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About GSA

       To advance geoscience research and                                   COLLABORATION
       discovery, service to society, stewardship
       of Earth, and the geosciences profession.

       Vision                                                       INCLUSION                 INTEGRITY
       To be the premier geological society
       supporting the global community in
       scientifi c discovery, communication,                   STEWARDSHIP         GSA
       and application of geoscience knowledge.                                                              SCHOLARSHIP

       The Geological Society of America (GSA),                                  RELEVANCE              RESPECT
       founded in 1888, is a global scientifi c society with
       more than 22,000 members from academia, gov-
       ernment, and industry in more than 100 countries.
       Through its meetings, publications, and programs,                                          ACCOUNTABILITY
       GSA enhances the professional growth of earth
       scientists at all career levels; encourages coop-
       erative research among earth, life, planetary, and
       social scientists; fosters public dialogue on geo-
       science issues; and promotes the geosciences in
       the service of humankind. GSA is headquartered
       in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

                                                                     GSA will…

                                                                   “continue to
                                                                   seek ways to
                                                                    engage and
                                                                  involve diverse
                                                               people in the GSA
                                                                family and in the


       Note: quotes taken from survey responses during the Strategic Plan input gathering process.

       24 GSA Today  |  October 2019
       2  GSA 2019–2029 Strategic Plan
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