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          Systems, Remote Sensing or other specialty courses
          in the candidate’s area of expertise. Demonstrated
          experience with data collection and analysis using   GSA Member Community,
          modern instrumentation is expected. Preferred
          qualifications include demonstrated success with      Powered by You
          external funding, established ties to research
          institutions, industry or government agencies and
          interest in developing intradepartmental and cross-
          campus collaborations. At Cal Poly Pomona we cul-
          tivate student and faculty success through a diverse   GSA members: Lend your voice to your community
          culture of experiential learning, discovery, and   and interact with your peers—Sign up now to
          innovation. Cal Poly Pomona is committed to being
          the model for an inclusive polytechnic university
          that inspires creativity and innovation, embraces   GET CONNECTED...
          local and global challenges, and transforms lives.
          The position is open until filled. First consideration   “The GSA Member Community is a key part of the
          will be given to completed applications received   UTD Geoscience Studio’s dissemination strategy.”
          no later than December 30, 2019. Full position       —Bob Stern
          description and application procedure: http://www
          .cpp .edu/~faculty-affairs/open-positions/.   “Your new video is exceptional on all points.
                                                         Nice job all!” —David Gross
                                                  “Thank you for your encouraging comments.”
          Graduate Student Opportunities at Case West-      —Ken Wolgemuth
          ern Reserve University.  Students with back-  “This sounds like such a fantastic opportunity.
          grounds in geology, physics, chemistry, biology,
          engineering, and related fields are encouraged to   Thanks for posting.” —Suzanne OConnell
          apply for our Ph.D. and MS programs in Earth,
          Environmental,  and  Planetary  Sciences.  Areas   ….IN THE COMMUNITY
          of active research in the department include
          planetary geology and geodynamics, planetary
          materials, high-pressure mineral physics and geo-
          chemistry,  core  and mantle  processes, environ-
          mental  science, sedimentary geology, and sedi-
          ment transport. For more information, please visit
 or write to eeps-gradinfo@
 Financial assistance is available. Appli-
          cation deadline: 1/15/2020.

          Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation                                         Actual No. Copies
                                                                                            Avg. No. Copies   of Single Issue
                        (Required by Title 39 U.S.C. 4369)                                   Each Issue in   Published Nearest
                                                           Item No. from PS Form 3526       Past 12 Months  to Filing Date
            GSA Today (Publication No. 1052-5173) is published monthly by The
          Geological Society of America, Inc., (GSA) with headquarters and offices at   15. Extent and Nature of Circulation
          3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301 U.S.A.; and mailing address   a. Total number of copies (net press run)  11,891  18,600
          of Post Office Box 9140, Boulder, Colorado 80301-9140 U.S.A. The Publisher
          is Vicki S. McConnell; the Managing Editor is K.E.A. Giles; their office and   b. Legitimate paid and/or requested distribution    11,611  18,378
          mailing addresses are the same as above. The annual subscription prices   (by mail and outside the mail)
          are: for Members and Student Associates, $15; for non-members $102. The   c. Total paid and/or requested circulation  11,611  18,378
          publication is wholly owned by The Geological Society of America, Inc., a   d. Nonrequested distribution (by mail and outside   0  0
          not-for-profit, charitable corporation. No known stockholder holds 1 percent   the mail)
          or more of the total stock. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of The
          Geological Society of America, Inc., have not changed during the preceding   e. Total nonrequested distribution  0  0
          twelve months. The average number of copies of each issue during the pre-  f. Total distribution (sum of c and e)  11,611  18,378
          ceding twelve months and the actual number of copies published nearest to   g. Copies not distributed (office use, leftovers, spoiled)  280  222
          the filing date (September 2019 issue) are noted at right.
                                                            h. Total (sum of f and g)          11,891     18,600
            This information taken from PS Form 3526, signed 20 August 2019 by the
          Publisher, Vicki S. McConnell, and filed with the United States Postal Service   i. Percent paid and/or requested circulation (c/f × 100)  100%  100%
          in Boulder, Colorado.

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