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          Ads (or cancellations) must reach the GSA advertising office   Assistant Professor (Tenure Track),   and culturally diverse universities in the country.
          no later than the first of the month, one month prior to the   Structural/Tectonic Geology, San   It is the largest institution of higher education in
          issue in which they are to be published. (Note: Combined              the Chicago area with over 30,000 undergraduate,
          March/April issue releases on March schedule.) Print ads will   Diego State University
          also appear on the Geoscience Job Board to coincide with the   The San Diego State University Dept. of Geologi-  graduate, and professional students. To apply, please
          month of print issue. Contact:,   cal Sciences invites applications for a tenure-track   complete the online application providing contact
          +1-800-472-1988 ext. 1053, or +1-303-357-1053. Email corre-           information and three professional references at
          spondence should include complete contact information   position  in  STRUCTURAL  GEOLOGY/TEC- (click on the Job Board and then
          (including phone and mailing address). Rates are in U.S. dollars.  TONICS at the Assistant Professor level. We seek
                                  Per line each   to hire a candidate who uses field-based and/or   on the position link) and upload a cover letter, cur-
                         Per Line for   addt’l month   computational models to address questions related   riculum vitae, and statements of research and teach-
          Classification   1st month   (same ad)  to structural deformation in regions of active tec-  ing plans. For fullest consideration, please apply by
          Positions Open   $9.35    $9.30    tonics. Specific areas of research might include any   October 21, 2019. Final authorization of the position
          Fellowship Opportunities   $9.35   $9.30                              is subject to availability of funding. The University
          Opportunities for Students         aspects of structural geology and/or active tectonics
              First 25 lines   FREE   $5.00  through the use of field studies, applied geophys-  of Illinois at Chicago is an affirmative action, equal
             Additional lines   $5.00   $5.00  ics, computational techniques and/or models. The   opportunity employer, dedicated to the goal of
                                             successful candidate will be expected to develop a   building a culturally diverse and pluralistic faculty
                  POSITIONS OPEN             vigorous, externally-funded, independent research   and staff committed to teaching and working in a
                                             program with student participation. Contribution to   multicultural environment. We strongly encourage
          Planetary Geology/Geophysics,      the Dept. of Geological Sciences teaching mission   applications from women, minorities, individuals
          Western Washington University      and participation in University and/or community   with disabilities and covered veterans. The Univer-
          The  Geology  Dept.  and  the  Dept.  of  Physics  &   service is also expected. Candidates should have   sity of Illinois may conduct background checks on
                                                                                all job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent
          Astronomy at Western Washington University   a Ph.D. in Geology or related field, relevant post-   offer. Background checks will be performed in
          (WWU) invite applications for a tenure-track,   doctoral experience, a strong record of research
          assistant professor position with specialty in Plan-  accomplishments, external funding and a demon-  compliance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
          etary Geology/Geophysics, to begin Sept 16, 2020.   strated capacity for teaching.  Faculty Position in Crust/
          We seek individuals who are enthusiastic about   Additional information and application pro-  Lithosphere Evolution, University of
          teaching, who will establish a vigorous research   cedures are available at Https://apply.interfolio   California, Davis
          program, and who will involve undergraduate and   .com/67226. Review of applications will begin on   Next review date: Oct. 20, 2019. Apply by this date
          Masters-level students in their research. Teaching   21 October 2019 and continue until the position is   to ensure full consideration by the committee. Final
          assignments will be focused in Geophysics (https://  filled.  Please  direct  questions  about  the  position   date: Dec. 31, 2019. Applications will continue to be
, a program   to the search committee chair, Dr. Allen Gontz,   accepted until this date, but those received after the
          shared between the departments.                   review date will only be considered if the position
            The ideal candidate will enhance our existing   SDSU is a Title IX, equal opportunity employer.  has not yet been filled.
          strengths in remote sensing, planetary geology, seis-  Tenure-Track Assistant Professor,   The Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences at
          mology, magnetism, tectonics and stellar astrophys-  University of Illinois at Chicago  the University of California, Davis seeks a geolo-
          ics by developing new courses and research avenues   The Dept. of Earth and Environmental Sciences   gist who investigates the generation, evolution, and
          in planetary geology and/or geophysics. Areas of   in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at the   deformation  of Earth’s  crust  and  lithosphere.  For
          interest include the role of physical processes in top-  University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) invites   this tenure-track faculty position, we seek candi-
          ics such as planet formation and evolution, planetary   applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor   dates whose research is anchored in the rock record
          interiors, surfaces, or potential fields, small bodies,               and addresses fundamental problems related to the
          solar system dynamics, or related areas.   who pursues fundamental research in climate sci-  Earth’s physical and chemical evolution over geo-
            For details about the position, application infor-  ence with an emphasis on surface processes. The
          mation and instructions, go to the WWU Employ-  applicant’s research should involve more than one   logic time. The ideal candidate will employ creative,
                                                                                interdisciplinary, and process-focused research that
          ment  website  497337:  https://employment.wwu   approach (e.g., observational, modeling, experimen-  integrates observations with laboratory or computa-
          .edu/cw/en-us/job/497337/assistant-professor-of   tal) and may address topics that include, but are not   tional methods, and/or integrates two or more sub-
                                             limited to, the effects of climate change on biogeo-
          -planetary-geologygeophysics. Review of applica-  chemical cycling and the role of climate in landscape   disciplines within Earth science, such as petrology,
          tions begins December 20, 2019, and will continue   evolution. The successful candidate is expected to   rock mechanics, seismology, geochemistry, geo-
          until the position is filled. Questions about the posi-               chronology, structural geology, or tectonics. We
          tion should be directed to the search committee   establish an innovative and productive program of   are particularly interested in applicants who will
          chair, Jackie Caplan-Auerbach. (caplanj@wwu  .edu,   scientific research that complements department   expand our current research programs and have the
          +1-360-650-4153).                  strengths in ecohydrology, planetary science, and   potential to build new connections between areas
                                             biogeochemistry, and can contribute to university
          Assistant Professor, Geochemistry,   strengths in areas such as public health. The candi-  of current research expertise in the department and
          San Diego State University         date will teach graduate and undergraduate courses,   across the UC Davis campus. The department’s
          The Dept. of Geological Sciences and the Environ-  advise graduate students (MS and Ph.D.), and men-  current research programs and experimental, ana-
          mental Sciences Program at SDSU invites applica-  tor undergraduate students in research projects.   lytical and computational facilities are described
          tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position   Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences or   at See https://
          in geochemistry and environmental sciences. The   a related field, and a record of research accomplish- for
          preferred start date of the appointment is August   ments; postdoctoral experience is preferred.   more information about UC Davis.
          2020. The full advertisement and directions for   The Earth and Environmental Sciences Dept.   Appointment will be at the Assistant Professor
          application are posted at http://apply.interfolio   ( has extensive laboratory and   rank. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. or equiva-
          .com/67212. Review of applications will begin on   computing facilities, and is expanding collabora-  lent in geoscience or a related field by the time of
          21 October 2019 and continue until the position is   tions with other campus units including chemistry,   appointment. The appointee is expected to develop
          filled. For questions or more information please   health sciences, and biological sciences. The depart-  and maintain a vigorous externally funded research
          contact Dr. David L. Kimbrough, Search Commit-  ment serves a growing body of majors, the majority   program and to teach at the undergraduate and
          tee Chair at SDSU is an   of whom are underrepresented in STEM. UIC is a   graduate levels. Supervision of graduate students
          equal opportunity/Title IX employer.  public R1 institution and one of the most ethnically   and service to the department, university, and

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