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Your Support Makes a Difference—

           Stories from 2018 Field Camp Scholarship Recipients

            We have written a lot lately about GSA’s field opportunity   and made me more comfortable with mapping. Being out in the
          initiatives, and with good reason—for many of us, geoscience first   field made me stronger physically, mentally, and academically.
          came alive in the field. However, a number of students find that   I felt more confident and ready to start my senior year at Eastern
          rising education costs make attending a field camp prohibitively   with all the knowledge I had gained at field camp. I made life-
          expensive, depriving them of this formative experience. As you   long friends and also developed a love for hiking and doing more
          consider your year-end gift, join us in supporting GSAF’s Field   outdoor activities. Overall, field camp helped me decide what
          Camp Opportunities Fund. We rely on the generosity of   career paths in geology I would like to go for after completing
          members like you, whose financial support can immediately   my undergraduate studies. It was indeed an experience worth
          impact the lives of students as well as create new opportunities    going through.”
          for the next generation of aspiring geoscientists.
                                                                This is the impact of your support of field camp
            But don’t take my word for it—some of our 2018 Field Camp   opportunities through GSAF—and with your help, we can
          Scholarship recipients shared with us the importance of their   provide field camp opportunities to even more students!
          time at field camp to their professional and scientific growth:  You can make your year-end gift at,
                                                              or to discuss in-depth ways that you can support field camp
            Kuzipa Kapayi, University of Texas at San Antonio: “During   scholarships, please contact Debbie Marcinkowski at
          the summer of 2018, I participated in a life-changing field   +1-303-357-1047 or via email at
          program that focused on sustainability of natural resources and
          hydrology for the exploration of water quality in southern
          Africa. The field camp scholarship awarded by the Geological
          Society of America was tremendously helpful as it covered all
          my expenses related to field equipment, tuition, as well as
          transportation. The equipment I purchased will continue to serve
          great purpose throughout my geologic career. I formed long
          lasting professional relationships with other students and
          professors. I am humbled by GSA’s generosity and very thankful
          for encouraging a bright and successful future to one of many
          students. Overall, field camp was the highlight of my geologic
          career and the experience and knowledge I gained has provided
          a smooth transition into graduate school.”
            Tamara Adams, University of Texas at Arlington: “The field
          camp I attended this summer consisted of four weeks of field
          study. Overall, it was an amazing experience and I would not have
          been able to attend without the funds from GSA to help cover the
          cost of tuition. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!”

            Shirley Tsotsoo Mensah, Eastern Illinois University: “First of
          all, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to GSA for
          making my participation in field camp possible through the
          generous funds provided to me. As I look back on field camp,
          I realize the benefits it gave me. I was proud of myself when I
          was able to map a whole area by the end of field camp and   2018 Field Camp Scholarship recipient Dalila A. De Jesus,
                                                               University of Oklahoma, found her field camp experience to
          actually understand what I was doing. This built my confidence   be “a very rewarding and empowering one.”

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