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            We encourage submissions that explore how biology intersects   T142. Innovations in Research of Springs and
          with geology in caves and karst landscapes over diverse spatial   Other Features at the Groundwater–Surface-
          and temporal scales. Topics may include microbe-mineral   Water Interface
          interactions, metal transport and nutrient cycling, and critical   Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division;
          zone biogeochemistry.                                Karst Waters Institute
                                                               Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Karst, Environmental Geoscience
          HYDROGEOLOGY                                         Advocates: Abraham E. Springer; Dorothy Vesper
                                                                Presentations are welcome from multidisciplinary, collabora-
             T138. Remote Sensing Applications in              tive studies of the characterization, monitoring, modeling, stew-
          Hydrology                                            ardship, management, and education of stakeholders and citizens
          Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geoinformatics   to improve the understanding of springs, associated ecosystems,
          and Data Science Division; GSA Geology and Society Division  and anthropogenic users.
          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoscience Information/
          Communication, Environmental Geoscience                    T143. Improving Scientific Literacy and
          Advocates: Richard H. Becker; Ryan G. Smith          Dispelling Misconceptions about Wicked Water
            Recent innovations have broadened the capabilities of remote   Resource Problems
          sensing in hydrology, introducing new challenges along the way.   Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division
          We encourage novel contributions utilizing all types of remote   Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoscience Education,
          sensing data to characterize hydrologic systems.     Environmental Geoscience
                                                               Advocates: Peter E. Riemersma; Peter J. Wampler
             T139. Regional Groundwater Availability            This session solicits abstracts describing efforts to educate the
          and Sustainability Studies: Advances in Methods      public about groundwater and surface-water contamination and
          and Approaches                                       supply problems. Community engagement often requires over-
          Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division                 coming conceptual misunderstandings and simplifying complex
          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Environmental Geoscience,   problems for effective communication.
          Structural Geology
          Advocates: Jesse E. Dickinson; Melissa D. Masbruch; Donald S.   T144. Hydrogeology, Hydrology, and Related
          Sweetkind                                            Societal and Environmental Issues in the Upper
            This session encourages discussion on new advances, meth-  Santa Cruz River Basin, Arizona and Sonora:
          ods, and approaches by hydrologists, geologists, and numerical   Challenges and Opportunities for Understanding
          modelers for quantifying regional groundwater availability and   and Managing a Stream-Aquifer System Subject
          sustainability in diverse regional settings.         to Climate Change and Differing Binational
             T140. Mountain Groundwater                        Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Geology and
          Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; International   Society Division
          Association of Hydrogeologists U.S. National Chapter  Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geoscience and Public Policy,
          Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Geochemistry, Environmental   Geology and Health
          Geoscience                                           Advocates: Mark W. Bultman; Olga E. Hart; James B. Callegary
          Advocates: Andrew H. Manning; Lyndsay B. Ball; Katherine H.   This is an interdisciplinary forum for all aspects of ground-
          Markovich                                            and surface-water availability, sustainability, quality, manage-
            A recent increase in the study of mountain aquifers is pro-  ment, and associated social and environmental issues in the
          viding new insights into these important yet poorly understood   upper Santa Cruz basin, Arizona and Sonora.
          systems. We welcome presentations on mountain ground-
          water across all scales, utilizing field-based, modeling, and   T145. Hydrogeology and Energy
          interdisciplinary approaches.                        Cosponsor: GSA Hydrogeology Division
                                                               Disciplines: Hydrogeology, Energy Geology, Environmental
             T141. Modeling the Hydrosphere: From              Geoscience
          Aquifers to Atmosphere                               Advocates: Andrew J. Stumpf; Grant Ferguson; Kevin M. Ellett
          Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Soils and Soil   This session seeks a broad array of hydrogeology-energy top-
          Processes Division                                   ics including geothermal, hydrocarbon-water, and other water
          Discipline: Hydrogeology                             energy issues. Preference is given to work on causative
          Advocates: Andrea E. Brookfield; Mary C. Hill; Pamela L.   interrelationships or complex interactions that govern occur-
          Sullivan                                             rence and evolution of subsurface energy resources.
            Modeling methods have evolved to include many natural and
          anthropogenic hydrosphere components and interactions   T146. Field Tracer Studies for Aquifer
          between them. We encouraged research related to innovative   Characterization
          simulation of water quantity and quality and novel applications.  Cosponsors: GSA Hydrogeology Division; GSA Karst Division

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