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Process Overview

       Input Gathering                                         Compiling
       In May 2019, GSA Council approved the Decadal Strategic   After surveying members, nonmember geoscientists,
       Plan, a satisfying result of months of effort. This process   donors, and many other important demographics, a
       began in August 2017 with gathering thoughts, desires,   strategic planning team, together with an outside facilitator,
       creative ideas, and other valuable input from members—  compiled and consolidated this input. The consensus was
       young and old, student and emeritus, industry and       that GSA did not need to update its mission or vision.
       academic, government and independent, managers, deans,   Instead, five strategic aspirations emerged:
       associated societies, donors, and staff. The goal was for
       GSA to be proactive and intentional about our future.

                 Advance Scientific Discovery, Rigor, and Integrity

                 Support Early Career Professionals and Students

                 Host Premier Conferences and Meetings

                 Influence Geoscience Policy and Link Geoscience to Society

                 Provide a Sense of Community and Venues for Networking

       Task Forces                                             required to implement the program planning and proposed
       A larger planning team composed of more than 60 GSA     allocation of GSA’s internal capital and capacity to fund
       members, plus many staffers from headquarters, was      new initiatives and/or modify programs or to recommend
       then engaged and divided into Program, Finance, and     suspension of programs or initiatives.
       Development Task Forces. Each task force was charged
       with sorting through the ideas to modify and enhance    The Development Task Force evaluated existing
       existing, or develop new, GSA activities and set priorities.  fundraising capacity and translated the plan into a
                                                               prospectus for future investment and support.
       The Program Task Force looked at current programs
       and future initiatives through the lens of the five GSA   After Council approved the plan in May 2019, GSA
       aspirations, resulting in 77 new or revised initiatives that   staff began developing tactical plans to turn these
       they prioritized.                                       aspirational and strategic goals into operational realities—
                                                               reorganizing within headquarters as needed and engaging
       The Program Task Force results were reviewed by the     feasibility consultants where required. GSA leadership has
       Finance Task Force. This group identified the resources   committed to participate in outreach, ad hoc committees,
                                                               and review panels to reach its goals.

                                              GSA will…

                                             emphasis on
                                              and cross-

       26 GSA Today  |  October 2019
       4  GSA 2019–2029 Strategic Plan
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