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          Disciplines: Geoinformatics, Geoscience Information/  Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology,
          Communication, Geoscience and Public Policy          Geomorphology, Archaeological Geology
          Advocates: Denise J. Hills; Simon Goring; Stephen Diggs;   Advocates: Stephen G. Pollock; Yildirim Dilek; Nathan D.
          Christopher Keane                                    Hamilton
            Have you ever lost access to data through loss of access,    This overarching session delves into all aspects of earth and
          degradation of media, or other reasons? How did you overcome   human processes that affect the Southwestern canyon lands with
          that? This session welcomes you to share your data rescue    emphasis on ideas and philosophies relating to the geology and
          stories and workflows.                               ethnology of the Southwest.
                        T172. Information Systems and the      GEOSCIENCE INFORMATION/
          Geological Sciences: Reaching for the Future         COMMUNICATION
          Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics and Data Science Division
          Discipline: Geoinformatics                              T176. Tell Us What Is New in Your Library,
          Advocates: Mary C. Hill; Suzanne A. Pierce; Basil Tikoff  Information Center, Company, Organization,
            Geoscience defines our world. Data, information, models, and   Research Institution, or University!
          visualizations can make the world more accessible, understandable,   Cosponsor: Geoscience Information Society
          compelling, and pervasive, and help create workable solutions. We   Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
          encourage presentations on the future of digital data in geoscience.  Geoscience Education, Geoinformatics
                                                               Advocate: Emily C. Wild
          HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY                                Do you have successes (or failures) you would like to share
          OF GEOLOGY                                           with others? This session is an opportunity to discuss what is
                                                               new within your institution’s collections, instruction, space,
             T173. History of the Study of Climate Change      outreach, mapping, data, and scholarly communications.
          and Its Causes
          Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;   T177. Innovative Tools for Mapping,
          History of Earth Sciences Society                    Modelling, and Sharing 3D Geological Data:
          Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology,      Drones, Photogrammetry, LiDAR, Virtual, and
          Paleoclimatology/Paleoceanography                    Augmented Reality
          Advocates: Joanne Bourgeois; Eric J. Steig           Cosponsor: GSA Geoinformatics and Data Science Division
            From the recognition in the 18th century that climate changes,   Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
          historians and scientists have examined the evidence for such   Geomorphology, Structural Geology
          change and its causes. We encourage historical treatments of   Advocates: Antoine Triantafyllou; Benjamin R. Jordan;
          climate-change studies from the Precambrian to the present.  Christopher J. Crosby; Ramon Arrowsmith
                                                                This session aims to provide new insights into the use of
             T174. Great Concepts and Controversies in           innovative tools for 3D geological mapping and modelling, from
          Geosciences since Steno’s Introduction of the        new methodological approaches to challenging geological case
          Principles of Stratigraphy in 1669                   studies/field acquisition, data interpretation, and distribution.
          Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;
          GSA Sedimentary Geology Division; GSA Structural Geology   T178. Geologic Maps and Their Derivatives
          and Tectonics Division; GSA Mineralogy, Geochemistry,   (Posters)
          Petrology, and Volcanology Division; GSA Geochronology   Cosponsors: Association of American State Geologists; GSA
          Division; GSA Geophysics and Geodynamics Division; History   Geoinformatics and Data Science Division; GSA Planetary
          of Earth Sciences Society; The Mineralogical Society;   Geology Division
          Association for Women Geoscientists; SEPM (Society for   Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
          Sedimentary Geology)                                 Economic Geology, Engineering Geology
          Disciplines: History and Philosophy of Geology, Tectonics/  Advocates: Richard Berg; Harvey Thorleifson
          Tectonophysics, Paleontology, Diversity, Extinction, Origination  This poster session will highlight new geologic maps, map-
          Advocates: Yildirim Dilek; Victor R. Baker; Michiko Yajima  ping programs, and innovations in geological mapping, includ-
            In celebration of the 350th anniversary of Steno’s publication   ing data management, Web accessibility, 3-D, and applications
          of Prodrumus (which led to Principles of Stratigraphy), we wel-  in water and land management.
          come contributions discussing the evolution of significant con-
          cepts/controversies and how our current dialectic thinking is   T179. Evidence-Based Theory and Practice of
          driving future concepts/controversies in modern geosciences.  Science Communication in the Geosciences:
                                                               New Methods, Avenues, and Audiences
          T175. Geology and Ethnology of the Canyon Lands      Disciplines: Geoscience Information/Communication,
          Cosponsors: GSA History and Philosophy of Geology Division;   Geoscience Education
          GSA Geoarchaeology Division                          Advocates: Lisa Lundgren; Gabriel-Philip Santos

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