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Implementation and Outcomes

       The five 2019 aspirations are much the same as the first   To promote the science of geology, two ideals must be
       aspirations of GSA in 1888, when the American Geological    achieved—the advancement of the geosciences (its worth to
       Society was formed for “the promotion of the science    society and the world, its milestones, and its integration with
       of geology by the issuance of scholarly publications,   other sciences) and the advancement of geoscientists (their
       the holding of meetings, the provision of assistance to   study, careers, opportunities, and professional excellence).
       research, and other appropriate means.”                 The best way to honor the aspirations and achieve these
                                                               ideals is to organize GSA around two centers for excellence.

       The GSA Center for Geoscience Discovery will include    The GSA Center for Professional Excellence will address
       programs and initiatives surrounding geoscience field   the professional development needs of all our members,
       experiences, innovation and incubation of multidisciplinary   including, but not limited to, student and early career
       research, new and revised publications, revamped meet-  programs, service to non-academic members, expanded
       ings and conferences, and other means of advancing the   research grants, mentoring, professional ethics, and
       geosciences for members and the geoscience community.   diversity initiatives. GSA aims to serve the professional
                                                               needs of its members from their first student presentation at
                                                               a GSA Section Meeting until they receive the Penrose Medal
                                                               and beyond.

       GSA will organize its operations to streamline our services and communications to fit within the centers for excellence.
       There are multiple steps and tasks along the way, and we are presently working to develop realistic action plans that
       include timelines and measures of success. Progress on the strategic plan will be evaluated against benchmarks and
       reported regularly to GSA leaders and members. Members are encouraged to participate and keep GSA on the right
       track with sound programmatic and financial decisions going forward.

                                                           GSA will…

                                                      “keep supporting
                                                         students... As
                                                          long as GSA
                                                       serves students,
                                                         it serves me.”

       28 GSA Today  |  October 2019
       6  GSA 2019–2029 Strategic Plan
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