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Research using a combination of approaches (e.g.   For complete information about these positions,   sideration. Demonstrated collaborations in research
          field, theoretical, modeling, analytical) is preferred,   including qualifications and application materials,   are valued as well.
          as well as interest in or experience with both mod-  please visit   To Apply: Please view the full ad and apply
          ern and ancient systems.           (positions 28007 and 28018). If you have any ques-  online at Applications
            This faculty position presents an opportunity   tions,  please  contact  Shangping  Xu  (xus@uwm   must include the following: (1) a letter of interest;
          to join a productive department at a highly ranked   .edu), Physical Hydrogeology Position Contact;   (2) a curriculum vitae; (3) a description of research
          research university. We seek an individual aimed at   Lindsay McHenry (, Paleon-  and teaching interests; (4) description of major
          the highest standards of scholarship in research and   tology Position Contact; or John L. Isbell, Dept. of   achievements and contributions to economic geol-
          teaching at both the graduate (MSc and PhD) and   Geosciences Chair (  ogy; (5) a description of how the applicant would
          undergraduate levels, and who would be drawn to   PROFESSOR OF GEOLOGICAL   approach broadening participation of underrepre-
          interact with a diverse, interdisciplinary faculty and   SCIENCES, DEPARTMENT OF   sented groups in the geosciences; and (5) complete
          student body in the Earth and Environmental Sci-  GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES,   contact information for at least five references.
          ences and related fields. Connections with campus   UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT EL PASO  Review of applications will begin on Nov. 15, 2018,
          initiatives in transdisciplinary research, data  sci-  The Department is proud to announce the newly   and continue until the position is filled. The antici-
          ence, digital learning, or immersive experiences for   created  Kenneth  F.  and  Patricia  Clark  Distin-  pated appointment date is August 1, 2019.
          undergraduates are desirable.      guished  Chair  in  Economic  Geology.  The  one-   For more information about the position, please
            The department is committed to increasing                           contact: Dr. Nicholas Pingitore (npingitore@utep
          diversity in the geoscience community, and is espe-  million-dollar endowment shall be used to support   .edu), Search Committee Chair or Dr. James
                                             the activities of the Distinguished Chair, in particu-
          cially interested in candidates who, through their   lar to enhance research in the field of Economic   Kubicki (, Department Chair.
          research, teaching, and/or service, will contribute to   Geology and/or Resource Extraction, and to sup-  The University of Texas at El Paso is an Equal
          the diversity and inclusivity of the academic com-  port the development of students’ abilities to gain   Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The
          munity. Minorities, women, individuals with dis-  employment in such sectors. We are interested in   University does not discriminate on the basis of race,
          abilities, and members of other underrepresented   applicants with an exceptional record of success-  color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability,
          groups, in particular, are encouraged to apply.   ful projects in the area of Economic Geology. The   genetic information, veteran status, or sexual orien-
          Vanderbilt is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative   candidate must demonstrate the capacity to develop   tation in employment or the provision of services.
          Action employer.                   and strengthen the Department’s ties with the min-  Hiring decisions are based on budget approval.
            The position is effective for the Fall 2019 semes-  ing and extractive industries, as well as the capacity   FACULTY POSITION, ISOTOPE
          ter at the Assistant Professor level. Applications   to mentor students and guide their projects through   GEOCHEMISTRY AND GEOCHEMISTRY,
          should include a vita, a statement of research and   to publication. The successful candidate will teach   UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE,
          teaching interests, and names of at least three refer-  a combination of undergraduate and graduate   KNOXVILLE
          ences (including mail and e-mail addresses, as well   classes. The candidate will be expected to attract   The Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Uni-
          as phone numbers). Select applicants will later be   research funding from external sources. The hired   versity of  Tennessee,  Knoxville,  invites  applica-
          asked to provide student evaluations of teaching,   person will have the opportunity to participate in   tions for a nine-month, tenure-line position in Iso-
          if available. The successful applicant must have   the Department’s Center for Entrepreneurial Geo-  tope Geochemistry and Geochemistry to be hired
          the Ph.D. in hand by August 2019. Applications   sciences (   at the rank of Associate Professor. The successful
          should be submitted online via Interfolio at https://  Salary for this Full Professor position is negotiable.  candidate will develop a successful program of
 The review of files   The University of Texas at El Paso is a bur-  externally funded research in isotope geochemis-
          will begin on December 1, 2018. Inquiries about   geoning national and international research uni-  try and geochemistry that includes supervision of
          the position can be directed to Guilherme Gualda    versity committed to access and excellence. A   undergraduate and graduate students, post-doctoral
         leader among Hispanic-serving institutions, UTEP   researchers, and technical staff. The candidate will
            Vanderbilt  University is located  in  Nashville,
          Tennessee, a thriving state-capital city that enjoys a   enrolls over 25,000 students and is the only doctoral   provide primary oversight of a newly created ICP-
                                             research university in the nation with a majority
                                                                                MS core facility, which will include quadrupole and
          moderate climate, excellent parks and natural areas,   Mexican-American  student  body.  UTEP  is  desig-  multi-collector ICP-MS instruments, a laser ablation
          a strong and varied economy, and diverse food,   nated by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advance-  system, and a clean laboratory housed in the Dept.
          music, and cultural opportunities.  ment of Teaching as “Community Engaged,” and   of Earth  and  Planetary Sciences, located  within
          TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT PROFESSOR   UTEP faculty have been nationally recognized   the newly constructed Strong Hall. All laboratory
            (PHYSICAL HYDROGEOLOGY) AND      for their commitment to student success, teaching,   spaces are new and purpose-built for the core facil-
             VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR    research, and scholarship.         ity, with significant university resources available
            (PALEONTOLOGY/PALEOBIOLOGY),       Required Qualifications: The Dept. of Geo-  for equipment purchase. Associated responsibilities
               UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN–      logical Sciences is interested in hiring a faculty   include  financial  oversight  and  subsequent  set-up,
                     MILWAUKEE               member with a distinguished career in the area of   operation,  and  maintenance  of  a  recharge-based,
          The  Dept. of Geosciences at  the  University of   Economic Geology that is capable of teaching at   multi-instrument facility available for department,
          Wisconsin–Milwaukee seeks to fill two positions   the Undergraduate and Graduate level, conducting   university, and external users. In addition, the candi-
          beginning August 19, 2019: one tenure-track fac-  fundamental research, publishing in peer-reviewed   date is expected to perform rank-appropriate depart-
          ulty position in Physical Hydrogeology (Position   journals, and mentoring students in applied min-  mental and university service. The successful candi-
          # 28007) and one  (renewable) visiting  assistant   eral exploration, genesis of ore deposits and/or   date will instruct undergraduate courses, as well as
          professor  position  in  Paleontology/Paleobiology   other related areas. Candidates capable of building   graduate courses in the candidate’s specialty.
          (Position # 28018).                active research programs and engaging in collab-  Applicants  must hold a Ph.D.  (or equivalent)
            Review of applications will begin December 11,   orative research are encouraged to apply. Preferred   degree in solid-earth geoscience or a related dis-
          2018, but the position remains open until filled.   Qualifications:  Candidates  with  either  industrial   cipline, and demonstrate excellence and innova-
            The  University  of  Wisconsin-Milwaukee  is  a   and/or academic backgrounds are encouraged to   tion through  publications  and  grants/contracts
          Research 1 institution located on the north side of   apply. Such achievements as: a track record of peer-  in  isotope  geochemistry  (radiogenic  and/or  non-
          Milwaukee. The department of Geosciences offers   reviewed publications, attainment of research fund-  traditional stable isotope) or geochemistry, with the
          B.S./B.A., M.S., and Ph.D. degree programs and is   ing, leadership, project management, discoveries   capacity to lead research in isotope geochemistry.
          staffed by 10 full-time faculty. The University of   and or exploration success and entrepreneurship   The specific research specialty is open. The candi-
          Wisconsin-Milwaukee  is  an  Equal  Opportunity/  would be viewed favorably. Teaching experience in   date must have a minimum of 7 years of research
          Affirmative Action Employer.       the field, laboratory or classroom will also be a con-  experience beyond the Ph.D. degree, and must have

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