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Next Generation Science Standards: A call to action for the geoscience community

GSA TODAY | FEBRUARY 2015  Nicole D. LaDue, Dept. of Geology and Environmental                    substantially improve public understanding of the challenges we
                           Geosciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois 60115,     face as a population with respect to natural disasters, natural
                           USA, and Cheryl Brown Manning, Evergreen High School,                  resources, economics, and ecological systems. Improved geosci-
                           Evergreen, Colorado 80439, USA                                         ence literacy will lead to an improved response to critical geologic
                                                                                                  issues, such as the costs and benefits of geologic resources,
                             How do we ensure the health of our geology departments with a        resource development and consumption, and local and national
                           steady stream of majors and build an informed public prepared to       economic well-being (Smith, 2006).
                           make important decisions on geoscience issues? The Next
                           Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are a critical step, and they        The structure of the NGSS effectively links the content to the
                           require the support of geoscientists nationwide.                       practice of geoscience. Built upon the Framework for K–12 Science
                                                                                                  Education (National Research Council, 2012), 26 states collabo-
                             The NGSS demonstrate an expanded emphasis on earth-science           rated to create the first set of standards to be adopted by multiple
                           topics (such as natural resource distribution, human impacts on        states. The NGSS present a new opportunity for the geosciences
                           climate, and geologic history) compared to previous standards          because they have an expanded emphasis on earth science
                           (NGSS, 2012; National Research Council, 1996). The NGSS present a      (Wysession, 2014) and are built directly upon a set of geoscience
                           rare opportunity to significantly improve K–12 earth-science educa-    literacy documents developed by the scientific community
                           tion nationally because they (1) include up-to-date, timely topics     (Wysession et al., 2012). An important feature of the NGSS is the
                           important for public decision making; and (2) increase the rigor and   integration of three dimensions: (1) Disciplinary Core Ideas,
                           prominence of earth-science content in K–12 classrooms. However,       (2) Crosscutting Concepts, and (3) Science and Engineering
                           adoption of the NGSS requires state-level legislative action. Without  Practices. For example, students must demonstrate that they can
                           support from geoscientists at the state level, the implementation of   “analyze geoscience data to make the claim that one change to
                           NGSS nationwide is threatened.                                         Earth’s surface can create feedbacks that cause changes to other
                                                                                                  Earth systems” (NGSS, 2012, HS-ESS2-2). This performance
                             High-quality K–12 earth-science education is important for           expectation demonstrates how the science practice of analyzing
                           recruiting the necessary workforce to meet society’s needs.            data to support the claim is applied to the relevant earth systems
                           Although recent enrollment in geoscience majors has dropped            Disciplinary Core Idea and connects the Crosscutting Concept of
                           less than 3% in 2013, there is a predicted shortfall of 150,000        feedbacks across the science disciplines. This structure requires
                           geologists to meet the workforce demands in the next decade            teachers to engage students in the process of science, rather than
                           (Wilson, 2014). The need to boost enrollment to meet this              presenting geoscience as a set of facts.
                           demand is hampered by the lack of quality K–12 earth-science
                           education. Earth science has the fewest trained teachers at the          The NGSS development process involved stakeholders from
                           primary and secondary levels, and only 28% of high-school              science, science education, higher education, and industry and
                           students take an earth-science class (Wilson, 2014). There is also     several rounds of public feedback were sought before publication.
                           no geoscience Advanced Placement (AP) course. Despite this             Numerous groups and associations strongly support the NGSS,
                           lack of earth sciences at the secondary level, more than half of       including the American Geophysical Union, the Geological
                           geology graduates report having taken a middle or high school          Society of America, the National Academy of Science, and the U.S.
                           earth-science course (Wilson, 2014), suggesting that those who         Army, as well as energy, technology, and insurance companies
                           do have K–12 earth sciences exposure may be more likely to             (NGSS, 2014a, 2014b). This demonstrates the importance of the
                           pursue geoscience majors.                                              NGSS for developing the scientifically literate population neces-
                                                                                                  sary for continued national and economic stability and success.
                             High-quality K–12 earth-science education is important for
                           geoscience literacy. The public is facing challenging and complex      CHALLENGES
                           decisions about geoscience topics, such as fracking and carbon
                           emissions. Inadequate K–12 earth-science education leads to              The adoption of the NGSS by individual states has been slow for
                           misunderstandings about the process of science and uninformed          numerous reasons, including the lack of federal incentives and an
                           speculation about the causes of earthquakes, volcanoes, land-          emphasis on the Common Core State Standards Initiative
                           slides, climate change, flooding, massive storms, and droughts—        (Heitlin, 2014). However, the greatest controversy is focused on
                           obfuscating and politicizing the impacts of natural disasters on       the earth-science standards because they include politically
                           public safety (Smith, 2006). The structure of the NGSS, which          controversial topics: climate change; costs and benefits of explora-
                           infuses science practices and content, has the potential to            tion, development and use of natural resources; and evolution,

      GSA Today, v. 25, no. 2, doi: 10.1130/GSATG233GW.1.

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