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fields, we are particularly interested in candidates   but applications will be reviewed until the posi-  Employer. Utah Valley University is committed to
          who bridge Solid Earth and Climate Science disci-  tion is filled. Inquiries may also be directed to    an inclusive hiring process and the welcoming of
          plines. In Surface Processes/Geomorphology, we  diverse candidates.
          encourage  interdisciplinary applicants  who  focus   Colby is a private, coeducational liberal arts col-  PALEONTOLOGY AND HISTORICAL
          on the critical zone between solid Earth systems   lege that admits students and makes employment   GEOLOGY FULL-TIME LECTURER
          and the Earth’s fluid envelopes. In Climate Science,   decisions on the basis of the individual’s qualifica-  (NON-TENURE-TRACK),
          we encourage applicants whose research focusses   tions to contribute to Colby’s educational objectives   TUFTS UNIVERSITY
          on the Carbon Cycle with emphasis on stabiliz-  and institutional needs. Colby College does not dis-  Tufts  University  invites  applications  for  a  full-
          ing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations,   criminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual   time lecturer in the Dept. of Earth and Ocean Sci-
          terrestrial  carbon-climate  feedbacks,  linkages   orientation, gender identity or expression, disability,   ences to begin September 1st 2019. This position
          between carbon and other biogeochemical cycles,   religion, ancestry or national origin, age, marital   is for a 1-year initial contract with possibility of
          and connections between physical climate pro-  status, genetic information, or veteran’s status in   continued renewal of multiyear contracts, and it
          cesses and carbon dynamics. The start dates of the   employment or in our educational programs. Colby   is  included  in  the  union  for  full-time  lecturers
          positions are July 1, 2020 and 2021. We are inter-  is an Equal Opportunity employer, committed to   (Service  Employees International  Union).  The
          ested in dynamic researchers and educators who   excellence through diversity, and encourages appli-  lecturer will teach courses in Paleontology, His-
          can establish an externally funded, internationally   cations from qualified persons of color, women,   torical Geology, their specialty (with a preference
          recognized research program. See http://www.ees   persons with disabilities, military veterans and   for Geographic Information Systems), and labs for
 for more information about the EES   members of other under-represented groups. Colby   other introductory courses that include afternoon
          Department. The University of Rochester is a highly   complies with Title IX, which prohibits discrimina-  field trips. Earth and Ocean Sciences is an under-
          ranked research university, and the Rochester area’s   tion on the basis of sex in an institution’s education   graduate-only program offering degrees in Envi-
          cultural, educational, and recreational assets fre-  programs and activities. Questions regarding Title   ronmental Geology and Geological Sciences. Full
          quently place it among the best places to live, work,   IX may be referred to Colby’s Title IX coordinator or   details and application materials via  Interfolio
          and raise a family in the United States. Applicants   to the federal Office of Civil Rights. For more infor-  at
          should submit materials via: https://www.rochester   mation about the College, please visit our website:
          .edu/faculty-recruiting. Materials include a curricu-  Fellowship Opportunities
          lum vitae, select reprints, statements of research   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, GEOLOGY,
          and teaching goals, and the names and contact   UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY   HARRY HESS FELLOWS PROGRAM,
          information of four references. The review of appli-  The Dept. of Earth Science at Utah Valley Univer-  DEPARTMENT OF GEOSCIENCES,
          cations will begin December 20, 2018 and will con-  sity invites applications for a tenure-track assistant   PRINCETON UNIVERSITY
          tinue until the positions are filled. The University   professor position in geology, to begin August   The Dept. of Geosciences at Princeton University
          of Rochester has a strong commitment to principles   2019. In our broad search of talented candidates,   announces competition for the 2019–2020 Harry
          of diversity and, in that spirit, actively encour-  we seek a committed educator with expertise in   Hess Fellows Program. This honorific postdoc-
          ages applications from groups underrepresented in   geoscience education, a proven record of effec-  toral fellowship program provides opportunities
          higher education. EOE/ Minorities/ Females/ Pro-  tive  pedagogy,  and  a  passion  for  teaching  lower-   for outstanding geoscientists to work in the field
          tected Veterans/ Disabled                                             of their choice. Research may be carried out inde-
                                             division Earth science courses. Expertise in applied   pendently or in collaboration with members of the
              ONE-YEAR FACULTY FELLOW,       geophysics and/or engineering geology is a plus but   Geosciences Department. One or more Hess Fel-
                SEDIMENTARY SYSTEMS,         is not required. The successful candidate must have   lows may be appointed. Applications are welcome
                   COLBY COLLEGE             a Ph.D. in geology or a closely related field at the   from candidates who have earned a Ph.D. in the last
          The Colby College Dept. of Geology invites appli-  time of appointment. Responsibilities will include:   five years or expect to have a Ph.D. by the start of
          cations for a one-year faculty fellow specializing in   1) designing and teaching introductory-level Earth   the fellowship. Current areas of research include:
          sedimentology and stratigraphy or a related field to   science courses using various delivery methods   Biogeochemical Cycles, Paleoclimatology, Envi-
          begin September 1, 2019. The successful candidate   (i.e.,  face-to-face,  flipped,  hybrid,  and  online   ronmental Chemistry, Paleontology, Geochemistry,
          will teach a sophomore-level undergraduate course   courses); 2) assisting other faculty in designing   Petrology, Glaciology, Seismology, Geomicrobiol-
          in sedimentary processes and stratigraphy, as well   courses and in developing learning activities that   ogy, Tectonics, Mineral Physics. Atmospheric Sci-
          as introductory geology laboratories and possibly   follow sound pedagogical principles; 3) supervis-  ence, Oceanography, Planetary Science, Geochro-
          an  introductory  non-majors  course.  Ideal  candi-  ing undergraduate research (in science education   nology, Earth History
          dates will be able to offer field trips to examine   and/or a geological discipline); and 4) service to   Applications are due on January 1, 2019, but
          sedimentary rocks and/or sedimentary environ-  the institution. Other possible responsibilities may   evaluation of applications and interviews of can-
          ments in the northeast USA or adjacent Canada.   include participation in our multi-instructor sum-  didates will begin immediately. Applicants should
          The successful candidate also will have access   mer field geology capstone course, development   include a cover letter, a curriculum vitae including
          to instrumentation and facilities in the Dept. of   of new upper division course(s) in the successful   a publication list, a 1–2 page statement of research
          Geology for research and teaching. These include   applicant’s area of expertise, and coordination   interests and goals, and name, address and email
          a  powder-XRD,  micro-XRF,  SEM-EDS,  CHNSO   of  curricula  design  among  full-time  faculty  and   address of three referees familiar with their work by
          Elemental Analyzer, petrographic microscopes,   adjunct instructors. A strong commitment to an   applying on the Princeton University jobsite https://
          sediment-sieving  equipment,  rock  cutting  and   evidence-based approach to teaching and to under-
          powdering  equipment,  and  thin-section-making   graduate research is necessary.  Hess Fellowships provide a competitive annual
          equipment. The search committee is especially   For more information, please see https://www   salary, depending upon experience, along with a
          interested in candidates with a demonstrated abil- or contact the search com-  significant allowance  for  travel  to  meetings and
          ity to teach and advise a diverse student population.   mittee co-chairs Alessandro Zanazzi (alessandro   for research support. Initial awards are for one
          A Ph.D. at the time of appointment is preferred, but and Michael Stearns (mstearns   year, with the possibility of renewal for additional
          ABD candidates will be considered. For those attending, we will meet   years depending upon satisfactory performance and
            Complete applications will include a brief   with potential candidates 2018 AGU Fall Meeting   available funding. A preferred starting date is on or
          cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teach-  in Washington, D.C.  before September 1st, 2019.
          ing philosophy, and three letters of recommenda-  To apply,  please visit   This position is subject to the University’s back-
          tion. Please submit all materials via Interfolio at:   postings/9182. Applications deadline: 1/7/19.  ground check policy.
 Applications received   Utah Valley  University is  an  Equal Opportu-  Princeton University is an equal opportunity
          by January 7, 2019 will receive full consideration,   nity  Employer/Veterans/Disabled/Equal  Access   employer. All qualified applicants will receive con-

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