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Jumping the Curve

       Over time, organizations evolve through various stages of   GSA JUMPS THE CURVE
       development, from inception to learning, growth, maturity,
       and decline. As a mature organization, GSA must avoid      1888  American Geological Society founded for the
       decline by “jumping the curve” back to learning and                purpose of “the promotion of the science of
       growth. GSA has jumped the curve several times through-            geology by the issuance of scholarly publications,
       out our history (see timeline), and it is clear the time has       the holding of meetings, the provision of assistance
       come again for GSA to undertake transformational change.           to research, and other appropriate means”
       As the geosciences profession evolves, GSA must adapt
       to the changing needs of our members and carefully prior-  1890  First issue of the Bulletin of the Geological Society
       itize programs and services in order to remain relevant and        of America published
       sustainable well into the future.
                                                                  1929  GSA was legally incorporated
       Defining GSA’s path for
       the next decade                                            1931  (31 July) R.A.F. Penrose Jr. passed
       GSA has conducted business using a strategic plan for              away, leaving GSA half his fortune
       decades. The 2019–2029 strategic plan will serve as a
       guide for GSA to support a strong, diverse membership      1932  GSA moved into its first “permanent”
       through advancing science, providing professional                  office at 419 W. 117th Street, New York
       development opportunities, and promoting stewardship
       of the Earth, and to ensure that GSA maintains a fiscally   1948  GSA opened membership to anyone with a degree
       responsible and technologically sound infrastructure.              in geology or related science

                                                                  1963  GSA headquarters moved to 231 East 46th Street,
                                                                          New York, and adopted a new constitution and bylaws

                                                                  1971  GSA opened membership to students in geology

                                                                  1972                         GSA moved into its
                                                                                               current headquarters
                                                                                               at 3300 Penrose Place,
                                                                                               Boulder, Colorado

                                                                  1973  First issue of Geology published

                                                                  1980  GSA Foundation formed

                                                                  1985  First Decade of North American
                                                                          Geology volume published

                                                                  1991  Doris Malkin Curtis was the first
                                                                          woman to serve as GSA president

                                                                  1997  GeoCorps  America program launched
                                                                  2007  GSA opened Washington, D.C., office focused
                                                                          on public policy and the geosciences

           GSA will… “maintain a proactive                        2010  66-kilowatt solar-panel system installed at
                                                                          GSA Headquarters
         stance in promoting high standards
               for ethics in geosciences.”                        2019  Decadal Strategic Plan adopted

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