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or a closely related field, and must be able to dem- include teaching courses related to the depart- gram, and are particularly interested in those who
onstrate depth and breadth across the disciplines ment’s GIS Certificate Program, teaching courses will combine field and analytical, experimental or
of earth sciences. Possible areas of active study of in the applicant’s area of specialization, and ser- modeling approaches in their research, and who
Earth’s crust could include fluid/rock interactions, vice to the educational mission of the department will involve undergraduate and Masters-level stu-
economic geology, volcanology, and/or geohaz- and university. Opportunities exist for advis- dents in their research.
ards, among others, together with their connec- ing undergraduate research and development of The ideal candidate will enhance our existing
tions to human society. The successful applicant service-learning courses. A doctoral degree in an strengths in geoscience teaching and research by
should demonstrate innovative teaching methods, environmental science or related field is required. developing new courses and research avenues in
including the use of instrumentation, software, and/ Applicants will be expected to teach introductory igneous petrology. Broad areas of interest include,
or analytical approaches. Experiences with and a and advanced GIS courses. but are not limited to, the timescales of magmatic
future plan for the mentoring of undergraduates are Applications are due November 1 and the posi- processes, the evolution of the continental crust,
essential. Experience with Rocky Mountain/west- tion will remain open until it is filled. Applicants mantle, oceanic lithosphere/ocean island/mid-ocean
ern United States geology and acquaintance with should submit a cover letter, CV, statement of teach- ridge processes, the recycling of elements and vola-
the geologic evolution of the Colorado region, are ing philosophy, any previous teaching evaluations tiles within arc magmas and subduction systems,
valued, as are research and teaching interests that or other evidence of teaching excellence, and con- and links between tectonic and magmatic processes.
strengthen existing, or introduce new, departmental tact information for three references familiar with For details about the position, application infor-
connections with other science programs at Colo- the applicant’s teaching abilities. Please submit mation and instructions, go to the WWU Employ-
rado College (e.g., Environmental Science, Biology, applications to Ques- ment website
Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics). Appoint- tions regarding the position can be addressed to Dr. -us/job/497184/assistant-professor-of-igneous
ment can be made at the rank of Assistant or Associ- Nancye Dawers ( -petrology.
ate Professor, consistent with the current experience Tulane University is a member of the Association Review of applications begins December 15, 2019
and rank of the candidate. of American Universities (AAU). Tulane is an Equal and continues until position is filled. Please contact
Colorado College is a leading national liberal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/ADA Employer the search committee chair, Susan DeBari (debari@
arts college with a distinctive academic calendar and encourages minority applicants to apply. for questions about this position.
called the Block Plan, in which students take, and Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) in
professors teach, one course at a time. Maximum Assistant Professor, Geology- Marine
class size is 25 or fewer students. Our residential Sedimentary Geology or Structural and Coastal Science, Western
campus is located in Colorado Springs, in a varied Geology, California State University Washington University
geologic, geographic and cultural landscape at the Long Beach (CSULB) The Geology Dept. and the Marine and Coastal Sci-
base of Pikes Peak. The successful applicant should The Dept. of Geological Sciences, California State ence (MACS) program at Western Washington Uni-
demonstrate enthusiasm and intention for teaching University Long Beach (CSULB) invites applica- versity (WWU) invite applications for two tenure-
highly motivated undergraduate students in this tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professor with track, assistant professor positions with specialties
environment, making maximal use opportunities expertise in any aspect of Sedimentary Geology or in one of three fields:
for laboratory-, field-, or inquiry-based teaching Structural Geology to start Fall 2020. A qualified Coastal Geomorphology/Coastal Geohazards.
afforded by the Block Plan. candidate should be dedicated to teaching at the The ideal candidate will enhance our existing
Colorado College is dedicated to the develop- undergraduate and Masters levels and committed to strengths in geoscience teaching and research by
ment of faculty and staff who are committed to developing an externally funded research program developing new courses and research avenues in
inclusive practices in teaching, learning, and work- that will involve students. As a campus that serves coastal geomorphology, coastal tectonics and geo-
ing, and strives to increase the diversity of the col- a very diverse community, the Dept. of Geological hazards. Broad areas of interest include, but are
lege community. Candidates who can contribute to Sciences seeks candidates who, through previous not limited to, coastal erosion and sediment trans-
these goals are particularly encouraged to apply. experience supporting diverse students or their own port, delta evolution, beach/tidal morphodynam-
The College’s position on these practices can be lived experience, will be committed to the success- ics, marine geohazards, and tectonic processes that
found at: ful teaching and mentoring of all students. impact coastal zones, including uplift, subsidence,
welcome/diversity/commitment.html. Southern California abounds with world-class and tsunami generation and impacts.
The college supports active scholarship via a geologic exposures for teaching and research in the Paleoceanography/Paleoclimate. The ideal
generous sabbatical program, travel to conferences, mountains, deserts, coast and ocean all within a few candidate will enhance our existing strengths in
and internal grant opportunities. hours’ drive. CSULB is located in the vibrant Los geoscience teaching and research by developing
Please apply at: http://employment.colorado Angeles-Long Beach-Orange County metropolitan new courses and research avenues in paleocean- For more information, area, rich with universities and colleges, govern- ography/paleoclimatology. Broad areas of interest
direct questions to ment agencies and local industry that provide many include, but are not limited to, oceanic circulation
EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER: Colo- opportunities for collaboration. and heat transport, micropaleontology/paleoecol-
rado College is an equal opportunity employer Please follow this link for a detailed position ogy, the carbon cycle, and geochemical processes
committed to increasing the diversity of its com- description, list of required and preferred qualifi- that are related to climate variations on geo-
munity. We do not discriminate on the basis of cations, and explanation of the application proce- logical timescales. Tools and techniques used to
race, color, national origin, gender, age, religion, dure. Review of applications will begin October address these problems can include geochemical
gender identity or expression, disability, or sexual 14, 2019. or sedimentological proxies of climate variations,
orientation in our educational programs and activi- faculty-affairs/assistant-professor-of-geological paleontological proxies/indicators of climate
ties or our employment practices. -sciences-2556. variations, physical oceanographic data, or other
Department of Earth & Environmental Igneous Petrology, Western appropriate techniques.
Sciences, Tulane University Washington University Marine Geologist. The ideal candidate will
Tulane University’s Dept. of Earth & Environ- The Geology Dept. at Western Washington Uni- enhance our existing strengths in geoscience teach-
mental Sciences seeks to fill a Professor of Prac- versity (WWU) invites applications for a tenure- ing and research by developing new courses and
tice position to begin in July 2020. The position track, assistant professor position with specialty research avenues in marine geology with a focus on
is a non-tenured, full-time academic year (nine in Igneous Petrology to begin Sept 16, 2020. We crustal/lithospheric evolution and/or tectonic pro-
month) teaching position with renewable 3-year seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teach- cesses. Broad areas of interest include, but are not
appointments. The responsibilities of this position ing and who will establish a vigorous research pro- limited to, formation of the oceanic lithosphere and
36 GSA Today | October 2019