologist. The Survey employs 26 professionals with scout applications (you have to be a scout,
time of appointment but strong ABD candidates and has an average annual budget of $2 million. at least for the summer!), medical forms,
will be considered. We seek a geoscientist with Our academic atmosphere, focus on research
demonstrated experience in an energy-related field and outreach, and compact size set the WGNHS and brochures in May 2015. Students
to develop and teach one to two new courses in apart from most geological research organiza- who would like to volunteer must show proof
energy and to help shape a new interdisciplinary tions. A complete position description is available
minor in energy and society. Our vision for this at: of enrollment in a graduate-level program.
position is to provide students with rigorous tech- Application deadline: February 28, 2015. The 2015 season begins on Saturday, 13 June;
nical training in energy fundamentals, grounded in
the geosciences. We seek a candidate who can work Opportunities for Students the last week of the program begins
with others to analyze the political, economic, and on Saturday, 8 August.
other societal facets necessary to manage properly Graduate Student Research Fellowship on the
our existing fossil fuels while we develop and imple- Early Earth History of the White/Inyo Range, For more information and to sign up,
ment sustainable future energy resources. Successful California. The University of California, White contact Ed Warner, 62 South Ash Street,
candidates will have a strong commitment to liberal Mountain Research Center invites graduate students Denver, CO 80246, USA, +1-303-331-7737,
arts undergraduate education and will work as part in geology to apply for the Clem Nelson Graduate Alternate contact:
of a small and active Geology departmental team. Student Research Fellowship. In honor of Clemens Bob Horning, P.O. Box 460, Tesuque, NM
Applied work in the energy industry and/or teaching Nelson, Professor Emeritus, UCLA Dept. of Earth 87574, USA, +1-505-820-9290, rrhorning@
experience will be assets. The appointee will advise and Space Sciences, and long-time WMRC affil-
and work closely with undergraduate students in iate, one $3,500.00 award is available for graduate
course work and advising, including senior research student research on the Early Earth History of the
projects, and will provide evidence of excellence in White/Inyo Range in California. Clem Nelson was
teaching and ongoing scholarship. Other teaching a world authority on Late Precambrian and Early
will include physical and/or environmental geology, Cambrian geology, particularly fossils from early-
college-wide first-year/sophomore seminars, and/