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first-hand experience in setting up, running, and   at the Assistant Professor level; but applications at   tinuation of ongoing research collaborations, all in
          maintaining a multiple instrument ICP-MS facility   higher rank may be considered in exceptional cir-  a manner consistent with the KGS and UK strate-
          and clean laboratory.              cumstances. Appointment could begin as early as   gic plans. Preference will be given to candidates
            To apply, please email the following to   July 1, 2019. Review of applications will begin on   with  demonstrated  experience  in  LiDAR-based
, with the subject line “Isotope   December 1, 2018 and continue until the position is   digital terrain modeling using large (e.g., statewide)
          geochemistry search”: full curriculum vitae, cover   filled. Applications should be submitted online and   data sets; geologic applications of structure-from-
          letter describing research and teaching experience,   include: cover letter,  curriculum  vitae,  statement   motion photogrammetry and/or UAV-based LiDAR
          philosophy, and plans, and names of 4 references   of research vision, statement of teaching interests,   data; Quaternary dating methods; use of geologic
          with contact information. Applications received   evidence, either woven through their application   information  to  support  engineering  and/or  public
          by 7 January, 2019, are ensured review, but earlier   materials, or as a separate diversity statement, of   policy decisions; economic analysis of geohazards
          submission is highly encouraged. The position will   a commitment to fostering diversity, equity, and an   and mitigation strategies; and/or publication of
          remain open until filled. Questions about the posi-  inclusive environment in their department/work-  research in major journals.
          tion should be directed to Dr. Chris Fedo (cfedo@  place, and names and contact information for four   Both positions require:
 For those attending, we will meet with   references. For additional information, please con-  •  A Ph.D. in a relevant field at the time of
          selected candidates at the 2018 AGU Fall Meeting   tact Don Fisher, Chair of the Search Committee, at   appointment AND at least one degree in geo-
          in Washington DC. Please contact Dr. Chris Fedo,  logy, geosciences, or geological sciences.
          chair, with any questions at  Apply online at  •  Demonstrated proficiency in the use of mod-
            The University of Tennessee is seeking candi-  Campus Security Crime Statistics: For more   ern computational tools such as Matlab, Math-
          dates who have the ability to contribute in mean-  about safety at Penn State, and to review the Annual   ematica, R, or Python, in addition to GIS, for
          ingful ways to the diversity and intercultural goals   Security Report which contains information about   advanced geologic data visualization, analysis,
          of the University. The University is an EEO/AA/  crime statistics and other safety and security mat-  and or simulation.
          Title VI/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in   ters, please go to,   •  Demonstrated ability to work toward common
          the provision of its education and employment pro-  which will also provide you with detail on how to   goals as part of a high-performance team.
          grams and services. All qualified applicants will   request a hard copy of the Annual Security Report.  •  Demonstrated potential to (1) publish research
          receive equal consideration for employment with-  Penn State is an equal opportunity, affirmative   results  in  peer-reviewed  scientific  journals,
          out regard to race, color, national origin, religion,   action employer, and is committed to providing   reports, and conference abstracts, (2) conceive
          sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation,   employment opportunities to all qualified appli-  and acquire outside funding for research proj-
          gender identity, age, physical or mental disability,   cants without regard to race, color, religion, age,   ects relevant to Kentucky, (3) foster existing and
          or covered veteran status.         sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national   develop new research collaborations within the
            ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE RESEARCH     origin, disability or protected veteran status.  University and the broader scientific commu-
            PROFESSOR, CENTER FOR ENERGY     TWO RESEARCH GEOLOGIST POSITIONS,    nity, and (4) engage in a program of continuous
            STUDIES (ENERGY RELATED FIELD),     KENTUCKY GEOLOGICAL SURVEY        professional development leading to national or
              LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY     The Kentucky Geological Survey, a research center   international stature in the candidate’s field(s)
          The Center for Energy Studies (“CES”) at the Loui-  at the University of Kentucky, seeks applications for   of specialization.
          siana State University (“LSU”) seeks applicants   two research geologist positions:  •  Ability to perform laboratory work, geological
          at the Assistant and Associate Professor-Research   Geologist III (Geohealth and Environmental   fieldwork, and general office work in support of
          rank. Geologists are encouraged to apply.   Geochemistry). The successful candidate will have   KGS research and outreach objectives. This may
            LSU is committed to diversity and is an equal   a demonstrated ability to perform applied research   include fieldwork in rough terrain or inclement
          opportunity/equal access employer  and outreach related  to  geologic  controls on  the   weather, occasional lifting of 50 lb or more, and
            Please find addition information and apply here:   origin, transport, and fate of contaminants and car-  occasional overnight travel.
  cinogens in Kentucky. Work will include continu-  About KGS: The Kentucky Geological Survey
          LSU---Baton-Rouge/Assistant-Associate-Research-   ation of existing KGS collaborations to investigate   is a research center within the University of Ken-
          Professor--Energy-Related-Field-_R00027646.  geological controls on indoor radon concentrations,   tucky, with an organizational history stretching
                                                                                back to the first publicly funded geological recon-
                TENURE-TRACK FACULTY,        heavy metal anomalies, and cancer clusters in addi-  naissance of Kentucky in 1838. With main offices
                   HYDROGEOLOGY,             tion to new research topics identified by the candi-  on the UK campus in the heart of Kentucky’s Blue-
          THE PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIVERSITY  date and consistent with the KGS and UK strategic   grass region, KGS comprises approximately 50
          The Dept. of Geosciences at The Pennsylvania   plans. Preference will be given to candidates with   FTE scientists and support staff engaged in a wide
          State University, on the University Park Campus,   demonstrated experience in environmental or geo-  range of geological research and service activities
          invites  applications  for  a  tenure-track  faculty   health applications of geostatistics; development of   beneficial to the Commonwealth of Kentucky. This
          position in the field of Hydrogeology. We seek a   innovative geochemical sampling or analysis meth-  includes active collaborations with colleagues in
          creative colleague who will develop a vigorous   ods;  integration  of geologic and epidemiological   the UK Departments of Earth and Environmental
          externally funded research program, teach under-  information; use of geologic information to support   Sciences, Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering,
          graduate  and  graduate  courses, and  demonstrate   public policy decisions; and/or publication of geo-  Plant and Soil Sciences, Preventive Medicine and
          commitment to advancing  equity and  inclusion.   health research in major journals. This position will   Environmental Health, as well as the UK College
          The Dept. of Geosciences is part of the College of   require CITI human subjects research certification   of Nursing and other research centers such as the
          Earth and Mineral Sciences, and houses top-ranked   (available through UK after employment begins).  Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute and
          research programs  in  environmental and  climate   Geologist III (Quaternary Geology, Geo-  the UK Center for Applied Energy Research. Most
          sciences, geology, geophysics, and geochemistry.   morphology, and Geohazards). The successful   KGS doctoral-level scientists have adjunct faculty
          Water is an important component of the University   candidate will have a demonstrated ability to per-  appointments that offer optional opportunities for
          Strategic Plan, and Penn State hosts several cam-  form applied research and outreach on Quaternary   teaching and advising. UK, an R1 research univer-
          pus-wide  initiatives  in  water  resources  through,   geology, geomorphology, and near-surface geologic   sity with 16 degree-granting colleges and more than
          for  example,  the  Penn  State  Institutes  of  Energy   hazards such as landslides, debris flows, sinkholes,   200 academic programs, is one of only eight institu-
          and the Environment ( and   liquefaction, and  fluvial erosion/sedimentation in   tions in the country with liberal arts, engineering,
          the  Earth and Environmental  Systems Institute   Kentucky. Work will include responsibility for day-  professional, agricultural, and medical colleges and
          ( Applicants must have   to-day operation of the KGS Digital Earth Analy-  disciplines on one contiguous campus. Lexington is
          a Ph.D. in geosciences or related field at the time   sis Lab; geomorphological, geochronological, and   a midsize city of about 320,000 people that offers
          of appointment. We anticipate filling the position   geohazard research relevant to Kentucky; and con-  a wide range of cultural, social, and recreational

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