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broader discipline are expected. The average teach-  applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of   appropriate and/or required.
          ing load is 3 quarter-length courses per year.  Assistant Professor, to begin July 1, 2020. We seek a   The position requires supervision and admin-
            Candidates should submit  a  cover letter, CV,   geologist with expertise in the broad field of climate   istration of an organization of approximately 50
          publication list, statements of research plans, teach-  science, and we are especially interested in appli-  staff and associated facilities including offices, labs
          ing  interests,  and  contributions  to  diversity,  and   cants with expertise in and/or who can teach courses   and the Oklahoma Petroleum Information Center
          contact information of four references by October   in climate change and surface processes, and other   (OPIC), which contains an extensive collection of
          20, 2019 to ensure full consideration by the com-  courses in support of majors in Geosciences and   rock cores and samples, other well information and
          mittee. Review of applications will begin immedi-  the Environmental Science and Policy Program.   selected facilities for the examination of these cores
          ately and will continue until a suitable candidate is   Faculty members at  Smith teach an equivalent  of   and samples. It is anticipated that the Director of the
          identified or the final search date of Dec. 31, 2019   4 courses a year and are expected to establish an   OGS will work with Oklahoma universities, state
          is reached. Guidance for diversity statements may   active research program that engages undergraduate   and federal agencies, industry and other entities to
          be found at  students in their scholarship. Candidates must have   conduct research in areas of public interest, as well
          diversity/equity_inclusion. Applications should be   a Ph.D. in geosciences at the time of appointment,   as providing advice and service in the areas of geol-
          submitted online via the job listing #JPF03025 at   and members of groups underrepresented in STEM   ogy, geophysics and natural resources. One particu-
 Inquiries may   are strongly encouraged to apply. Details about the   lar area of current high interest is the recent, sig-
          be addressed to the Search Committee Chair at   Dept. of Geosciences may be found at http://www   nificant increase in Oklahoma earthquake activity.
   For more information and   The successful candidate will have the dem-
          Assistant Professor in Hydrology &   to  apply,  visit   onstrated experience and ability to oversee these
                                             Review of applications will begin on November 1.
                                                                                activities. Areas of experience that could be consid-
          Water Sustainability, University of   EO/AA/Vet/Disability Employer.  ered include an appropriate background with state or
          Pittsburgh                                                            national surveys, administration in academia, expe-
          The Dept. of Geology and Environmental Science   Director, Oklahoma Geological   rience in industry or research, or other related areas.
          at the University of Pittsburgh invites applications   Survey, University of Oklahoma  Review of candidates will begin May 1, 2019 and
          for a tenure-track assistant professor position in   Applications are being solicited for the position   continue until the position is filled. The anticipated
          Hydrology and Water Sustainability.   of Director, Oklahoma Geological Survey (OGS).   starting date is January 1, 2020. Applicants are
            We are seeking a geoscientist who characterizes   The OGS is located on the University of Oklahoma   requested to submit a complete resume, statement
          hydrologic change and evaluates adaptation strate-  campus in Norman, Oklahoma, and is under the   of relevant experience and a list of five references
          gies for sustainable adjustment to these changes.   direction and supervision of the Board of Regents   who can be contacted, including names, phone
          This colleague ideally uses combinations of field   of the University of Oklahoma. Organizationally,   numbers, e-mail addresses and complete mailing
          measurements and observations, modeling, and/or   the OGS is located within the Mewbourne College   addresses. Questions or requests for additional
          remote sensing to better understand water-climate-  of Earth & Energy, which also includes the School   information may be addressed to J. Mike Stice,
          human interactions.                of  Geology  &  Geophysics  and  the  Mewbourne   Dean of the Mewbourne College of Earth & Energy,
            The successful candidate will establish an exter-  School of Petroleum & Geological Engineering.   and Chair of the OGS Director Search Committee,
          nally-funded, internationally recognized research   The Director of the OGS reports administratively to   at (405) 325-3821, or Applications
          program  that  complements  existing  department   the Dean, Mewbourne College of Earth & Energy.   and nominations  should  be  submitted  on-line  at:
          strengths.  In particular,  the department hosts  the   If appropriate, the successful candidate may hold a
          Collaboratory for Water Research, Education, and   dual appointment as a faculty member within the   The University of Oklahoma is an Affirmative
          Outreach (https://www.water and the Uni-  College as an Associate or Full Professor. Candi-  Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and
          versity Climate and Global Change Center (https://  dates should hold a doctorate or have the equiva-  Minorities are encouraged to apply.
          www.climatecenter.pitt .edu/), both platforms for   lent experience in geology, geophysics or a closely
          cutting edge, interdisciplinary water science. Teach-  related field. Prior experience with a public agency,   Department Chair, Dept. of
          ing duties include undergraduate and graduate   such as the OGS, would be beneficial.  Geological Sciences, California State
          courses in the candidate’s area of expertise.  The objectives and duties of the Oklahoma Geologi-  University, San Bernardino CSUSB
            Review of applicants will begin on October 15,   cal Survey include the following:  The Dept. of Geological Sciences at California
          2019 and continue until the position is filled. A   • A study of the geological formations of the state   State University, San Bernardino invites applica-
          Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment, with   with  special  reference  to  its  natural  resources,   tions for a Department Chair. The position will be
          the position scheduled to begin in Fall 2020, sub-  including coal, oil, gas, asphalt, gypsum, salt,   a tenured faculty position at the rank of Professor
          ject to budgetary approval. Please apply online to:   cement, stone, clay, lead, zinc, iron, sand, road   with half-time allocated for Department Chair and
   building material, water resources and all other   half-time for faculty responsibilities. The position
          Applications should include: 1) cover letter; 2)   mineral resources.  will begin August 2020. CSUSB is designated as a
          CV; 3) research statement; 4) research statement;   • Management of the Oklahoma seismic recording   Hispanic Serving Institution and is committed to
          5) diversity statement; 6) four references; and 7)   network, and the reporting and analysis of earth-  building a diverse and inclusive faculty. Applicants
          copies of three relevant publications. Please direct   quake activity in the state.  with a commitment to serving a diverse student
          questions to the Search Committee Chair, Dr. Dan-  • The preparation and publication of bulletins and   population in an equitable and inclusive fashion are
          iel Bain,, 412-624-8766.   reports, accompanied with necessary illustrations   strongly encouraged to apply. We strive for excel-
            Information about the University of Pittsburgh   and maps,  including  both  general  and  detailed   lence, enhance diversity and foster harmony. For a
          can be found at   descriptions of the geological structure and min-  full position description, go to
          -pitt. For information on the University of Pitts-  eral resources of the state.  geology and select New Position Open: Geological
          burgh’s generous package of benefits, visit http://  • The consideration of such other related scientific   Science Dept. Chair.
           and economic questions that shall be deemed of   Assistant or Associate Professor of
            Pitt is an EEO/AA/M/F/Vets/Disabled employer.   value to the people of Oklahoma.
          Full advertisement:   The Director of the OGS has the responsibility of  Geology, Colorado College
          assistant-professor-hydrology-water-sustainability.  overseeing activities related to geological and geo-  The Dept. of Geology at Colorado College
                                             physical studies of Oklahoma and adjacent areas,
                                                                                announces a tenure-track faculty position in igne-
          Assistant Professor of Geosciences   preparation of reports documenting the findings of   ous petrology/ high temperature processes, to begin
          Smith College                      these studies, and communication of these results   in August 2020. Applicants must have completed
          The Dept. of Geosciences at Smith College invites   to individuals, agencies and the general public as   or be scheduled to complete a Ph.D. in Petrology

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