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amenities in addition to easy commuting and an   highest quality faculty and staff and therefore   HYDROLOGY,
          affordable cost of living. Please visit   works to find positions for partners/spouses seeking   UTAH VALLEY UNIVERSITY
          for additional information about KGS.  employment, either within ISU or in the surround-  The Dept. of Earth Science at Utah Valley Univer-
            To apply for job #RE RE15944 Geologist III   ing community. Iowa State University is located in   sity invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track
          (Geohealth and Environmental Geochemistry),   Ames, Iowa, a vibrant community of 63,000 people   position in Hydrology to begin August 2019. The
          submit a UK Online Application at http://ukjobs   30 miles north of Des Moines. Ames is routinely   successful candidate will have a Ph.D. in hydrol-
          singled out as one of the most livable, economical,   ogy or related field, research experience in hydrol-
            To apply for job #RE15931 Geologist III (Quater-  and healthiest small cities in the U.S.   ogy, and a demonstrated commitment to excellence
          nary Geology, Geomorphology, and Geohazards),   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SEISMOLOGY,   in teaching. Responsibilities will include teach-
          submit a UK Online Application at http://ukjobs   PURDUE UNIVERSITY   ing majors courses in hydrology plus lower divi-
          The Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary   sion environmental management and/or geology
            If you have any questions, contact HR/   Sciences (EAPS), within the College of Science at   courses, as well as engaging in scholarship, super-
          Employment, phone (859) 257-9555, then press 2.   Purdue University, invites applications for a tenure-  vising undergraduate research, participating in pro-
          Application deadline is Dec. 31, 2018.  track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Profes-  fessional organizations, and serving the university.
            The University of Kentucky is an Equal Oppor-  sor in the area of seismology. As part of a large-scale   Excellent teaching skills and a strong commitment
          tunity University that values diversity and inclu-  interdisciplinary hiring effort across key strategic   to effective teaching and undergraduate research
          sion. Individuals with disabilities, minorities,   areas in the College of Science—Purdue’s second-  are necessary. Experience as a professional hydrolo-
          veterans, women, and members of other underrep-  largest college, comprising the physical, life, and   gist is a positive.
          resented groups are encouraged to apply.  computing sciences—this position comes at a time   For more information, please visit www.uvu
            TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION,   when the College is under new leadership and with   .edu/earthscience or contact the search committee
                                                                                co-chairs,  Jim  Callison  (  and
                SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY,         multiple commitments of significant investment.  Hilary Hungerford (
              DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGICAL         EAPS has strengths in exploration geophysics,   To apply, please visit
              AND ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES,      seismic imaging, geophysical modeling, earth mate-  postings/9210. The application deadline is Jan 5,
                IOWA STATE UNIVERSITY        rial properties, geodesy, and tectonics. We seek to   2019.
          The Dept. of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences   add a quantitative seismologist interested in address-  Utah Valley  University is  an  Equal Opportu-
          in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Iowa   ing questions on the solid earth at a range of scales.   nity  Employer/Veterans/Disabled/Equal  Access
          State University invites applications for a tenure-  Areas of specialization could include earthquake   Employer. Utah Valley University is committed to
          track faculty position at the assistant professor level   geophysics, and/or natural/active source seismic   an inclusive hiring process and the welcoming of
          in the area of sedimentary geology, to begin August   imaging. Candidates are expected to develop a vig-  diverse candidates.
          2019. The selected candidate will be expected to   orous, externally funded, internationally recognized
          teach courses at the undergraduate and gradu-  research program, that is complementary to existing   ASSISTANT PROFESSOR
          ate levels, including sedimentary geology, and to   research  and  teaching  needs  at  the undergraduate   OF GEOLOGY, CALIFORNIA STATE
          establish a nationally recognized, externally funded   and graduate levels. The potential to develop inter-  UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD
          research program. This research should comple-  disciplinary research that cuts across specialty areas   The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California State
          ment existing strengths in the department, which   within the department, the College of Science, and   University, Bakersfield (CSUB) invites applications
          include climate modeling, paleoclimatology, envi-  Purdue’s research community is desirable. Candi-  for  a  tenure-track  Assistant  Professor  position  to
          ronmental geochemistry, glaciology, hydrogeology,   dates must have completed their Ph.D. in the area of   start in Fall 2019. We seek a broadly trained geolo-
          geophysics, economic geology, structural geology,   Geophysics or a related field by the time of employ-  gist with applied research and teaching interests
          and geoscience education. Research and teaching   ment. Within EAPS and Purdue, candidates will   that includes (but are not limited to) hydrogeology,
          opportunities exist at the Iowa State University   find  supportive  colleagues, a diverse  and vibrant   subsurface fluid dynamics, groundwater contami-
          Geology Field Station, located in the Bighorn Basin,   academic community, with ample opportunities for   nation, and groundwater sustainability. Use of GIS
          Wyoming. A commitment to excellence in research,   professional and personal growth.  techniques  is  desirable.  Teaching  responsibilities
          teaching at all levels, and performance of service   Purdue University’s Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric,   will include introductory-level courses, hydrogeol-
          duties is essential. Internal grants at the college and   and Planetary Sciences is committed to advancing   ogy,  and  upper-level  undergraduate  and  graduate
          university levels support faculty travel, teaching,   diversity in all areas of faculty effort, including   courses in the faculty member’s specialty. Review
          and scholarship. Information about the Department   scholarship, instruction, and engagement. Candi-  of applications will begin December 1, 2018, and
          appears at For more infor-  dates should address at least one of these areas in   continue until the position is filled. CSUB fos-
          mation contact department chair, Sven Morgan   their cover letter, indicating their past experiences,   ters and appreciates ethnic and cultural diversity
          (, or search committee chair,   current interests or activities, and/or future goals to   among its faculty and students, and is committed
          Neal Iverson (  promote a climate that values diversity and inclusion.  to increasing the diversity of its faculty to reflect
            Candidates must hold a Ph.D. by the time of   Interested applicants should visit https://hiring   the diversity of the campus community. Applica-
          appointment. All applications must be submit-, submit a curriculum vitae,   tions from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, and
          ted electronically at (search   a research statement, a teaching statement, and   individuals with disabilities are welcome. The full
          vacancy ID#: 800202). Please be prepared to attach   complete contact information for at least 3 refer-  announcement and instructions on how to apply can
          a letter of application, concise statements of teach-  ences. Review of applications will begin Decem-  be found at:
          ing and research interests, curriculum vitae, and   ber 20, 2018, and will continue until the position is   Email:
          the names, addresses, e-mail addresses, and phone   filled. Questions related to this position should be   TENURE-TRACK ASSISTANT
          numbers of at least three references.   sent to Douglas Schmitt ( or   PROFESSORS, CLIMATE SCIENCE,
            The position will remain open until filled. Full   Christopher Andronicos (   SURFACE PROCESSES/
          consideration  will  be given  to those  applications   Applications will be accepted until the position is   GEOMORPHOLOGY,
          received by January 7, 2019. Iowa State University is   filled. A background check will be required for   UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER
          an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.   employment in this position. Purdue University is   The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences
          All qualified applicants will receive consideration   an ADVANCE institution.  at the University of Rochester will be hiring two
          for employment without regard to race, color, reli-  Purdue University is an EOE/AA employer. All   tenure-track  Assistant  Professors  in  the  general
          gion, sex, national origin, disability or protected   individuals, including minorities, women, individ-  fields of Climate Science and Surface Processes/
          veteran status and will not be discriminated against.   uals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged   Geomorphology. While the department welcomes
          ISU is committed to attracting and retaining the   to apply.          all applicants whose research lies in these general

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