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crustal evolution, geodynamics of the ocean basins, Bruce D. Benson Endowed Chair in Director, Electron Microbeam
hydrothermal circulation at mid-ocean ridges, geo- Petroleum Geology, University of Laboratory, University of Wisconsin–
chemistry of rock-water interactions, submarine Colorado Boulder Madison
volcanic systems, or tectonic processes associated The Dept. of Geological Sciences at the Univer- The Dept. of Geoscience at the University of Wis-
with oceanic plate boundaries. Tools and tech- sity of Colorado Boulder invites applications for consin–Madison invites applications at the Assis-
niques used to address these problems can include the Bruce D. Benson Endowed Chair in Petroleum tant, Associate, or Senior Scientist level to fill the
geochemical analyses, geophysical methods, geo- Geology. We seek an outstanding scientist who has Director’s position in the Eugene Cameron Electron
spatial analysis, textural rock analysis, numerical a demonstrable record for excellence in teaching and Microprobe Laboratory (http://www.geology.wisc
models, or other appropriate techniques. a strong scholarly record in the broad field of petro- .edu/~johnf/sx51.html). This is a full-time, institu-
These positions will begin Sept 16, 2020. As leum geosciences. Candidates with an ability to inte- tionally-supported position. The lab houses SX51
members of the group of initial faculty hires into grate multiple specialties to solve difficult technical and SX5FE electron microprobes, a Hitachi S3400
the MACS program, the successful applicant will questions are desired. The focus of teaching and VP scanning electron microscope, and a lab man-
foster an interdisciplinary approach to teaching research can be in any aspect of petroleum geology, ager to assist with SEM maintenance and opera-
and research in geology and marine science. We such as reservoir characterization, structure and tions. The lab serves as a hub for interdisciplinary
seek individuals who are enthusiastic about teach- geomechanics, reflection seismology, petroleum scientific inquiry, providing hands-on training of
ing and who will establish a vigorous research geochemistry, or petroleum systems modeling. students from disciplines across campus. Addi-
program, and are particularly interested in those The successful candidate is expected to bridge tional departmental resources include two electron-
who will combine field, experimental, and/or to wider faculty interests, build collaborations with ics engineers and a staffed thin-section lab.
modeling approaches in their research program, existing faculty, and complement our strengths in Applicants should hold a Ph.D. in Earth Sci-
and who will involve undergraduate and Masters- petroleum geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, ences, Chemistry, Physics, Material Science, or
level students in their research. geophysics, paleontology, structure and tectonics, related fields at time of appointment. Demonstrated
To apply, and for further details regarding quali- geochemistry, geohydrology, paleoclimatology, ability and experience in the use of electron beam
fications and position responsibilities, please see geomorphology, and geobiology. The success- instruments for high-quality, quantitative analyses ful candidate will need to: develop an externally is required. Two or more years of daily hands-on
assistant-professor-geology-marine-and-coastal funded, innovative and impactful research program management of an electron microprobe lab is pre-
-science. (preferably with industry participation); supervise ferred, as is demonstrated ability to pursue fundable
Please contact the search committee chair, independent student research at both graduate and research using electron microbeam instrumentation.
Bernie Housen ( for questions undergraduate levels; contribute to departmental Applicants should submit the following: (1)
about these positions. Review of applications teaching at all levels; and provide applied training cover letter that includes your research statement,
begins October 14, 2019 and continues until the and guidance for students interested in a career in (2) curriculum vitae, and (3) the names and con-
positions are filled. the energy sector. tact information for three referees. Please apply by
This academic-year, open rank, tenure-track
Geoscience Education, California position has a start date as early as January 1, 2020. October 15, 2019 to guarantee full consideration,
although applications will continue to be accepted
State University, Fullerton A Ph.D. in Geological Sciences or a related field is until the position is filled. For more information
The Dept. of Geological Sciences invites applica- required, and we especially encourage applications and to apply, go to:
tions for a tenure-track Assistant Professorship from candidates with prior industry, research, and/ job/502003/epma-lab-director.
beginning August 2020. CSUF is a minority- or faculty experience. The Dept. of Geological Sci- The University of Wisconsin-Madison is an
serving institution, and an affirmative action and ences is affiliated with several research centers and Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer
equal opportunity employer with a strong com- institutes (EMARC, INSTAAR, CSDMS, CIRES, with a commitment to diversity at all levels.
mitment to increasing campus diversity. We seek LASP) and offers a diverse set of resources for
a geoscience educator who develops, applies, and teaching and research. Visit http://www.colorado Tenure Track Assistant Professor
evaluates new geoscience teaching innovations .edu/geologicalsciences to learn more about the in Remote Sensing/Geospatial
and curricula, as well as develops and tests geo- department, these affiliations, and resources. Technology, California State
science education research questions and hypoth- For consideration, applications must be submit- Polytechnic University, Pomona
eses. We expect candidates to show evidence of an ted through The Geological Sciences Dept. at California
existing or developing active, externally funded /?jobId=19641. State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly
student-centered research program. We seek a Applications must include statements of Pomona) invites applications for a tenure-track,
scholar who demonstrates interest and ability to research and teaching interests; a curriculum vita; ASSISTANT PROFESSOR position, beginning in
teach courses in general geology and geoscience reprints of three papers; and names and contact the 2020-2021 academic year. We invite applica-
education at various levels including: general information of three individuals who can provide tions from geoscientists whose research incorpo-
education, lower- and upper-division undergradu- letters of recommendation. rates data from ground-based remote sensing or
ate, and graduate courses. The successful can- Research statements should include a description observations from unmanned aerial vehicles or sat-
didate shall: (1) coordinate geoscience educa- of what the applicant considers to be the important ellites, and the position is open to a broad range of
tion courses; (2) help facilitate the integration of problems in their field, and how their research con- research specializations, such as natural hazards,
teacher preparation; and (3) be involved in pro- tributes to these questions. Teaching statements active tectonics, environmental geoscience, and/
gram-level assessment for our department. Appli- should address goals and approaches to instruction. or climate change. A Ph.D. in geology, geophysics,
cants should submit a cover letter containing past Review of applications will begin on July 20, environmental geoscience or a directly related sci-
and/or potential contributions to diversity through 2019 and full consideration will be given to applica- ence or engineering discipline is required. The suc-
research, teaching, and or service, CV, research tions received by September 1, 2019. Applications cessful candidate will have the potential for excel-
statement, teaching statement, and a list of three will be accepted until the position is filled. lence in undergraduate and graduate teaching, and
individuals who will provide letters of reference. The University of Colorado Boulder is commit- for developing an externally-funded research pro-
Submit materials online at: https://apps.fullerton ted to building a culturally diverse community of gram that will involve undergraduate and Master’s
.edu/facultyrecruitment. Questions concerning faculty, staff, and students dedicated to contribut- students. Teaching responsibilities will typically
the application or receipt of application materials ing to an inclusive campus environment. We are an include a mix of geoscience courses at the lower
should be sent to: Dr. Nicole Bonuso Geoscience- Equal Opportunity employer, including veterans division, upper division, and graduate levels, and and individuals with disabilities. will incorporate classes in Geographic Information 37