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Call to Action

       GSA Council, leaders, and staff join together in           10 WAYS TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE
       inviting all members to engage with the Society on
       this exciting journey to make GSA all that it can be       1.  Keep current with your membership and recruit
       over the next ten years.                                       new members. Dues enable essential programs.

       Whatever your career stage, however much time or           2.  Read GSA Today and “GSA              22–25 Sept. GSA 2019 Annual Meeting & Exposition
                                                                                                           22–25 Sept. GSA 2019 Annual Meeting & Exposition
       money you have to contribute, your participation will          Connection,” open your email,             VOL. 29, NO. 8  |  AUGUST 2019
       make all the difference. In large and small ways, each         and stay informed about GSA’s
       geoscientist adds to the fabric of our community and           accomplishments. Tell your friends   The Larsen Ice Shelf System,
                                                                                                           Antarctica (LARISSA):
                                                                                                           Polar Systems Bound
                                                                      and colleagues.
                                                                                                          Together, Changing Fast
       makes it richer and stronger with their presence.
                                                                  3.  Attend and participate in meetings.
                                                                      Bring your research; mentor a geoscience
                                                                      student or early career professional.
                                                                  4.  Donate through the GSA Foundation to support
                                                                      the next generation of geoscientists and large
                                                                      initiatives that benefit our profession.
                                                                  5.  Publish your research with GSA, serve as a peer
                                                                      reviewer, and shop in the GSA store.
                                                                  6.  Serve in a leadership capacity, and nominate
                                                                      another from our diverse community to do the same.
                                                                  7.  Attend a Congressional
                                                                      Visits Day and lend your
                                                                      voice to conversations
                                                                      about science in Wash-
                                                                      ington, D.C., and in your
                                                                      own community.
                                                                  8.  Volunteer in local schools to excite children
                                                                      about geoscience and to help teachers with
                                                                      geoscience training. Volunteer to assist with
                                                                      media interviews in your areas of expertise.

                                                                  9.  Become a GSA ambassador when traveling,
                                                                      working, or researching outside North America.

            GSA will… “increase support of                        10.  Add your voice to the online Member Community to
                                                                      answer a question or provide a needed resource. Fill
         geoscientists who want to advocate                           out your profile in the member directory and make
            for the importance of science.”                           connections with other GSA members.

       Like most everything in life, you will receive as much from this professional association as you put
       into it. GSA stands ready to serve and assist all of you in the geoscience community, as we have
       done for over 130 years. We look forward to meeting the challenges of our shared aspirations and
       moving forward together into the next decade.

         +1-303-357-1000  |  +1-800-472-1988 (toll free)  |  |  |

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